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Extra Data Charges

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi All

I was charged $40 in extra data without my consent.  I didn’t think they could automatically charge you, rather you would just run out of data when you reached your max. 

I have sent in three customer service requests and not heard anything back. 

what can I do now? 


@Margey wrote:

Hello! How long does it typically take for an agent to respond to an email? I’ve been trying since Friday with no response! 

There is any way to contact a Public Mobile customer support agent by e-mail.  If an e-mail message is sent, there won't be any reply because they won't get it.  If you're referring to private messagees to CS_Agent on this Community website, response time can vary depending on volume of customer requests.  At this point, I would recommend opening another ticket, but if you didn't already use this method last time, that chatbot needs to be used to open all tickets.

hi @Margey 

typical time is within 2 to 4 hours.

But remember PM does not reply via email but to the Community inbox.  Check here

if no reply, I would wait till tomorrow morning and then them another message and ask for update.  Use this link

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hello! How long does it typically take for an agent to respond to an email? I’ve been trying since Friday with no response! 

@Margey wrote:

Yes I think this is what happened. The phone is for my ten year old and he accepted the charges which he shouldn’t be able to do! Is there any recourse? 

@Margey There is no way for PM to know that the phone was being used by a 10 year old, nor is there a way for PM to prevent him from accepting charges to the account. Going forward perhaps remove your credit card details from the account (you need to go through customer service to do this). That way if it happens again there will be no payment method to be charged. Of course this would mean you would have to go in and make the payment every 30 days just prior to the plan expiring.

@Margey Your recourse would be via your son, unfortunately. By entrusting him to a cell phone, this is a risk you accept. You could always plead your case by sending a direct message to @CS_Agent, but I wouldn't count on any refund.

Side note, but what plan are you subscribed to? Lots of newer plans have huge data buckets these days.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Yes I think this is what happened. The phone is for my ten year old and he accepted the charges which he shouldn’t be able to do! Is there any recourse? 

Mayor / Maire


would you be kind enough to screenshot the charge which shows “extra data”?

We would all very much like to see what this charge looks like.

… and it may help us help you better 🤞

Mayor / Maire

@Margey wrote:

Hi All

I was charged $40 in extra data without my consent.  I didn’t think they could automatically charge you, rather you would just run out of data when you reached your max. 

I have sent in three customer service requests and not heard anything back. 

what can I do now? 

Just adding something nobody else has. They reply via this mailbox here. I bring this up in case you thought they'd email you. If you don't reply to them within 48 hours of your request for help, they close it and you have to start again.


Mayor / Maire

If/when you run out of data Public Mobile may send you a text offer to purchase more data. All you have to do is respond to the text to confirm the data purchase.

By chance does someone else have access to the phone? Or access to your account to be able to login and purchase data add-on's?

Mayor / Maire


when is your regular plan renewal date ? When you activated your account you provided a credit / debit card for payment and Subscribed (Autopay) is turned on by default unless you disable it. Then when your regular renewal occurs, it takes $$ then. If you don't want it to happen automatically, you can go into your account and disable Subscribed...but you''ll have to manually pay at renewal day.

Mayor / Maire

PM will NEVER charge you for going over the data limit as it is not possible. As soon as you use al your data your internet will just stop.

Most likely something else has occurred like you or somebody with access to your account purchased some data add-on or similar.

Mayor / Maire


You will need to wait until they reply back so click on your avatar then in Messages.

In any case, the extra charge will remain as credit in your account to pay next month bill if the charge is posted in your CC statement.

But you can ask for a refund when you respond to the message.

Mayor / Maire

@Margey Seems like something has gone wrong. What is showing on your account for purchases under payment history? As prepaid, you are correct that when you run out it stops. There is no provision for PM to charge for overages. Something else must be going on.  Did you try a direct message to PM support. Try the link below if not:

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