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BlackFriday! Such a shame PM is focusing on high data users

Mayor / Maire

Hey PM, 

Do you remember your roots when you first started in 2010 then you were bought out by Telus in 2013? You were a low cost carrier for the consumers for ALL needs. Now you have shifted your focus on only 1 need DATA!!! And on defence mode when other providers take the first step in offering a deal to attract consumers is only when you react. Back in the early days you  would be the ones throwing out deals and having other providers react.  Boy how times have changed eh?

It seems you have forgotten about ALL your consumers. Many have joined PM back in the day for your attractive deals & multiple options based on the consumers needs. These days you’re no different than any other provider out there. Forgetting about the users that DONT need tons of data. We joined for basic needs of service. Simple!

Why are you not throwing out BlackFriday deals for your low data users like other providers are? Not everyone needs 20/30/40 and you will likely match Freedoms new 50 gigs deal that just came out. Do you read any other forums besides these ones where there are hundreds of consumers posting and switching providers for 2 to 5 gigs of data? My guess is you don’t.

At this point (I am sure others will agree) the only thing keeping me here is the legacy rewards where some of my accounts are $0 and others under $10. 

Sure would love to see you post a deal for low end data users in the low $20 range (like other providers are offering) I might be inclined to switch some of my plans that have been free for 5+ years so you can get a few dollars every month.



@DennyCrane @Still waiting for that text for 5 gigs for $25. 😂 have 7 accounts ready to accept. In the interim while I wait for this magical text I’ll enjoy free service lol

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@DennyCrane wrote:

@golfball Because if they make it too good at the bottom end, there's less incentive to push people up to the higher spend plans. I.e. while they may bump some people up from $15 to $20, they'll drop many more from $34 down to $20.

Try not to look at it as a price per GB game; look at is as a for-profit business trying to gain as much overall revenue as they can. Data doesn't cost them much to provide, it's just incentive to get us to spend more.

This is the cold truth of it.  We’ve had progress this year in that the bottom “desirable” price for carriers has moved from $40 to $35 - but they clearly don’t want it lower, and any plans below that point are with with very limited data so that they can limit the number of people at those price points.  Improving cheaper plans is not the strategy.

Hopefully the progress we’ve seen thanks to Videotron buying Freedom helps with this going forward, but we’re not there yet.

@golfball True, they could make it a targeted offer only. They have been doing that with the $25/5GB offer already. It seems at this time they aren't interested in a $20 price point though.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@DennyCrane wrote:

@golfball Because if they make it too good at the bottom end, there's less incentive to push people up to the higher spend plans. I.e. while they may bump some people up from $15 to $20, they'll drop many more from $34 down to $20.

Try not to look at it as a price per GB game; look at is as a for-profit business trying to gain as much overall revenue as they can. Data doesn't cost them much to provide, it's just incentive to get us to spend more.

They could simply make it targeted but they won't even do that. They are choosing to leave money on the table, perhaps hoping people will make the jump, but many won't.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@mojorising wrote:

@Handy1 wrote:

@dwh1  Yikes ok , good catch thanks for sharing @jor123  and yes this not the first time they have made certain plans for new activations only unfortunately

Why does PM do this??? This $29 plan was available to all just yesterday evening.

They don't want existing users on that plan which is no longer competitive as the competition is now offering more data at that price, which defeats the purpose of the plan. The $34 plan is available instead.

Perhaps they will match the competition and bring it back.

@golfball Because if they make it too good at the bottom end, there's less incentive to push people up to the higher spend plans. I.e. while they may bump some people up from $15 to $20, they'll drop many more from $34 down to $20.

Try not to look at it as a price per GB game; look at is as a for-profit business trying to gain as much overall revenue as they can. Data doesn't cost them much to provide, it's just incentive to get us to spend more.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Handy1 wrote:

@dwh1  Yikes ok , good catch thanks for sharing @jor123  and yes this not the first time they have made certain plans for new activations only unfortunately

Why does PM do this??? This $29 plan was available to all just yesterday evening.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@DennyCrane wrote:

I remember the days of paying $125/month for 4MB (MB, not GB) and 700 calling minutes and 100 text messages. Today you can get an unlimited plan for $34/month! In 2023! That's even cheaper than a lot of US plans when accounting for foreign exchange. PM seems to not be focusing on the $20 customers because it's probably not profitable for them. But who knows, even over the past month price points have continued to come down, so you may get your wish at some point.

