12-20-2023 08:26 AM
I recently ported out my phone number from PM to another provider and I can't tell if my existing PM plan/subscription/payment etc. has been cancelled or not.
I hope it has, and I assume it has, but I want to make certain.
(The reason I can't tell is because now when I click 'My Account' nothing happens... No new page loads, it doesn't show me my account info, plan, bills, payments, etc. etc., like it used to. I ASSUME this means it has all been cancelled, but I'm asking because I want to be certain, because I don't want to be charged again!)
Many thanks
12-20-2023 08:29 AM
Yes, after you ported out, your PM account will be closed (ie, plan cancelled as well). And Yes, you won't be able to login
Since account is now closed, PM won't be charging you again. You might just want to keep an eye on the credit card but should be good