12-16-2018 07:43 PM - edited 01-05-2022 06:18 AM
I am in Costa Rica and have had my phone on airplane since leaving (Nov 22). I assumed this ment I was not using my service what so ever. I now notice my usage history has my iMessage's and 8 second duration calls in there. I am guessing the 8 second calls must stem from facetime calls, why they use any time at all still puzzles me.
I am being refused a refund for the Dec 14 onward billing cycle because of this "usage". Can anyone help elaborate on what's going on?
12-18-2018 04:59 PM
@joelw_1991 as you know this is prepaid, @Typically there are no refunds, most goodwill is in the form of account credits
It's like buying a giftcard once bought it cant be returned.
If you manage to get a refund consider yourself lucky. If they offer an account credit you might be able to transfer that credit to a friend or family mdmber. And have them were you the funds.
12-17-2018 01:26 PM
The only way you can suspend your service is to turn off the AutoPay. Since it renewed recently, and you've removed your credit or debit card information, you'll now need to wait until the 30 or 90 service period to be consumed (whether you use it yourself or not), and then the 90-day suspension period will begin. If that 90-day period expires, your service will no longer renew, your SIM will no longer be available for use, and your phone number will be lost.
12-17-2018 01:17 PM - edited 12-17-2018 01:19 PM
@Anonymous, well the situation is not so much that auto pay charged on Dec 14th, then a week or so later after incurring usage (others calling/texting me), I then asked for a refund. It was that autopay went through and upon immediate recognition (which was a few hours because I was asleep), I had asked if a refund was an option.
The mod that I messaged was saying that my statement of being gone since Nov 22nd and not using the service since then was basically untrue because of this usage prior to Dec 14th. I'm not debating the fact that usage was used, others trying to call/text me prior to Dec 14th, only trying to gain clarification as to why the mod seemingly doesn't believe my statement of not using it after Nov 22nd. Since from what I can tell that was the only grounds of reason as to no refund.
12-17-2018 01:05 PM
@joelw_1991 wrote:@Anonymous, oh wow so even though "I'm" not using the service, because others are trying to contact me "I'm" using the service? That's quite unfortunate if that's the case. I did remove my CC immediately after getting charged for auto-renewal since that was a mistake, and the charge that was made is kinda quite the dent given my situation, hence this post and inquiry to mods for a refund. Is removing my CC enough? or do I need to do as you suggested?
Well...yes...don't you think that stands to reason? The service is active. Take the old landline. You're away from it. You don't hear the ring. Whatever. You're still "using" the service. It rung. A voicemail was left. Whatever.
I doubt you'll get a refund as the system did as it was told to by you. You asked for autopay. It did the autopay. It can't divine your intentions other than what it was told to do.
For your next renewal, I would just disconnect autopay. You won't get the reward or possible bonus but nor will it take your money for a service you don't need at the moment. The service will go into suspension. Don't go over like 85 days in suspension.
But nor will people be able to call or text you.
12-17-2018 12:56 PM
@Anonymous, oh wow so even though "I'm" not using the service, because others are trying to contact me "I'm" using the service? That's quite unfortunate if that's the case. I did remove my CC immediately after getting charged for auto-renewal since that was a mistake, and the charge that was made is kinda quite the dent given my situation, hence this post and inquiry to mods for a refund. Is removing my CC enough? or do I need to do as you suggested?
12-17-2018 12:52 PM
I don't think there's anything to do. Your service was renewed. If you leave your phone off for the entire term (or be out of country) and people call and text you and as far as they're concerned it's working ie. voicemail or "sent" indicators then the service is on.
It's doing exactly you paid it to do.
So now, you could use the lost/stolen feature to suspend your account. It'll still run out the clock on the paid term but it won't renew. Don't let it stay suspended beyond say 85 days though. In suspension, if you were referred then those referrals will drop off. You won't earn rewards either. People won't be able to call or text you either.
12-17-2018 12:41 PM
Thank you @srlawren for the interest in this post. If there is anything else I can provide please let me know.
12-17-2018 12:32 PM
@joelw_1991 those outgoing call are all to the voicemail access number (the BC version is 778-580-4001/4002). I think the moderator is misunderstanding what they're seeing, those are from when people are calling you but the call goes to your voicemail because your phone is unreachable to the network because you're out of the country. @Mary_M can you please look into this for @joelw_1991?
12-17-2018 08:42 AM - edited 12-17-2018 12:27 PM
Hi @sheytoon, thank you for your response. I will repost the call history omitting just the last two numbers just because I dno, I don't want these numbers to get flamed? Then you can at least see the trend of numbers.
