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New phone - no data

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

How do I make a post??? I need help. Got new phones last night (new to us) and they won't pick up the data so only work on wifi??? The X is giving me the most grief. Any help please?? 


[Title changed ...... Luddite]


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Forsure I'll post here if and when it's figured out 🙂 

@Rache115 wrote:

Yes the seller has been awesome 🙂 she will return my money cause she is the one who blocked the phone and unblocked it if we can't get it working 🙂 

Well, that's cool. If, as @darlicious  has said, and the possible wait is 72hrs., you may be in luck yet. Let us know what happens....

@Rache115 wrote:

The public site is saying my phone has been reported locked or stolen so ... I called bell myself and in fact this phone was confirmed yesterday not lost or stolen but it hasn't been taken off the black list for PM yet. Any idea how long this takes? 

The database that provides the information for the official website can take up to 48 hours to be updated according to that site. 

"It can take up to 48 hours from the time someone reports a device as lost or stolen before it is added to the Blacklist and blocked from participating Canadian wireless networks. As a result, even though a device is not on the Blacklist, that device may eventually be placed on the Blacklist and be blocked by participating Canadian wireless network carriers at a later time."


It also works in reverse. When a phone is reported stolen, the IMEI can actually come back as clean and get blacklisted later.



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes the seller has been awesome 🙂 she will return my money cause she is the one who blocked the phone and unblocked it if we can't get it working 🙂 

@Rache115  If you've remained in contact with the seller and they've removed it from the list you're probably in good shape....just thank your lucky stars that a few days of inconvenience is a small price to pay for what could have been a very expensive lesson.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I just don't want to think I paid for and got a phone that isn't gonna work 😞  

im hoping the black list is checked before 72 hours ugh 😩 

@Rache115  It can take 72 hours for a blacklisted phone to be taken off the the list. Be patient will work eventually.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Bell will unlock for any one. Not sure if they will un blacklist for any one......likely not. Go back to seller...that is if seller is original owner and not a seller of stolen phones. 


Always ask seller if they are original owner and do the blacklist check before buying. Buying a second hand phone is better if seller has original packaging with matching imei number. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Verify black list, Canada, here.

Only 2 imei checks per day. 


Carrier unlock has to be done by carrier where originally purchased. They contact Apple to unlock. 


Verify unlock by doing a full restore on iPhone using iTunes with phone connected to computer. “If” it is unlocked the last page in process will give you an unlocked message. No still locked to carrier. 

Maybe Oracle @computergeek541  can delete your pic with personal info.

@Rache115 wrote:


So the phone has been unblocked yesterday 30+ hours ago. I have called bell myself and now there is an unlock sent to Apple to see if it can be rectified. So basically because this phone was reported lost public most still have it black listed ?? Can anyone help?? 

There isn't anyone who can help you with this here. Only Bell can unblacklist a phone that they blacklisted and only the seller can help you with issues with a used device that you purchased.

@Rache115  I'd suggest you edit your post to delete the picture as this is a public forum and everyone can see your personal information (name and other person's name)


To do so click the 3 dots on top right of your post and click edit.


You will also have to click your badge at top right then click "my profile" scroll down to your pictures and delete it from there as well.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

The public site is saying my phone has been reported locked or stolen so ... I called bell myself and in fact this phone was confirmed yesterday not lost or stolen but it hasn't been taken off the black list for PM yet. Any idea how long this takes? 

@Rache115  You have already tried a bell SIM in the phone and it works. That shows it's been locked to bell. Call the lady that you purchased it from and ask her to get the unlocking code. This is separate from it being "locked" for being lost/stolen. Once you get the code enter it and test your pm SIM card to to see if you have service.

@Korth wrote:

Pay out anything still owed towards the iPhone (if you haven't already), then request/demand the unlock from Bell. Your only alternatives are to ride out the rest of the purchase contract with your locked iPhone on Bell, transfer/sell the contract to someone else, buy a grey-market unlock service on ebay, or (in some.provinces, with original receipt, within 10 days of purchase) return the product for full refund (in a small-claims court, if need be) as an "unsatisfied" customer under Canadian Consumer Law.

Uhm, if you read more of this thread, you'd see that the OP bought this phone from someone else, that has a Bell account.

