04-10-2021 11:04 AM - edited 01-06-2022 01:43 AM
I want to buy a flip phone, and use PublicMobile as my provider. Is that possible?
Also, I want to keep my same number. How do I do that?
Solved! Go to Solution.
05-17-2021 04:54 PM
05-17-2021 04:52 PM
Finally all set up!!! Thanks to all of you who has helped over these last months!!!
05-17-2021 04:31 PM
I realize that not all smartphones have unremovable back covers but given the conversation with the OP it was likely ( and was the case....no pun intended) that they didn't understand it came with a sim slot tray vs the sim slot being under the battery.
I mean really sometimes you are preaching to the choir.😎
05-17-2021 04:22 PM
Thanks but I didn't have to take it off after all. 🙂
05-17-2021 04:20 PM - edited 05-17-2021 10:29 PM
@darlicious wrote:What model is the samsung? Is this a smartphone? If so the back doesn't come off. There will be a sim card tray along the top edge of the phone or possibly on the side with a little tiny hole to insert a sim pin or a paper clip.
A phone being made by Samsung or being a smartphone does not mean that the back cover does not come off. To this day, there are still a few relatively current models (including Samsung Android smartphones) that still have removeable back covers and batteries.
While the model that the OP has doesn't have a removeable back cover, there's no absolute universal design.
05-17-2021 04:08 PM
Yes, the one to set up the account. Ok, I'll continue with that later.
Still waiting for sim to finish updating. It's been almost an hour now, and I cant pull up messages or anything else until it's done.
05-17-2021 03:52 PM - edited 05-17-2021 03:53 PM
That's great!
The text? Was that the porting authorization text or the 6 digit code to set up your self serve account? That one doesn't expire.
05-17-2021 03:39 PM
Thank you so much!
05-17-2021 03:24 PM
Got it to work! Hubs did put in wrong. The text came in but I assume it's expired, so will try later to set up my account.
Right now the phone shows the SIM card is updating. It's been doing that for awhile while. How long does that usually last?
05-17-2021 03:18 PM
This should be the user manual for your flip phone...
05-17-2021 03:05 PM
@Benni2021 : If the Bell SIM in the Samsung is still all working and active then I would leave it be. You can get the confirmation text on it.
Your flip phone should work. I would concentrate on figuring out why it's not yet. I'm still wondering about the SIM slot in it. From what I can find, one of the slots is not compatible with this place. Make sure the SIM is sized right and fitted right in that slot 1 of the phone that is 3G compatible with this place.
05-17-2021 03:00 PM - edited 05-17-2021 07:25 PM
Just carefully snap the correct size out. Align the sim card to fit in the sim card tray ( note there is one corner of the sim card that is cut diagonally). You can then snap the larger size frames back onto the sim card to fit into larger sim slots/trays.
Public mobile tri-cut sim card.
Note how the sim card has to align with the tray. ( Fido card used as an example because its deactivated.)
05-17-2021 02:46 PM
I have SIM card adapter kits if you do not have the original pieces that I can give you. You can also try a Mobile Shop as no doubt they throw them away. They are all the same.
05-17-2021 02:43 PM - edited 05-17-2021 02:43 PM
Yes as @Anonymous mentions...if you look at my flip phone it takes the full size sim card. I have to snap the pieces back together (when using a smaller size sim card in my back up flip phone) and very carefully slip the larger size sim card into the slot so that all of the pieces of the tri-cut sim card stay together. This often takes a few attempts snd there may or not be profanity involved.😉
05-17-2021 02:25 PM
@Benni2021 : Were you able check on the slot in the flip phone? Is that the one you think might be wrong? I think the flip takes a bigger size. The Samsung probably takes the smallest. The sizes are snap-out-able...carefully. Yes it's important to orient them the right way. There's usually some kind of symbology there to indicate which way.
05-17-2021 02:21 PM
I tried the ejector pin again and it worked. Yay! But the new SIM card is too big for the bell slot. I've called someone to come over and help with this. My hubs may have put the card in wrong. Shhhhh, don't tell him I said that.
05-17-2021 02:13 PM
I can take the photos, edit, mark up and post faster than I can one finger type those 1000 words!😃
05-17-2021 01:59 PM - edited 05-17-2021 01:59 PM
@darlicious : Love the 1000 words. The OP has a Samsung A70 that appears to have the slot on the upper left edge. Not top. They also seem to have a Ushining Uleway 3G flip/seniors bla-biddy-blah phone.
05-17-2021 01:52 PM
Heres a how to remove the sim card from a samsung smartphone...
And how to remove/install on a flip phone ( Alcatel).
05-17-2021 01:38 PM - edited 05-17-2021 01:38 PM
@Benni2021 Make sure you insert to the Sim slot hole not the mic.. it's a common mistakes for my friends
Video for A70
05-17-2021 01:33 PM
@Benni2021 : You need to push just that little bit more once you contact something inside. Not too hard and make sure it's straight. Make sure it's not a mic hole. You should see that there's an oval shape. It's on the upper left outer edge.
05-17-2021 01:27 PM
Samsung phone is a Galaxy A70.
I've got an ejector pin to use, when I push it into the hole, nothing happens. There's not any kind of opening, along the sides, to allow for anything to slide out the card.
05-17-2021 01:07 PM
What model is the samsung? Is this a smartphone? If so the back doesn't come off. There will be a sim card tray along the top edge of the phone or possibly on the side with a little tiny hole to insert a sim pin or a paper clip.
05-17-2021 01:06 PM
@Benni2021 : Can you check that the SIM is in slot 1. I think it's a dual-SIM phone.
05-17-2021 12:58 PM
I don't know how to change the settings, looked through them all and it's not listed there.
I searched for getting the back off a new Samsung and it's too involved. So, I can't insert the PM SIM in the bell phone.
05-17-2021 12:40 PM - edited 05-17-2021 12:40 PM
What is the brand and model of your bell phone? There is usually a trick to prying the back off.
05-17-2021 12:38 PM
@Benni2021 probably it's Bell's trick to get you stay with them. .LoL
try harder to take the back off. It happens for old phones. many of them are really hard to take the back off.
05-17-2021 12:37 PM
Did you activate with a temporary number? If so test your new phone with the bell sim card to see if it works.
05-17-2021 12:37 PM
@Benni2021 : Perhaps the settings need to be changed to 3G/WCDMA/UMTS/HSDPA to see Public Mobile. Perhaps it's on 2G.
05-17-2021 12:35 PM
The SIM card is still in the Bell phone.
We can't get the back off the Bell cell to give it a try. Seems that Samsung is gluing on the backs of their new phones.?? Weird!
Why wouldn't it work on my flip phone, I bought the one that was recommended here?