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No SIM card sent , but paid for it.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi, I  need instructions here to start a 2nd phone account at Pub.Mob.- since I'm looking for instructions on where my SIM card is, or if it's an eSIM card- I need info for correct activation instructions for a 2nd phone.

Basically a real person can solve this quickly and NOT these 'BOTS' . Real people are good and helpful !

I am amazed how much time and effort it takes to give Public Mobile money  !



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks Ken, yes I knew about self-serve. This website designer must have been thinking of ' self-abuse' when putting together this unbelievably poorly designed site. My 1st SIM card never arrived, but the 2nd one did. 

Thank you for your input- detailed and helpful.

Some of these suggestions are made by people who don't even carefully read the original questions- Probably to earn points ! ?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Agreed Ken, PM. is self service. I like that style for simple things, which this is. Unfortunately some times like this are not. You have filled in blanks in logic that this website unfortunately does not address. I thank you for your contribution. I didn't know using different browsers will help. I've never heard of this before, except 30 years ago, when the internet was young and new. Why Pm. programmers can't resolve this is probably deliberate, so this style of customer service will drive business to more expensive providers like Telus. Why would the owners of this business want to improve when they can charge 3x more elsewhere ?

I agree Ken, this should not be complicated. Most problems can be solved with good script, that real people have carefully and succinctly thought out. A programmer watching (sitting beside) a new customer flounder, asking questions, seeing frustration, are all steps to provide stellar service, and designing a platform to serve people and not 'corral' them into frustrating  steps that provide no logic.

Especially puzzling, since I've been a program designer, knowing 7 different languages before- I understand something about security and debugging and testing programs. Programmers generally- top-notch ones that is- spend more time testing out programs and new code. It's just part of their job.

Thanks for pitching in, nice chatting with a real person!  Alex and Luis in CS - are helping now !. Well done guys...

HI @donk444 

maybe you download the wrong app? the app can be removed

eSIM only works on phone that has eSIM capability, so you need to check youself.

and what os is yours? the app only work on Android 8 or more  if you have an Android

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Great Handy1 - Thank you for your message. I missed it earlier, trying to contact someone. Someone at PuB.MOB. should review this website. SO many problems would be solved if it were in print, instead of relying on a 'BOT'.

This is for a spare phone that I want. BUT they don't say anywhere that eSIM cards do not work on 5 yr.old phones- which this is. So you can't download the Pub.Mob. APP either- won't work on it.

AND the app that is displayed on the Public Mobile APP page, not only asks for a credit card to be entered !! ( What for ? it doesn't say ), BUT worse- it installs some apps that can NOT be removed !.  Check it out, maybe I'm wrong, but something doesn't seem right. Thanks for your attention and re-reading my email-problems. ! Cheers, Don.

Mayor / Maire

@donk444  Just re read your message . To start a second account you need a new sim and a different emails than you used before but both account can use the same credit card . But the need to be two separate accounts with their own email .

Mayor / Maire

Well @donk444 I'm sure you are FULLY aware that Public Mobile is a self serve service. Purchasing SIM cards directly from PM needs SERIOUS improvements. 

With regards to opening a second account, do not use the same browser, use a different one if possible. If your primary browser for your current account is Chrome, then use Firefox or Edge for the second account. There are technical issues that come up with the cache that can cause a lot of grief. 
Good luck.

Mayor / Maire


SIM. Card can take up to 3 weeks to arrive .if you need one sooner try calling local Telus Koodo stores for in person pick up or order from Amazon .otherwise reach out to support for a status up date for when it shipped and when you can expect it . Or if you can get a credit for buying a new SIM card .message support directly

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