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NEED HELP!!! payment processed but didn't reflect on acct

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I just paid my mothers bill but it did not reflect on her service, the money is out of the account and it shows the payment processed on her recent payments on public mobiles end but the service is still asking for another payment to activate service. PLEASE HELP!!!!


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

As @wetcoaster said, if she still has service then it sounds like the system is just showing false warnings on your account that will go away within a day's time. If she's lost service then you should definitely private message the @CS_Agent with the phone number, pin and other account details in question so they can restore service asap. Remember, don't post your details here as this is a public forum.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Her account does have auto pay as she does not have a credit card so I make the payments from my card, however I made the payment and it reflects the full payment on my card and the public mobile recent payments shows the payment went through but the account is still inactive and is asking for another full payment.

If today is your plans renewal date and you still have service, just relax and ignore the message.

I know that it's not ideal, but it's the way the system works its way through the process.


I personally avoid looking at my self serve account during renewal and would only reach out to the mods if I lost service, or, on the days after my credit card statement shows actual charges that don't corelate with my PM account.



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@CS_Agent please help.

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