‎03-06-2024 02:39 PM
For the first time since joining PM in the fall my phone (iPhone 14 pro) is showing 5g+ today. Is this new for PM or did the 5g plans always have this? I’m not in a different location than I normally would be. I did a speed test and it was 263 Mbps. Wonder if this has anything to do with the recent upgrades they were working on?
‎03-12-2024 07:18 PM
I too noticed , just this week, that my iPhone 14 Pro is now showing 5G+ and I too am in the same location which used to only show 5G . Keep it up Public Mobile . Now we just need wifi calling added 🥰.
‎03-06-2024 11:20 PM
Interesting. Thank you that is helpful info.
‎03-06-2024 05:40 PM
Just a software thing, as sadly has happened many times in the past where 3G/UMTS/HSPA is actually 4G or "4G+" on some phones, 5G appears even if you're not on 5G but on a LTE site that can anchor to one, etc. etc.
‎03-06-2024 05:32 PM
This is most likely caused by the iOS 17.4 update if you want a bit more info there's a thread in reddit about it on the public mobile sub reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicMobile/s/LUMpQ8QmPI
‎03-06-2024 04:51 PM
Darn, that’s too bad. Was hoping we were going to get even faster speeds!
‎03-06-2024 02:42 PM
5G+ only means 3500mhz 5G coverage. The icon 5G+ does not mean you get up to 1Gbps speed like the "5G+ plan" , up to 1Gbps, with Telus. Also, with PM a tier 3 provider, I doubt we are getting 1Gbps anytime soon