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How do you speak to an actual person at Public?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I want to see if Public will match a competitor plan. I just made the switch and not even 2 weeks later the previous competitor has a FAR superior plan for a better price. I will switch back if Public doesn't want to match. 



usually the 'ol bait and switch routine. They'll offer a good plan enticement...but it's only valid for 1 year, then you pay regular costs, usually much higher that the enticement !

@Andy85 wrote:

Hi @Brandon123,

Sorry to hear that you made the switch to Public Mobile only to find a better offer elsewhere.

Clearly the OP got a win-back offer from their previous postpaid provider. Those plans are not available to the average loyal customer (I assume that the OP had a reason to switch to Public Mobile?)...

So, the OP's gamble paid off - good for them!

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Hi @Brandon123,

Sorry to hear that you made the switch to Public Mobile only to find a better offer elsewhere. Keep in mind that you pre-paid your Public Mobile plan for the month so it might be convenient to wait until your current cycle ends just to get your full money's worth. If the competitor's offer is for a limited time only, you might want to switch now and your Public Mobile account will cancel automatically. 

Another thing to consider before switching though is the fact that Black Friday deals will be announced shortly. It was be annoying if you switch now and then realize that Public Mobile has an amazing deal that available. One way or another, it is a risk to switch or stay so you need to make the decision the is best for you. Public Mobile always has new plans so keep an eye on them. Maybe they will eventually have a great plan and you can switch from your existing plan whenever you wish!


Just port your number over to the new carrier and your account will automatically close/cancel but there are no prorated refund on unused days.

@Brandon123   Successfully Porting your number out of PM will automatically close your account and you won’t be charged again 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

How do I cancel? 


@Brandon123 wrote:

I want to see if Public will match a competitor plan. I just made the switch and not even 2 weeks later the previous competitor has a FAR superior plan for a better price. I will switch back if Public doesn't want to match. 

If you have found a better deal than what PM is offering that is great for you.  PM will not match other plans, they only offer what they have listed in their plans.  There isn't a customer retention department, and no way to "negotiate" a price match.  If you do switch before your plan is up, just a heads up that there is no prerating of plans either so you will not get a refund for any unused portion of your plan with Public


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Mayor / Maire


Unfortunately, you can’t speak to a live agent or price match.

Everything is done by private messaging so type away.


Mayor / Maire

There's no individual price matching at Public Mobile. You can log into "My Account" and see if any of the just added offers are suitable for your needs and schedule a plan change for next renewal.

If you want to port back to your previous provider (or change plans immediately) be aware that you'll forfeit any remaining funds and services of your current plan, as Public Mobile is a prepaid service.

Mayor / Maire

@Brandon123  sorry there is no live support everything is done online . But PM won’t match they only offers what’s on the website or in your account plans change page . But to contact support here’s the link 

send a  private message   To CS_Agents

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