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Downgrade subscription

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

How can I cancel my subscription and join to the minimum payment?


@HamidShah  You would have to port the number out and back in on newly created account as I previously indicated in my first reply 

adding @HamidShah  because you can’t transfer phone number from one public mobile account to another public mobile account 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I just need to move to 23$ plan how can I do it while I save my number 

Mayor / Maire

if you need to keep your phone number ,you will need to port your number to another provider and then port back in after couple days

or if you don't care your number, then just cancel the subscription from My Account->Payment->Manage Subscription and disable Subscribed there.  The subscription would then stop at the end of the current cycle

Mayor / Maire

@HamidShah  Turn off auto subscribe 

Turn auto subscribe off/on



Then you can create new account with new sim and new email to get the desired plan with new phone number , but if you want to keep same phone number you have to port your current number out of PM and then port it back in on newly created Public-mobile account are the only two options . But if you port number out no need to turn off auto subscribe because you need the account active to port number out and once it’s successfully ported out it will  automatically close the account for you 

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