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Immediate Subscription change

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Subscribed today for $15, no data plan, & shortly afterwards, decided I should just pay the extra $5 for 2GB data, a subscription offer that ends today, 25 July 2024.  However, since I haven't received my SIM yet, it seems haven't finished my registration and I can't make changes on the account (despite the page that says I can make changes anytime!).  Further, I haven't been able to contact the CSRs whose hours are, they say, are something in the order of 10 a.m. to 8:00 pm (at a guess; I saw them somewhere but getting back to them hasn't been straight forward for me).  My fault, I suppose, for changing my mind so quickly.  If nothing else, though, as an initiation it kinda makes me wonder about having an account with strictly on-line help.  No offence meant to the other user people who do help.  



you won't be able to sign in as you haven't fully activated your account with the sim card

So, instead of open ticket using the Chatbot which you tried already, you will need to engage support by direct message.  Please use the link here:
**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on the top right) after ticket submitted, CS Agent will reply to you there           

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks to all repliers.  I'm impressed with the rapid community help!  Also to all, I may be doing something wrong but, yes, I've tried to talk to an agent.  So far, though, it hasn't seemed to be going anywhere.  The chatbot asks if I'm a customer (Yes), wants me to sign in (I am already) & it doesn't seem to matter whether I try to sign in again or select "Continue without signing in", the bot carries on and, even though manage my account is one of the available options to click, I can't actually do anything &, so far at least, I don't see an option to somehow get the attention of an actual agent person.  Again, I appreciate your responses.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


did you try reach out agent by message as suggested above?.  You haven't started the plan yet, they will help

I fully understand. However, you have to remember this is prepaid, not postpaid. Because you already prepaid for the service, you COULD change to the new plan now but you'd pay the $19?? I think it is on top of what you already paid. If this was postpaid, it would be a different story. Once again, I tried the lowest package just to try the service when I first started 5 years ago to make sure it worked in my areas of interest. Home, Work and Play. And well, 5 years later I'm still here and now helping on their forums. Go figure. 

But since you haven't actually started your account, have you actually tried to reach out to a CS Agent to help change it to the account you want. It is in my opinion you can still change it since you haven't started it yet nor have the SIM card. Give it a try if you haven't. Bottom right corner is the chat bot and enter Customer Service. Then follow the prompts. They should reply to you here on the forum tomorrow. Just keep an eye on this site often and keep refreshing to keep the conversation going. Reply as soon as you see the message. Hope this helps. Let us know if it worked out for you. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

That's certainly true and I did see that advice to somebody else in my search for a way to make the change.  As noted, however, not being able to contact a CSR right away may well mean I get to pay more for as long as I have the account.  Even of I did use my cell phone often (which I don't), the whole reason for choosing Public Mobile was an attempt to get the best bang-for-buck.  While I admit it was my own fault in changing my mind about which plan was/is best suited for my anticipated use, not being able to make the change is also not the best customer service.  I guess you get what you pay for ... or don't pay for.  Still, it's a sad introduction.  Just sayin'.  Thanks for your rapid reply.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

still possible to change plan without waiting for another month.   Ask PM to help.  You might want to open ticket using direct message:

Mayor / Maire

Hey @rokat 

What you can do is once you've finished signing up, go into upgrade plan and pick that plan you really want and have it start for the next month. Sure you may not get 2GB of data this month but at least you'll have a phone and be able to test the service to see if it suits your needs. 

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