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I got the wrong add-on

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I'm on a 15 day talk/text US roaming.  Yesterday, hoping to prevent a lapse in service I added on another 15 day plan realizing that they would overlap.  Then saw that I'd gotten data, not talk!  Can I get that $10 credited, and how do I prevent lapse in service?  The usage page only shows unlimited and not when it expires though if I remember correctly I purchased the plan November 3rd.  So technically I suppose it expires the 18th at midnight.

Anyway, I just want to be credited so I can use that toward the talk and text.


Thanks,  Timmie


@timmie A hassle indeed. I used to try and time my add-on purchase so it expired late at night, say around 10:00pm. Then I'd message @CS_Agent that night, in hopes that they'd respond by the time I woke up in the morning. Thankfully incoming texts will still work without an add-on. No outgoing texts, and no calls though.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

THAT HELPS... BUT WHAT A HASSLE!  OOPS caps...  just trying to avoid a lapse in service while roaming.  I put a ticket in.  Thanks Mr. Mayor!

Mayor / Maire

You can speak to a Public Mobile Customer Service Agent and they can go forward from there.

Mayor / Maire

Send a direct message to @CS_Agent to see if they'd be willing to refund it on a goodwill basis.

Regarding the re-buy of the same add-on, typically you need to wait up to 24 hours to buy it again. To get around that you can send a message to @CS_Agent and ask them to manually do it for you.

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