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Issue with MMS from Android to iPhone

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Hey guys, 

I have a quick question. I was wondering that whenever we try to send a message from Android to Android, who has RCS messages activated, they can receive the MMS, which can be a photo or a small clip. But, when I'm trying to send a message from Android to iPhone, like the MMS which can be a photo, but they do not receive it! I was wondering what's the main reason for that, from iPhone to Android or vice versa! 


@Shubh2023 wrote:

Suppose when I am sending a MMS (photo/short video clip) from Android to Android (RCS), the person received it!

Why doesn't it work that way, from Android to iPhone or vice versa

Only the SMS and MMS protocols are universal.  Both RCS and iMessage are operating system dependent and only certain devcies using specific software can receive them.  When using Google Messsages or iMessages, ensure that the SMS and MMS options are enabled.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Hey guys, 

Suppose when I am sending a MMS (photo/short video clip) from Android to Android (RCS), the person received it!

Why doesn't it work that way, from Android to iPhone or vice versa

Any suggestions are appreciated! 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I will try it and let you guys know here! Thank you 😊

Can I use RCS chats with Apple’s iMessage?

While you get many of the same benefits as iMessage, they are different messaging services. Conversations between someone with Google’s RCS chats and someone with Apple iMessage are sent through SMS/MMS.

(I found this message in the Google messages help desk)

@Shubh2023  One item I saw said go to Message settings (assuming Google Messages) then General, then RCS Chat then turn off RCS.  Whether that will address the problem I have no idea but it should be easy to try.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Oh I see, if that's the scenario, I'm not sure how to turn off the RCS, just to send the MMS to iPhone device. It works just fine with Android and whenever I'm sending it, I usually do it over my cellular data rather than my Wi-Fi because I have a lot of data from Public Mobile mobile, so it's easier for me to use it whenever I want to! 

@Shubh2023   I read that you have to turn off RCS in order to send as SMS/MMS, so that's why I wondered if that was the problem with sending to iPhone.  Of course for MMS you also need cellular data turned on and not wifi.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Hey, as far as I know RCS is mostly Android thing and the normal texting which we do in between Android to Android goes through RCS, if you have the latest version of the Google messages. 

If you are trying to send a message to iPhone, it doesn't work and in iPhones, it will show you that it's a green message, which many iPhone users do not like! So, whenever you are sending a photo or a SMS from Android to Android and they have the RCS, it will just go as a normal message and they will receive it instantly, whereas if you send a normal message or an MMS to a iPhone device from an Android, they have a issue where they just see your messages as a green bubble and they do not receive our MMS.

It has happened with a lot of people with whom I have been talking and they have an iPhone device so that is why I wanted to come here and ask people, if they have idea what's the thing and how it can be solved! 

Mayor / Maire

@Shubh2023   RCS and MMS are not the same thing.  When you are sending to iPhone users do you turn off RCS?   I don't know much about it since when I had an Android I didn't use RCS.

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