2 weeks ago - last edited 2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
I'm not sure that any prepaid/tier 3 carriers have family plans?
2 weeks ago - last edited 2 weeks ago
@Rainesmawn wrote:Thanks for your reply again. It is quite obvious. I would need a different eSIM for each account. Well each phone number, but I don’t see why I can’t have two phone numbers registered under one email address again nowadays it just makes sense when you get into family plans
I don't disagree...I too wish we had a "family plan" option. Unfortunately PM doesn't allow it.
added...if you use gmail..they support use of alias that will work with Public Mobile. eg; ABC@gmail and ABC+1@gmail will work too.
2 weeks ago
Thanks for your reply again. It is quite obvious. I would need a different eSIM for each account. Well each phone number, but I don’t see why I can’t have two phone numbers registered under one email address again nowadays it just makes sense when you get into family plans
2 weeks ago
I am definitely not panicking and it’s quite obvious. I can use the same credit card to pay whatever account I want but it’s easier to just have both of these linked under one account. Nowhere did it say anywhere when I signed up that you could not do this so I don’t see why I can’t. There must be a way to make it simplified so that family members can be on one login. It just makes sense
2 weeks ago
@Rainesmawn wrote:I wish I had known that.. that’s crazy.. I want both lines on one account so I can pay both at once.. If there is no way to do this I guess I’m switching again
Unfortunately, that's how it's done here. You already created your PM account..might as well test drive Public Mobile ..you might end up liking it. Just get another sim (or free esim) to activate a new account for your spouse. Use your referal code and she'll get a $10 credit to her account within 72 hrs.
2 weeks ago
I wish I had known that.. that’s crazy.. I want both lines on one account so I can pay both at once.. If there is no way to do this I guess I’m switching again
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
oh no, PM system only allows one line with one email address. Your other line should use another email address to create another account
but no need to panic, PM can sort it out as that is in fact a common problem. Just open ticket with PM using the Orange Chatbot icon on the lower right. (For 2FA when login, you might need to use email to receive if you cannot receive the text on the phone.) Type the question Submit ticket and select Contact Us to get to ticket open screen
or message them using this link:
2 weeks ago
each account is separate..you need a new sim for each account and a different email address for each. You can use the same payment card though.