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Auto payment!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Here we go again!  This is the second time in 3 months that PM said they didn’t get my payment and I have auto payment.  And my payment isn’t due till August 12th but they suspended my phone till I give payment!  I just wish I was able to talk to someone at PM because this is getting ridiculous?  Can anyone help me?


@Arlene21 wrote:

Here we go again!  This is the second time in 3 months that PM said they didn’t get my payment and I have auto payment.  And my payment isn’t due till August 12th but they suspended my phone till I give payment!  I just wish I was able to talk to someone at PM because this is getting ridiculous?  Can anyone help me?

Is your service still working?  The fastest way to get the service working again (if it has stopped working) is to manually apply a payment.  Unfortunately, that isn't something that cusotmer service can have done for you.

Mayor / Maire

HI @Arlene21 

you sure your next renewal is August 12th and not earlier? PM is running on 30 days cycle and not monthly so the renewal date moves up

but if you are certain something was wrong, ask PM support agent to check.  You can message them here        

Mayor / Maire

@Arlene21  There’s has been issues with folks getting a suspended account message . But if services are still working you can ignore it . But if your services are not working here’s direct link to support to investigate 

send  direct  private message to support .

send  a  private message   To CS_Agent

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