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My account

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I paid $120 to my account this last December, supposedly leaving me with a credit of $71 after the overdue payment was made. My account is still showing a credit of $71 after the January payment should have been already taken out & leaving me with $22 or $23 left on credit.

Can you please help me to clear this up?



You mentioned an overdue payment. If your service was suspended a few days until you made the $120 payment then your 30 day cycle started on the day you made the payment. Check your transaction history for that date and count forward 30 days to your new renewal date. It should match what your overview page says in top right corner.

Mayor / Maire



Perhaps you're aware, but Public Mobile doesn't bill by Calendar month, they bill on 30-day rotating cycles so one's renewal date will constantly be shifting by a day every few months.


Did you go through TWO complete renewals, yet your Available Balance remained at $71?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Account checking can be verified by supports only so send a direct msg to CS_agent to get this clarified.


Hope you didnt lose your service.

Mayor / Maire

@Zara2 wrote:

I paid $120 to my account this last December, supposedly leaving me with a credit of $71 after the overdue payment was made. My account is still showing a credit of $71 after the January payment should have been already taken out & leaving me with $22 or $23 left on credit.

Can you please help me to clear this up?

@Zara2  - we are not Public Mobile representatives and do not have access to your account.


But, if you can perhaps post a screenshot (no personal info. please) of your payment history and provide what plan you are on we could perhaps help. 

Not applicable


go sign in to Self-Serve, to review your account, you have at Available Funds: $$ has the amount left, leave it for next bill cycle the will take it from there automatically,

depends on your plan cost the amount will be left and also will be collect from your Autopay if needed the amount cover your plan, is will be automatically,


to help you to clear this up? you need to told us more info about your plan also how much at Available Funds: $$




@Zara2 When is your renewal date? Do you currently have service on your phone?

I am not a mod. Do not send me private message with your personal info.
If you need to contact PM Customer Support Agent, send a Private Message.

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