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Phishing attempt

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I just received a call from someone today about how they have been receiving texts and calls from my number even though I've never called or texted them. How do I stop that from happening again?

I don't want to get in any sort of trouble. 


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Sounds like Scamers are spoofing your number. I had a family member who had this happen to. It lasted about 2 months. They would get calls from people thinking that they called them. Some of them can be very rude about it thinking that there talking to the scamers. Would recommend not answering any calls that you don't recognize and maybe change your voice mail and saying something like scamers are spoofing my number please don't leave a message unless you know me. So not to have your voice mail filled up with unwanted messages. 

Mayor / Maire

Regrettably  it happens quite a bit. I would just ignore them. Don't answer or reply.

Eventually they will stop. 

You could block the number in your phone.

If it really bothers you alot and you don't mind losing your phone number, you can change to another number. Under my Account, profile tab. Only thing is it may happen again. 

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