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How many GB do I have left?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
  • My Data & Add-Ons

    If a feature is not listed below, it may have been fully consumed and no longer available for use.

    I'm new to using data.  Recently I felt like I was using a lot, so I checked my usage and here's the result.  It looks like I still have 8 GB left.  Am I right?  I think I just used up my 250 MB that comes with my $15.00 per month plan.
  • Data & Add-OnsAmount Used
    $0 Free Holiday Giveaway: 400min INTL Long Distance (incl CA & US)
    8  /  400 MIN
    100 Minutes Canada-Wide Talk
    53  /  100 MIN
    1GB Add-on
    0  /  2048 MB
    1GB Promo
    0  /  1024 MB
    500 min Canada-Wide Long Distance
    10  /  500 MIN
    5GB one-time data bonus
    113.995  /  5120 MB


Ah, I got it now!


Some data add-ons SHOULD be used first before others, for example the ones given as new customer incentives are generally lost of the plan gets changed so they should automatically be the first data add-on the get used. Not certain that actually happens but presumably it is the way it happens. 



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


I am not the OP, I was answering your question regarding which add-on gets used first.  The OP had "5GB one time data bonus" which was being used before his other add-on and is the same name as the recent bonus I received for the BC/AB texted opt-in.  My "5GB promo data addon" is what I got for signup bonus.  I also got the Holiday Giveaways.  Since I haven't used any of them all I don't know which will get used first 😞  ... nor does it matter to me.



So you must have wiped the 5Gb add-on out. You look to have bought 2 of the 1Gb add-ons and you have the two gifts from last Christmas: the 400 minutes of International calling and the 1 Gb add-on.


<edit> Assuming I am still talking to the same person....only the name has changed to protect the innocent....



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


The "5GB one time data bonus" does seem to be from this recent BC/AB promo as a previous signup bonus I had was listed as "5GB promo data add-on".



Is the 5Gb data add-on the one you may have just received (if you are in BC or Alberta) or has it been on your account longer, maybe from a New Customer sign up bonus? I’m always curious about the order that data add-ons are used in. On my account it seemed like the newest add-on lands at the top of the list and gets used first. I’m not certain if an add-on that has begun to be used will be fully consumed before another one will be tapped into or if one could have bits used out of numerous data add-ons at the same time.



Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Thank you for taking the time to answer my question and clear this up for me.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Looks right. if you have wifi at home and work, set up wifi only for not important apps so you can save you data.

Mayor / Maire

@ecowen  You have used up 250 MB and 114 MB from your 5GB data bucket. You are correct you have approximately 8GB left.

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