11-20-2023 03:00 PM
Hi, I just switched to public mobile on November 7th. This morning I received a notification that I can get 20gbs on 5G for 34$/month. Once I switched I got charged on my credit card again. How to get a refund for that ?
11-20-2023 09:25 PM
@Meisamsa wrote:Yes, it's great. 5G speed.
@Meisamsa , you might like this plan even better. It is a 4G speed plan, but with 30GB data. All else equal, I prefer having 10GB additional full speed data on tap over trying to make do with heavily throttled data when the 20GB is used up.
11-20-2023 08:31 PM
Yes, it's great. 5G speed.
11-20-2023 08:28 PM
do you like the plan?
11-20-2023 07:10 PM
They fixed it. Very satisfied
11-20-2023 04:45 PM
When you ported over to PM, which plan did you go for?
If you switch to another plan from the original plan you signed up for and if you click on switch plan “Now”. You will be charge for the 2 different plan. You won’t be charged for 2 different plan if you switch to the later plan on your “Next Renewal date”.
If you were charged twice for the same plan then contact a CS_Agent for a refund.
11-20-2023 03:34 PM
@Gwanzi Not necessarily. There aren't any refunds for changing your plan early. All they can hope for is a goodwill gesture, which is possible but not guaranteed. But yes, they need to contact PM directly to ask.
11-20-2023 03:32 PM
I am also new consumer of Public mobile, but I think you had better ask refund from help of agent or representative, they will set an available fund in your account.
11-20-2023 03:24 PM
11-20-2023 03:22 PM
I didn't see that part. But I am sure that I didn't have the option to change it on renewal.
11-20-2023 03:18 PM - edited 11-20-2023 03:19 PM
Did you change it by logging into your account? Or did you respond to the text? If via the app/web you absolutely get a choice to renew now or at renewal, and if you choose the former it gives you several warnings.
11-20-2023 03:09 PM
It didn't give me the option. I just made a ticket. Hopefully they will refund my money.
11-20-2023 03:07 PM
HI @Meisamsa
you shouldn't get charged immediately. If you said Yes, it will schedule the change on your next renewal date (Dec 7 if your last one was Nov 7)
Please login My accoount using Incognito/Private/Secret mode on your browser to confirm if you still on your old plan. Go to Change Subscription page and you should see a pending change scheduled.
If any problem, please submit a ticket with CS agent by messaging here:
11-20-2023 03:04 PM
@Meisamsa , you should have had the option to switch to the new plan on the next renewal. If you decide to switch immediately then you forfeit the remainder of the ongoing plan cycle. You can reach out to support to see if they will reverse the charges and set the plan change to the renewal date for you.