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EverSafe won't convert my PM account "Invalid Email" on form validation.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hey.  Did anybody else using a 5 letter TLD get converted?

My email is in the format of but the Eversafe Form won't accept anything past 4 characters on the Top Level Domain.

i.e. works, works, works. Even name@domain.toda passes validation.  As soon as I type the y to finish "today" the address is invalid.

Anybody find a work around?


Proton Mail? Did you read their policies? Privacy policies these days are elusive though. Things still get hacked.
So are you not able to continue using the .today address? Or is it that you're trying to change to it.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@computergeek541 wrote:

@EversafeSux wrote:

Hey.  Did anybody else using a 5 letter TLD get converted?

My email is in the format of but the Eversafe Form won't accept anything past 4 characters on the Top Level Domain.

i.e. works, works, works. Even name@domain.toda passes validation.  As soon as I type the y to finish "today" the address is invalid.

Anybody find a work around?

The only work around that I can think of is to use  a different e-mail address.   Unfortuantley, contact a Public Mobile customer support agent wouldn't be able to make EverSafe accept an e-mail address that the software considers invalid.

--Answer: Because it's more confusing that way.

Yes there are some disconnects in the process.  Might take a week to get resolved.

--Question:  Why should replies be kept away from the parent comment?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

And that's my problem...Worked with PM for I have been EverStopped from upgrading my account.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks I tried that before asking for community input.  But given that PM agents can't fix Telus' product I am hoping someone had a workaround.  (I am looking at using the web developer add ons in my browser to override the disable when the address gets too long.)

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I read Gmail's privacy policy and it is incompatible with my work...

It won't work because my PM account is linked to the existing email address.  I never needed to connect since they "upgraded" accounts.


Mayor / Maire

What an interesting find. Amazon has a .amazon name amongst many others. And the entry field tells you right away typing anything that as soon as you type past those 4 characters that's it, invalid. Not even saving. It's live-filtering the entry.
Yeah good luck getting support to do anything about it. Maybe they can pass it on to the high schoolers doing the tech around here and they'll scratch their heads and ignore it. Like so many other things around here and Telus.


@EversafeSux why dont you get a free Gmail address and use that? if you don't want to keep checking Gmail, you can set up a redirect rule for all PM emails to your mailbox 

@EversafeSux wrote:

Hey.  Did anybody else using a 5 letter TLD get converted?

My email is in the format of but the Eversafe Form won't accept anything past 4 characters on the Top Level Domain.

i.e. works, works, works. Even name@domain.toda passes validation.  As soon as I type the y to finish "today" the address is invalid.

Anybody find a work around?

The only work around that I can think of is to use  a different e-mail address.   Unfortuantley, contact a Public Mobile customer support agent wouldn't be able to make EverSafe accept an e-mail address that the software considers invalid.

Mayor / Maire

@EversafeSux  Please submit ticket with support 

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