02-17-2023 12:37 PM
My homepage says account suspended
Payment was made AND on my homepage (below suspension message) it clearly shows that my account renewed.
Can you rectify ?
02-17-2023 02:38 PM
@Leela31 - we are customers and members like you here on the forum, not public mobile representatives. So we cannot access your account, but we can try to help identify the issue so you may be able to get services up and running....which begs the question, are any of your services (calling/texting in/out or data) working ?
If not working and when you are in My Account, if the amount owing is showing something needed to pay, then you will need to make a manual payment equal or above that amount, the hit the Reactivate button to get Active again.
02-17-2023 02:32 PM
@Leela31 What do you mean locked out of account since you mention seeing the account suspended message? While autopay can occasionally fail and then you need to login and Reactivate the account by making a manual top up, it's also normal to see the suspended message on renewal day which can be ignored if your phone service is working and that message will disappear anytime.
02-17-2023 01:07 PM
02-17-2023 12:43 PM
If your renewal date is tomorrow, everyone account is suspended/expired until the next cycle is completed so just ignore it if service is working.
02-17-2023 12:42 PM
Please try to reboot the phone first and test the service
You might want to login My Account using Incognito/Private/Secret mode and check if the status is showing active. Sometimes, you could be reading the cached info if you don't use the private browsing mode
02-17-2023 12:39 PM
Auto pay can fail
To make payment and reactivate plan .. if you know PIN number you can *611 with a voucher and *611 no PIN needed . You can also do this by by calling 18554PUBLIC . otherwise log into self serve make manual payment and reactivate service and or update credit card if necessary
My account
Legend and features
Change plan / update cc /auto pay
Account #/ change # port /swap SIM
If you still have service and your plan renews today / tomorrow you can ignore this suspended notice