10-27-2019 12:13 AM - edited 01-05-2022 09:34 AM
10-27-2019 07:37 AM
@CMOADMIN It is likely you live in BC? It's important to remember public mobile works on the eastern time zone. Whenever 11:59pm et is quoted (renewals, flash sales, add ons etc...) in bc that means 8:59pm pt. Also you will note in your usage history your texts will be recorded at et. but your calls will be recorded at real time...in your case Pacific time.
10-27-2019 12:24 AM
@CMOADMIN If your plan was up for renewal and your phone is still working you can ignore this message. The temporary plan suspension although confusing is a normal part of Public Mobile's renewal process and in many ways it's best to simply not monitor the account during the renewal process.
If you are not familiar with the Public Mobile renewal process the temporary suspended status could easily cause concern and panic and and cause the customer to take uncecessary actions (Making onetime payments) that ofter result in account suspension possibly requiring moderator intervention and uncessary downtime.
The way the PM renewal process works is as follows:
1. Plan will show "expired" sometime before midnight.
2. Rewards get converted to available funds at midnight, rewards reset and account shows Suspended (temporary).
3. In the early hours, if there any available funds they are credited first then if necessary the AP credit card gets charged to cover the plan cost renewal.
4. Plan gets renewed and the account status changes back to Active.
10-27-2019 12:21 AM
You will see all different warning on the night before your renewal date. The warnings alarm new customers. As long as your service is working right now and you have available funds or are on autopy, your plan will successfully renew overnight.
10-27-2019 12:20 AM
@CMOADMIN wrote:Why am I seeing this before due date?
This is normal scary warning on the evening of your payment due date Oct 26.
Ignore this warning if your phone is still working.
10-27-2019 12:18 AM - edited 10-27-2019 12:18 AM
@CMOADMIN wrote:Why am I seeing this before due date?
It's probably time zone difference. If your renewal is tonight, ignore the message if your service works. Service will only get suspended if payment fails when Public Mobile tries to collect payment in the middle of the night.