The only thing I did with my phone upon leaving November 22 was turn on airplane mode immediately and turn on wifi. I haven't call forwarded my service or used voice mail at all. I actually don't even have voice mail set up because if someone wants to leave a message send a text 😛
Edit: to include photo @sheytoon @srlawren
Woops realize I didn't originally upload this
12-16-2018 09:08 PM - edited 12-16-2018 09:14 PM
As mentioned by @RobertQc, you can manually enable Wi-Fi after airplane mode is enabled. This will let you use regular internet based services.
Normally you shouldn't have any outgoing cellular calls/messages when you're in airplane mode.
The incoming text messages are being stored by PM (Telus) servers, waiting for you to come back into a service area in Canada so they will be delivered to your phone. After a few days of those messages not being delivered, they will be discarded.
Incoming calls are fine as well, they will just go directly to voicemail.
As for outgoing voice calls, it's most likely due to some type of call forwarding. It's not related to FaceTime or any service that is internet based (i.e. over the top: OTT). I wonder if it's the actual voicemail server being dialed when the network can't find your phone. Is it always the same number? For me the voicemail forwarding number is always
PM does not allow roaming in Costa Rica, so you cannot obtain ANY cellular service, even if you disable airplane mode. Those outgoing cellular calls are the only unknown items at this point. If you can figure out that part, you should be able to prove you never used the cellular service. Maybe the phone number can give you a clue. They all seem to be 8 seconds in duration??
12-16-2018 08:46 PM
@joelw_1991 enjoy the sun I am jelous as we in victoira have rain for the next week.
12-16-2018 08:27 PM
Thanks @popping that's a good idea. Anyways guys I have to leave wifi range now since I'm in Costa Rica without a cell plan lol. Thanks again for the comments and quick replies.
12-16-2018 08:25 PM
@joelw_1991 wrote:Hi @popping,
I understand I made this mistake of not disabling autopay. When I contacted the mod they were okay with refunding since I wasn't using the service. But the problem is after providing all info for the refund I was refused saying I've been using the service. My question is how can I be if I'm on airplane with wifi only on in Costa Rica. I hope this clarifies.
You should send a private message again to moderator with the quote of the first mod's reply and ask the next mod who works on your request to fulfill the promise of the first mod.
12-16-2018 08:20 PM
Haha @mimmo, unfortunately @popping they are not voice mail calls, I think what they were is facetime calls I made to an iPhone phone number today. I have asked the mod if I could send some proof of the fact I'm in Costa Rica I will see there reply. I do understand it's my mistake for not cancelling, normally companies err on the customer service side in these situations though cause it leaves a bad taste in people's mouth when they err more on the robotic rule enforcing side. So I expected so from pm. Yeah I'm gonna at loss too, thanks so much for all the replies though. At the least I guess let this serve as a warning? Lol
12-16-2018 08:16 PM
@joelw_1991 maybe send the mods a picture with you sipping a drink out of a coconut on teh beach and show them the PM SIM in your hand, and a a copy of your plane ticket or something.... or a picture of a costarica newspaper and the PM sim (number visable), like a proof or sim being out of the country... sorry i am grasping at straws.
As mentioned it could be voicemail forwarding or something...
12-16-2018 08:15 PM
@joelw_1991 wrote:
My apologies @RobertQc, here includes the date. Yes I am.using a pm Sim card
Since your plan was renewed because you did not disable the autopay, your SIM card was active. There is no roaming charge for the incoming text messages. Those outgoing calls are to your voicemail. Those messages/calls are part of your plan. Since you did not disable your autopay and your plan was renewed while your are in Costa Rica. Nothing moderator can do to reverse the charge.
12-16-2018 08:09 PM
Hi @popping,
I understand I made this mistake of not disabling autopay. When I contacted the mod they were okay with refunding since I wasn't using the service. But the problem is after providing all info for the refund I was refused saying I've been using the service. My question is how can I be if I'm on airplane with wifi only on in Costa Rica. I hope this clarifies.
12-16-2018 08:08 PM
@joelw_1991 can you try disabling airplane mode and see if you are able to connect to a network or something? the answer should be no as I don;t see how you can be having usage as PM should not be able to connect to a network while oustide of Canada/USA. That being said I was able to connect to cellular at sea last year while on a cruise.
Could it be some sort of residual usage?
one option is to enable the lost stolem mode on the sim via selfserve. But also back to main issue, refund... you could possibly ask for a account credit instead of a refu, if you will be back befir 90 days. as you know there is not requirement for PM to provide refund especially since the error was not their fault.
12-16-2018 08:08 PM
@joelw_1991 wrote:
My apologies @RobertQc, here includes the date. Yes I am.using a pm Sim card
@joelw_1991Lol. no problem, i just wanted to do it big enough for you to see. I can see that people have been texting you, regardless of your phone getting it or not.
