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APN setting disappear after rebooting. And no service available therefore.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Every time I reboot my phone, the APN setting will just disappear, and I have to type in them again and again and again. When the APN setting is gone, there are signal bars showing, but there is no service available. 


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you for sharing, but I'm afraid this is not related. For convenience in typing, I often use '1' or 'Q' as a name. I don't think any prebuilt setting profile would have the same name.

Mayor / Maire

@XOGASN   According to this Samsung thread, it is a Samsung software update bug.  I notice someone from PM posted towards the end of the thread, is that you? 

@XOGASN wrote:

This is exactly what I did every time I lost my service. And it doesn't solve the problem. Every time I reboot, this setting disappears.  It's not like I don't know what to fill in. Every time I fill in the exactly same thing, and it is lost after rebooting.

@XOGASN , what APN name have you assigned to the manually entered APN settings?  Perhaps it is in conflict with an existing APN on file and therefore you are unable to permanently save the manually create APN.  Try making up a name using random characters.  The APN name is not important to functionality, it just needs to be unique to other APNs stored on the phone.  


the APN entries stored on the phone's ROM for PM could be corrupted somehow 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

The thing is I never had this problem with other carrier before, using the same phone. 


it is not a network problem but phone. APN settings saved in the ROM., must a be something wrong

your phone should be less than 1 year, you bring it back to Samsung, it will ask you to do the same thing (reset)

with phone swap so easily done with cloud backup, you really need to Reset it once.  If same, I would bring it back for warranty repair

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Canada. Always updated. Will check. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It's a S24 plus as I have said. I bought it in Canada. So I believe it's a mainstream phone, shouldn't be anything wrong with that.  There are too much information in my phone to reset it sadly. 


is that a Canadian S24+ or you got it from overseas?

it should not clear all APN profiles, if it does, something wrong with the phone

Make sure you update the OS

and for experiment, maybe create 2 APN profiles and check if both gone after a reboot 


it is a phone problem. you can try to Reset the phone and test

(btw, I updated the APN settings above from my initate post, now is the correct one)

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

This is exactly what I did every time I lost my service. And it doesn't solve the problem. Every time I reboot, this setting disappears.  It's not like I don't know what to fill in. Every time I fill in the exactly same thing, and it is lost after rebooting.


try create a new APN and save it and test

Name: Public Mobile
Proxy: Leave blank
Port: Leave blank
Username: Leave blank
Password: Leave blank
Server: Leave blank
MMSC proxy:
MMS port: 8799
MCC: 302
MNC: 220
Authentication type: Leave blank
APN Type: default,supl,mms


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

S24 plus. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

As I have said, it's a Samsung S24 plus. I have tried 'reset mobile network settings' and it doesn't work. There is no such a thing called reset all networks for my phone.


Same thing, Samsung calls it Reset Network Settings, some call Reset All Networks

What model is that Samsung?


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have tried reset mobile network settings and there is no such thing called reset all networks for Samsung. And the problem is still there.

Mayor / Maire


you tried Reset All Networks?

Mayor / Maire


what phone do you have?

try reboot it once more, then click Reset All Networks

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