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How can I earn rewards from community

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen



how can I earn rewards from the community and how to reedem those rewards as credit to my phone plan?.






@softech   Lol...perhaps, you meant to say "ironic"?

@Alexandf wrote:

, if you don't know not answer,




@Alexandf   I have to admit, out of your 360 posts so far (and a lot more from alll your other accounts)  , this line is the BEST one.

Just need to folllow 

Mayor / Maire

I am assuming you are under the new rewards? Follow the points above, to be honest even if you spend only one or 2 days a week for a few mins each time, that should be enough to get you the 1 or 2 points per month, just don't clutter it up with stuff that won't help or a ton of ask a CSA and you will get rewards in no time.

Mayor / Maire


To earn rewards:

1- Read the OP inquiry carefully

2- Post your answers base on experience to the problem or review previous solutions and post the your recommendation

3- Earn bravos based on your recommendations 

4- Earn solved solutions from OP

5- If you are the top 1% = $15/15 points

top 5% = $10/10 points

top top 10% = $5/5 points

top 25% = $2/2 points 

top 50% = $1/1 point

6- Giveup your day job!

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


you saw a question you know the answer then answer it, if you don't know not answer,


How to Use


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