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Changing plan.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I am 1 month into a subscription and would like to change my plan for a new offering.  Would I get a pro rated refund on the remaining 2 months of the old plan?  


Mayor / Maire

@98_vbs_ab  You get two options, change on renewal or change immediately.  There is no pro-rating for an immediate change but you can select change on renewal now while the plan is still available then in two months it will switch.  You don't have to wait until close to the renewal date to set up a future plan change.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@98_vbs_ab - You won't get a refund / partial refund since Public Mobile is PrePaid. You can change it on renewal & once your plan expires, you will automatically get charged the new plan without losing the rest of the month / 90 days. 

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