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Getting Error on Porting mobile number from FIDO to Public Mobile

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


I am trying to port my mobile number from FIDO to Public mobile and i have provided all correct informations on the "Check Availability" page but getting following error messages on clicking Continue button.

Could anyone let me know anything about it.


Your Old Service Provider rejected your transfer request. Common mistakes:

  •   • Account Number doesn’t match Old Service Provider records
  •   • Equipment Serial Number doesn’t match Old Service Provider records
  •   • Security PIN doesn’t match Old Service Provider records
  •   • Alternate Contact Number format (should be 10-digits, no spaces, no dashes)
  •   • Did not check the “I am authorized…” checkbox
      Please review and correct your entries, and click “Submit”




@nooresadaf wrote:

Still not working and i tried without puting Altername Number and now I am getting Required Field error.

IIRC, this error is triggered by mixed secure and insecure content and how some browsers drop insecure content on https sites.  Use IE and enable insecure content.  That may help.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Still not working and i tried without puting Altername Number and now I am getting Required Field error.


@nooresadaf, it is a bug in the system.  Try using account number only, no dashes or special characters, just the alpha numeric sequence without spaces.  Check the I am authorized radio button first before entry.  These strategies maximize the chance of success, but it is still not foolproof.


If the following do not help, I suggest you wait until the weekend when the current promo has ented.

Please try these:

  • clear your browser’s cache/cookies and restart your computer
  • use a different browser, or private/incognito mode
  • turn off any popup/ad blocker
  • no punctuation signs, commas, apostrophes, dashes in the activation form
  • pay attention to any field length limits, and if you have a long name(s) enter short ones; do not enter middle names
  • be sure your postal code is entered WITHOUT spaces
  • choose any valid Canadian number that is not your own as “Alternate”


  • do not request the port-in during activation; take a temporary number, log out, confirm all services are active, log back into your account and select Transfer Number under Change Phone Number


When porting:

  • do not use any identifier except your account number EXACTLY as shown on your bill; it is the best item for any port-in request


  • do not make any errors in the Authourized User; this must be EXACTLY as it appears on your bill


  • click "I am authourized ...." BEFORE you entering your number (courtesy imm1304)

  • do not cancel your account; that will happen automatically

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.
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