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Cannot purchase a plan with credit card

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I tried this since yesterday with multiple cards, even my friend's credit card, it looks like the system just doesn't recognize the payment at all. Then I moved to the APP on my phone and tried it, but it did not work as well with an error said it cannot verified my credit card 

I tried to reach the support but seems like no one is online at all times, what should I do with this case? 



@Enigmaing Sorry, really don't know what else to tell you.

This has been months now. PM is aware, obviously not in a great rush to fix.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes I did, I cleared out all the cache and gave all the permission to the app, but it still shows neither credit card verification failed or bill address do not match, which I checked multiple times they are the same 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yeah I am on the newest version now 

HI @Enigmaing 

can you try again using the Public Mobile app?

and turn on Location permission on the app before you test

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I tried again today with your solution here and it looks like I still cannot pay for the card...

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

If you are an existing customer with Auto Top Up set up with your existin credit card, then it should work. Don't try to go out and add another credit card. 

Clear the cache and start again. I use my laptop as the app was clunky when I tried just 2 hours ago.


@Enigmaing weird that you continue to have issues. There is an announcement just today from Public Mobile that they have updated the app to make it more user friendly 😌.

Can you check the app to see if maybe you need to update it? Maybe that might help. Good to the app store find the public mobile app and check for updates.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

sorry looks like that did not work as well 

Mayor / Maire

Some customers reported location permission has to be granted so try that too beside clearing cache and delete all app data.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Okay I would try it 

Mayor / Maire

@Enigmaing yes sorry, this had been on and off for sometime now.

Try to go back to the app and clear the cache, uninstall the app and install again.

Please ensure that your postal code on the credit card matches what you are putting in today.

All support is through tickets,  no live support.

If this doesn't work, you can purchase a Vanilla Prepaid MasterCard from the store and use to start.

Unfortunately,  I have also seen issues with these so no guarantees that will work either.

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