12-03-2022 06:53 AM
Is everything contained in the 'Personal' section only viewable via the account owner (myself) /and Public Mobile?
Because inside the 'Personal Information' tab, it doesn't say it's only viewable to yourself *except* for the 'Private Notes'. Does that mean that anybody can see my name/title/location, etc? Only Public Mobile agents? Only specific fields?
12-03-2022 01:04 PM
Only if the other person knows your user ID and password.
Members here won’t see all your info.
12-03-2022 10:10 AM
No, nobody except PM staff and account owner can see private info on account.
Clicking on other user you can see when he/she joined Community and few other Community stats but that is all public anyway.
12-03-2022 09:51 AM
@CanadianPerson0 the page has the following fields but we , other, see none of those
First name, Last name, Title, Location, Personal web page, Biography, Private notes
In terms of what other can see, we basically just see your Community rank, Posts count, solutions count, Bravos given and receive count. We might also see your online status depends on if you have leave it enabled
12-03-2022 07:01 AM
Yes, it is only accessible to the user when logged into their OWN community account.
You can test this by searching other users profiles.