07:09 PM
- last edited on
12:38 AM
My phone was lost. The person who brought it back to me seemed to have changed the sim to match it to their own telephone number. As Such, I was receiving and sending texts, but no phone calls. To make a long story short, they did not get back to me for over a week. I decided to buy another sims to solve the problem.
I got my new sim, put it in, and activated it in my profile. I received a message confirming that my sim has been confirmed and everything is good. But now, nothing works.
I reset the network which the chatbot had suggested, it was a useless idea.
I then turned the phone on and off - this time, I toggled Airplane- Started the phone on airplane mode, then chose Public mobile network manually.
restarted phone again. Still not working. After all that, I am able to make calls and receive calls. But still,
I am not able to send or receive txt.
Those useless people who are working for Public mobile do not bother with tickets.
Even though I keep getting messages from emails telling me that they usually get back to us in 30 minutes.
Does anyone know what the next step is?
10-19-2022 06:42 PM
Great explanation! I have a possible idea/reason for your issue that the Roger's rep touched on about the texts not being able to be sent. Another customer had a similar issue but had no services working despite reprovisioning and a new Sim card. For whatever reason the issue stemmed from the features in the plan being "switched" off. After much brainstorming and presenting a theory to a diligent CSA who read all the notes on the account by the tech department they were finally able to resolve the issue by rebuilding the plan feature by feature.
It was explained in layman's terms as this....if you look at a plan as having features that have to be switched on or off depending on the plan price like the old $10+ "build your own plan" that pm used to offer..... ie. If you have the $25/1gb plan
It sounds like this is where the problem lies with your plan as you have also said in your reply. That is exactly how plans are set up. The average CSA would not understand nor know how to check your plan for this missing feature as it's on the technical side of things so unless they know what to ask the tech department to do or look into the from the CSA's side everything looks fine because they cannot "see" that the "switch" is in the "off" position.
Hopefully being armed with this explanation (and a link to your thread and this post) the CSA can open a ticket with the tech team and they can resolve the issue.🤞
If that does occur and your plan goes back to normal I would ask for a credit for your missing access to a basic plan feature and all of the frustration and time spent trying to troubleshoot on your own with a lack of initiative on the CSA's part to try and solve the issue with your pm service. While you cannot get a credit for your wasted time and effort you can for the time the technical glitch affected your service and account.
If your account is $40 or less I would ask for a month's credit to be added to your account. Of course what you feel is appropriate compensation is up to you alone. If it's a reasonable request and it is refused then ask for it to be escalated. Any refusal to escalate or compensate should be met with a response of you will file a complaint with the C C T S to resolve the issue for you. It's a last resort and I highly doubt you will need to take it that far....
10-19-2022 02:16 PM
Hello mr or mrs Maire,
FIRST OFF: I don't link finances with phones. I find this idea crazy. - too vulnerable. My son loves it. The funny thing is, financially, he is among the top percentages in the country. I am at the bottom. Yet, I am the one not using my cell for finances.
Basically, every step that has been suggested to me, in those communications I received, has been done. Simply because I have been troubleshooting with Simon the chatbot and regular google searches.
Since this problem has consumed my time for almost two weeks now. The worse part is that while I was experiencing this problem, the support department could not see any problems on their part. Since everything looked good, nothing else could be done. Frankly, Simon the chatbot was a better help than them.
I spoke to the man who had my phone, hence why he brought it back to me. When I was having problems with receiving and making calls. All my calls were being diverted to the same man who had my phone. Through a search online, I got the idea to check the sim card since call forwarding option was not the problem. When I checked the sim card on my cell phone and my account online, I found both of them had the man’s phone number which I found out is a TELUS number as well. This means he is a Telus client. – We are on the same network. So, I changed His cell number to my cell number in both places.
When I activated my new sim card online, strangely, after activation of the new card, my account was showing this man’s phone number once more. I changed it online but forgot to change it physically on the phone. When I could not receive or make calls, I checked my cell phone and found out that even the cell phone had reverted to this man’s phone number, hence why this time when I called my cell to test the line, I was getting this man’s voice mail. – WITH THE NEW SIM CARD.
The mismatch between my phone and the account no longer exists. Mind you even though my phone had this man’s telephone number and my account had my cell number, I received an email from public mobile telling me everything was good and I am all set to go.
Basically, after I changed the sim card, I was back to exactly where I was before I got the new sim. The email situation has been the same even with my old sim card.
My son told me that his wife who is also a client of Public mobile had the same problem two years ago. But she could receive texts, but she could not send them. He asked me to do a test to see if I am able to receive text. He texted me, and I got it. One of my nieces in Montreal texted me, I got her text as well. So, now my son spent four hours today trying to help me with the phone settings even though he knows, his wife was not able to get help from support with her problem. So, as far as my settings go all is well.