Pay out anything still owed towards the iPhone (if you haven't already), then request/demand the unlock from Bell. Your only alternatives are to ride out the rest of the purchase contract with your locked iPhone on Bell, transfer/sell the contract to someone else, buy a grey-market unlock service on ebay, or (in some.provinces, with original receipt, within 10 days of purchase) return the product for full refund (in a small-claims court, if need be) as an "unsatisfied" customer under Canadian Consumer Law.

@Rache115 wrote:

Still nothing on the phone and it's been 24+ hours. Gonna ask for my money back if I can't get some help or recommendations:( 

Public Mobile is prepaid. No refunds. If phone is having issues due to black listing that is not Public Mobiles fault. Do you have another phone you can use for time being?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Still nothing on the phone and it's been 24+ hours. Gonna ask for my money back if I can't get some help or recommendations:( 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes the lady had forgotten she had a block on it months ago cause they thought it was lost. Now it's still not working. Waiting till this afternoon to wait out the 24hours


@Korth wrote:

@CannonFodder wrote:

@Korth wrote:

The newer iPhone is a premium device purchased through a carrier subsidy? Of course it's carrier-locked!

The OP said that the phone was "unlocked" and "unblocked", in the 1st post, on this page of this thread.....

I did read that. But (no insult intended) I've seen and heard it be wrong too many times on these forums. Too many people have been confused, deceived, or misled by vendors.


This is definitely the case, just because the customer service rep (when you call in to get the device unlocked) tells you it is unlicked, it doesn't really make it unlicked. Actually I believe that the rep is not lying but is misinformed. Companies do have right to lock the device for 3 months to ensure you don't run off with it and they do use that right. They don't have to go ahead and unlock it for you unless you ask. Locks don't expire by themselves

@CannonFodder wrote:

@Korth wrote:

The newer iPhone is a premium device purchased through a carrier subsidy? Of course it's carrier-locked!

The OP said that the phone was "unlocked" and "unblocked", in the 1st post, on this page of this thread.....

I did read that. But (no insult intended) I've seen and heard it be wrong too many times on these forums. Too many people have been confused, deceived, or misled by vendors.

Easiest way to prove/disprove whether a phone is carrier-locked is to try out one or two SIM cards from other carriers, then try out another SIM card (not your own) from the same carrier.


No need to buy a bunch of SIM cards. You can borrow them from friends and family (if they allow it). You only need a few minutes with each, enough time to restart the iPhone and see whether it can send or receive calls/texts.

@Korth wrote:

The newer iPhone is a premium device purchased through a carrier subsidy? Of course it's carrier-locked! Probably through eSIM treachery. It won't work with a SIM from PM (or any other carrier) until it's unlocked.


They're required by law to fully unlock it on request and at no charge. You can play innocent and claim you're planning to use foreign SIMs while travelling outside Canada. Or you can play hardball and simply demand they comply with the Wireless Code to avoid a complaint to (and fines from) the CCTS. Bell absolutely cannot and will not offer anything better than PM prices, so it's your choice how much time you waste haggling with their retention department.

I'm not sure that it would have been/should have been locked.


Bell is not allowed to lock the devices and it was locked, they had to lock it the second the customer left the retail store after the intiital purchase or when they shipped it to the original customer.  Subsidized/on-contract or not, it shouldn't be carrier locked.

@Korth wrote:

The newer iPhone is a premium device purchased through a carrier subsidy? Of course it's carrier-locked!

The OP said that the phone was "unlocked" and "unblocked", in the 1st post, on this page of this thread.....

The newer iPhone is a premium device purchased through a carrier subsidy? Of course it's carrier-locked! Probably through eSIM treachery. It won't work with a SIM from PM (or any other carrier) until it's unlocked.


They're required by law to fully unlock it on request and at no charge. You can play innocent and claim you're planning to use foreign SIMs while travelling outside Canada. Or you can play hardball and simply demand they comply with the Wireless Code to avoid a complaint to (and fines from) the CCTS. Bell absolutely cannot and will not offer anything better than PM prices, so it's your choice how much time you waste haggling with their retention department.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Ugh I'm just freaking out .... it's so much money to lose if it doesn't work.  I guess she wouldn't still be talking to me if she was gonna stiff me tho right 🙂 


Might need to wait the 24 hours until Bell completes the unlocking and removing phone from blacklist

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

So only wifi works on this phone. Nothing else .... 

no iMessage no talk to incoming or outgoing calls 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes bell told her it could take up to 24 hours. Does that seem normal? Do you think it will just work or will we have to keep resetting etc 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Tried both that 😞 

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