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PST Charges for Connection in Alberta - I moved from BC to AB and still use the same number.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I moved from BC to AB and still use the same number and noticed that I am also paying PST. Will I continue to pay PST even though my billing and profile details have everything Alberta ? 


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you so much. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@ViPublic - You tax is based on where your phone number resides.

You can get some 403 numbers in the southern Alberta (Ponoka, Red Deer and south) and 780 numbers north of Ponoka.

There is also 587, 825 and some 368 numbers in all of Alberta.

If you live in Calgary I bet 368 will give you the least amount of telemarketers because 368 was released to everyone on April of 2022.

Or you could buy vouchers from Sobeys, Shoppers & Canadian Tire.

Mayor / Maire

@ViPublic  Your tax rate is based on the area code of your phone number . , a trick for you would be to buy payment vouchers in Alberta and load them on your account *611 so you pay Alberta tax rate and keep your BC phone number . Only other way is to change your number to Alberta area code number 

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