I don't see how that's the case. Switching users from $10 or $15 to $20 or $25 would increase profits but they refuse to do so. Their goal is to get people to spend a minimum amount which seems to be about $29-$35 during this Black Friday period. Hit that number and they will give you way more than you need, if you spend any less they only give you a tiny amount of data that you can use up by watching a few YouTube videos.

Mayor / Maire

@Jb456   Couldn't agree more!  It's been disappointing that that PM has chosen to completely ignore offering a little more data for $20 or thereabouts which might encourage some of us on the $15 plan to upgrade.

Speaking of their BF $29, somehow I was able to schedule a plan change to it as it now appears in my self serve account (after 30+ mins of errors again today) despite the fact I was only testing it yesterday because of BF mayhem and the self serve account never properly loaded and I only encountered errors while trying yesterday.

I'm in two minds whether to try it out for one cycle or just cancel it before renewal (overnight).  The only reason I'm interested in trying it is due not being able to connect to the internet last week during a power outage that lasted several hours even though I have plenty of data available to me.   So I'm wondering if it's really true whether the 3G speeds have really been degraded (deliberately?) as some have speculated in previous posts. 

Anyhow, I have until EOD to decide but I'm leaning towards a trial of the 4G speed vs 3G right now.

Mayor / Maire

@Handy1  and just to add to not needing 10 gigs of data. PM does have a $26 3 gigs of data plan for Quebec users but only Quebec minutes if they change it to Canada wide it might be of interest to me. But these days who needs tons of data? Wifi practically everywhere and hotspot company phones data to personal phone or get a friend to hotspot you. 5+ years on one of my main PM accounts with 250mb and PM has made a total of probably $55 dollars off me for adding extra Canada wide call minutes and a few 1 gig data addons. Crazy you would think that PM would want to make money not loose money for 5+ years and running 😂

Mayor / Maire

Try to focus more on the monthly spend vs the amount of data. All they care about is ARPU, and giving big data allowances (of which most people won't use 90% of anyway) is just a way to juice the plan up to encourage people to spend a bit more.

I remember the days of paying $125/month for 4MB (MB, not GB) and 700 calling minutes and 100 text messages. Today you can get an unlimited plan for $34/month! In 2023! That's even cheaper than a lot of US plans when accounting for foreign exchange. PM seems to not be focusing on the $20 customers because it's probably not profitable for them. But who knows, even over the past month price points have continued to come down, so you may get your wish at some point.

Mayor / Maire

@dwh1  Yikes ok , good catch thanks for sharing @jor123  and yes this not the first time they have made certain plans for new activations only unfortunately

@Handy1 Don’t need 10 gigs but 1 gig (3g) for $25 is not attracting to switch my multiple free $15 plans to when other providers are offering 2 to 5 gigs (4g) for the low $20s. I’ll keep my $15 plans that are free  thank you! Just saying you’d think PM would want to entice all the $15 plan users that have been paying zero for years so PM can make a buck or two each month

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

I'd personally love to see Public Mobile improve their $15 plan. The minimum CRTC guidelines have been in effect as of July 2021. Cellphone providers have improved their Maximum $35/month plan immensely based on the minimum guidelines instructed by the CRTC as seen in the picture below. Cellphone providers have not offered anything more for the $15/month plan however. It is very disappointing to say the least. 



Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@jor123 Pm does it sometimes, but it’s not common.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Have there been plans restricted to new activations only before? That's one of the worst of the qualities of the telecos... loyalty means nothing 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Handy1 The $29 plan has now been marked for new activations only.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

There's definitely been a shift to higher ARPU customers, with more data than ever (whether you need it or not), but the 10GB $29 plan is decent on the lower end. 

Mayor / Maire

@Jb456  There’s a 10GB $29 plan available right now 

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