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Missed Payement

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

@All   So, last night i was charged in my account for my phone bill, but I didn't have sufficient finds in my checking account, so the payment did not go through, and my account is on hold now, i am trying to just pay it manually now, but there seems to be no option whatsoever to pay the subscription fee and reinstate my subscription on the website or app, is there a workaround that anyone else knows of?
Thanks in advance.


@Ardavan1by1 wrote:

@5haon my renewal was today and my credit card number is being changed and as such the payment was missed. I went to the link you posted to resume my account but the plan I was on no longer exists because it was a Christmas promotion. Is there any ways I can resume the same plan without losing the benefits of changing to a regular plan?

Missing payment by a few hours doesn't cause any changes to your plan.  When service has resumed. you'll have the same price plan as before.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

@5haon my renewal was today and my credit card number is being changed and as such the payment was missed. I went to the link you posted to resume my account but the plan I was on no longer exists because it was a Christmas promotion. Is there any ways I can resume the same plan without losing the benefits of changing to a regular plan?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

@eddieO, Thank you very much my friend, you have been a lifesaver to me!!

Mayor / Maire

@5haon The option to do this seems to have disappeared from within the account but you can access it below:

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