He sent a text from his cell to me but through the app called "signal" to troubleshoot my phone's signal. I was able to receive the text, but when it came time to text him back the app signal showed that my network is showing that I am not set up to send texts. JUST LIKE HIS WIFE. I am using a ONEPLUS, she is using a SAMSUNG. So, now just like his wife, he set me up with a different app so I can send text. So, now when I get a text, I got to go to signal, to reply. I will do that for now, until sometime next year. Then, I will change carrier.
I hope now you have a much better understanding of what had transpired so far, I have spent more than one week online trying to find a solution for this problem, with no success. I went as far back as 2019, many, many, many people are experiencing the same problems over and over again. Sadly, support gives the same answers over and over again.
Even the ones that say solved, when you spent time reading them, you cannot find the solution. For instance, my daughter in law, closed hers as solved. But her problem with Public Mobile’s network which she was told by a Rogers’s tech who is a friend and was not trying to sell the service, remained the same. This ongoing problem along with the issue where we are having problem accessing our account online, is with the network.
Thanks to all for trying to help out. I will use signal, and stop wasting time on this issue.
Take good care all
10-19-2022 06:09 AM
I'm a little confused when you said the man changed the Sim card to his number. Did he swap out your Sim card for his? Accidently? Did he also happen to be a public mobIle customer? Have you checked on your financial accounts? Just to be safe check on all of those kind of accounts, change passwords etc...
Back to your phone....forget about all the Sim stuff up until you received the new Sim card. Did you activate a new account? Or perform a Sim swap in your self serve account? Either way it sounds like your card needs to be reprovisioned to your account. This is why your features are not working properly. The first CSA should have recognized the problem and reset your account and reprovisioned your sim card to it.
This post may help you with customer support if you wish to send a private message.
10-19-2022 12:30 AM
Thanks for the explanation, now we understand your situation.
It would have been easier for you to just change the SIM card number in your account so the old SIM will be canceled and your old number will be transferred to the new SIM.
After the change, you will need to reboot your phone by powering off (not restart the phone) then wait a couple of minutes then power back on.
Hopefully this will fix the problem.
10-18-2022 10:18 PM
Hi there Marie,
I was writing while troubleshooting my phone. I realized in some places, it is confusing. sorry about that.
The phone is an android.
I am sure the man who found my phone did something to the sim. The calls were not forwarded, but the sim card had his telephone number on it. I know that because I kept calling my cell so that the person who found it could answer. After he brought it back to me, my son could not reach me. I realized the same man was the one answering my calls, yet the phone line was not forwarded. I finally found out he changed the sim card to his phone number.
To make a long story short, I opened a ticket, and one of those bright people finally answered to say to me that he could not see any problem with my line.
Since I was not getting help from them, I changed the sim card number to my cell number. After I did that, the reverse happened. I received calls, but I could not send texts.
My son suggested to me to change the sim card to avoid all the trouble I was having since support was useless.
So, I got a sim card today, installed it and I spent the whole day getting the cell phone working.
In the end, I am back to where I was this morning. I finally got the new sim card to work but I can receive calls, but no text sent or received not working.
At this point, I am not holding my breath to get any help from support.
I have been using the Chatbot Simon and I also tried to find solutions online as well. I also sent my third ticket since this issue has been going on for a while now. I am not getting anywhere.
So, this is where I am at for now.
Thanks for caring
10-18-2022 08:56 PM
I was at the Apple Genius store for a battery replacement 2 months ago and I just pop the question to staff and she told me if you still have a receipt of the purchase of the phone from an Apple Store…it could be done.
10-18-2022 08:53 PM
@BKNS27- It takes a lot more than that to get a device blacklisted. Do you know if in fact an Apple store can de-blacklist? That would be good to know. I kinda doubt it.
10-18-2022 08:46 PM
If you reported your iPhone was lost then it is Blacklisted so you need to go to an Apple Genius store with proof that it is your phone to have it reverse it on the Blacklist.
10-18-2022 07:21 PM
I'm getting a vibe that this is an iphone. Is this phone properly connected to your Apple ID? Next is imessage. Are the options send as sms and send as mms off? Turn them on.
It's possible that they put their own sim in and attached the phone to their Apple ID. You need to undo that. Or something. This Apple stuff is messy to me.
10-18-2022 07:14 PM - edited 10-19-2022 07:16 AM
Hopefully you get this resolved soon.
10-18-2022 07:12 PM
HI @Biteme what phone is that? some phone you can remotely lock the phone or report it to Apple (if iPhone) and they can't use it anymore
So, with the new sim card, you login to My Account and change sim card there?
did you open another ticket with PM and let them know your new sim card not working? did you check your Community inbox ? they usually reply ok, not fastest but not bad
Message them again, and check Community inbox