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Downloaded e-sim without knowing it'll be a new PM number, but I need to keep my current PM number!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi there, URGENT help needed. I am leaving Canada in a few days for four months and I need to keep my current PM number! 

I downloaded e-sim tonight thinking my current physical sim PM number will just stay the same. Once I realize it, I did not go through the installing process on my Pixel 7, but did get an email from PM telling me a sim card update to a new number. 

I absolutely need to keep my current number! How can I switch back and/or transfer the current PM number to the e-sim? Please help!  


@gracelyn1 wrote:

No, you were absolutely helpful and answered my question! I followed what you said and successfully solved my problem! thanks for helping! 

@gracelyn1 , you’re welcome.

Thank you for letting me know. I was worried you may have had issues installing the eSIM so I waited half an hour longer just in case. My eSIM installed fine on my iPhone but I am not familiar with Android phones anymore. Some people have had issues when trying to install an eSIM. Happy to know that we both did fine. 🙂

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

No, you were absolutely helpful and answered my question! I followed what you said and successfully solved my problem! thanks for helping! 

@gracelyn1 wrote:

Yes I did change to the 15 plan started the next payment cycle, but thanks for the reminder! will keep the monthly autopay going while I'm gone

@gracelyn1 , I didn’t suggest anything other than what you asked for help with. Sorry! 😞 Although I was half asleep when trying to help you between 3:30am-4:30am!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes I did change to the 15 plan started the next payment cycle, but thanks for the reminder! will keep the monthly autopay going while I'm gone


Good point about losing the promo. Your option will work too.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@BKNS27 wrote:


I would also you switch to the $15 plan on AutoPay/Subscribe to keep your old number while you are away for 4 months.

If you disable AutoPay/subscribe longer than 90 days. You will lose your old number for non-payment.

So keep up with your monthly payment while you are away.

There is a potential problem with this - @gracelyn1 's current plan may not be available when she returns. If it were me I'd suspend my account for a couple of months, then subscribe for a month, then suspend again for the fourth month. 

Mayor / Maire

@gracelyn1  Just checking - you do know that you won't be able to use your PM number outside Canada (except for the US with a roaming add on or Canada/US plan?).

Mayor / Maire


I would also you switch to the $15 plan on AutoPay/Subscribe to keep your old number while you are away for 4 months.

If you disable AutoPay/subscribe longer than 90 days. You will lose your old number for non-payment.

So keep up with your monthly payment while you are away.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

You're amazing!! 

@gracelyn1 wrote:

So my phone number won't change and I can continue to install the e-sim on my phone now? Oh that's a relief. Thanks so much!

@gracelyn1 , correct your phone # won’t change unless you picked a new phone # or signed up for a new account!
Yes, you can continue to install the eSIM on your phone.
You’re welcome 🙂

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

So my phone number won't change and I can continue to install the e-sim on my phone now? Oh that's a relief. Thanks so much!

Mayor / Maire

@gracelyn1 wrote:

Hi there, URGENT help needed. I am leaving Canada in a few days for four months and I need to keep my current PM number! 

I downloaded e-sim tonight thinking my current physical sim PM number will just stay the same. Once I realize it, I did not go through the installing process on my Pixel 7, but did get an email from PM telling me a sim card update to a new number. 

I absolutely need to keep my current number! How can I switch back and/or transfer the current PM number to the e-sim? Please help!  

@gracelyn1 , if you signed into your public mobile account on the app on the phone that you want to install the eSIM onto your SIM Card will no longer work & your account will update from your SIM Card # to your eSIM # on it but your phone # will stay the same.

Unless you signed up for a new account with a new email address & eSIM and chose a new phone #.

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