I know you don't want to show your numbers dialed, but I am curious to know as that may be you from a different number calling your voicemail, or even someone else calling you, but I can't see the numbers. Can you google the numbers and see if its telus?
But you do have usage, when people text you it shows up under usage history, and anything in usage history is as stupid as it sounds... considered "usage"
It's best to let your plan be suspended / remove auto-pay, since you did ask public mobile to automatically charge you.
12-16-2018 08:04 PM - edited 12-16-2018 08:06 PM
@joelw_1991 wrote:Hi @RobertQc,
Thanks for the quick reply! So I did turn wifi on since turning on airplane mode and I did have autopay still active on mistake. On December 14th I got charged for the coming month and I pmed a mod to get a refund after I promptly removed my CC as I'm not using the service here in Costa Rica. This mod is refusing the refund saying I'm still using the service.
What I don't understand is how I'm using the service if airplane has been on all the time (since Nov 22), only wifi on, and I'm in Costa Rica.
Thank you!
It is your responsibility to disable autopay if you are absent from Canada for a long period of time. You had the autopay enabled. This is the reason why the PM system renews you plan on your renewal date.
12-16-2018 08:03 PM
My apologies @RobertQc, here includes the date. Yes I am.using a pm Sim card
12-16-2018 07:59 PM - edited 12-16-2018 08:01 PM
Unacceptable screen shot. Please include the date.
@@joelw_1991 wrote:
so these usages are all in the past days supposedly.
@joelw_1991Unacceptable screen shot. Please include the date.
12-16-2018 07:57 PM
You ask the question in a PM community forum. I assume that you were using PM SIM card while you are in Costa Rica. PM service is prepaid. You will not have data which you did not pay for in advance. Therefore, it is not possible with PM.
Please post a screen shot of yout usage history in question and masked out your persaonal info such as name, email address or account number etc. We will take a look.
12-16-2018 07:56 PM
12-16-2018 07:53 PM - edited 12-16-2018 07:54 PM
@joelw_1991 wrote:Hi @RobertQc,
Thanks for the quick reply! So I did turn wifi on since turning on airplane mode and I did have autopay still active on mistake. On December 14th I got charged for the coming month and I pmed a mod to get a refund after I promptly removed my CC as I'm not using the service here in Costa Rica. This mod is refusing the refund saying I'm still using the service.
What I don't understand is how I'm using the service if airplane has been on all the time (since Nov 22), only wifi on, and I'm in Costa Rica.
Thank you!
@joelw_1991Air plane mode on, or off, makes no difference regarding cell service in Costa-Rica. There is no available networks for you outside of Canada/USA.
Please go to self serve, and go to usage history and send us a screen shot.
They may mean, that because your usage (account being active) since december 14th. You being in costa rica, or having your phone off, having an active account is maybe what they meant, maybe there is confusion. Or maybe you checked your voicemail from a different line.
Screen shot, usage history, please.
12-16-2018 07:52 PM
are you saying your usage history shows usage while in Costa Rica? You should not be able to connect to any network while outside Canada and the USA so there should be no usage (calling, data, sms)...
12-16-2018 07:51 PM
Hi @RobertQc,
Thanks for the quick reply! So I did turn wifi on since turning on airplane mode and I did have autopay still active on mistake. On December 14th I got charged for the coming month and I pmed a mod to get a refund after I promptly removed my CC as I'm not using the service here in Costa Rica. This mod is refusing the refund saying I'm still using the service.
What I don't understand is how I'm using the service if airplane has been on all the time (since Nov 22), only wifi on, and I'm in Costa Rica.
Thank you!
12-16-2018 07:45 PM - edited 12-16-2018 07:51 PM
@joelw_1991 wrote:Hi,
I am in Costa Rica and have had my phone on airplane since leaving (Nov 22). I assumed this ment I was not using my service what so ever. I now notice my usage history has my iMessage's and 8 second duration calls in there. I am guessing the 8 second calls must stem from facetime calls, why they use any time at all still puzzles me.
I am being refused a refund for the Dec 14 onward billing cycle because of this "usage". Can anyone help elaborate on what's going on?
@joelw_1991If I turn air-plane mode on, I can still enable other network services.Once air plane mode is on, if you manually connect to mobile data / cell data / wifi, things will work. I can still browse the internet with air-plane mode on.
There are no "extra" charges / roaming charges at PM as this is a pre-paid service. You can only pre-pay for USA roaming. In costa-rica, you won't be able to use any roaming data / get charges. Your cell phone will NOT work in costa-rica (unless its wifi) If you were charged for renewal that was just your auto-pay normally doing its things and renewing your regularly price of your regular plan.
Keep in mind, your phone has a mind of its own, and based on the permission apps are given by default they can change system settings, including connecting to wifi