02-15-2018 01:25 PM - edited 01-05-2022 04:06 AM
Just got this text message from Public Mobile. They are raising my plan price by $10/month, trying to get me to switch to Koodo. Anyone else got this text?
Public Mobile here. Starting March 20th, 2018 your rate plan price will increase by $10 per 30 days, making your plan $150 for 90 days. But don't worry! Our sister brand, Koodo, has a way for you to keep your $40 price point. Until March 15th, 2018, join Koodo and get 4GB of data, unlimited text and now additionally get UNLIMITED CANADA-WIDE minutes for $40/month PLUS get a one-time $100 bill credit! Offer valid for xxxxxxxxxxx. Redeem at your nearest Koodo location or London Drugs or online at https://koo.do/gocustomer-service. Show this msg and use promo code GOKOODO404GB to redeem along with 2 pieces of ID. Your phone number is your validation code. You're included on the list for Public Mobile offers and deals. To be excluded, reply unsubscribe. Conditions apply.
02-27-2018 09:40 PM - edited 02-27-2018 09:42 PM
@Hen555wrote:the 40 dollar 5GB deal is better than the deal that public mobile gave us in 2017.
That's extremely debatable, and I disagree with that statement. The Koodo plan is only a better deal f you need Canada-wide calling and the extra 1GB. if you need neither, the Koodo plan is more expensive and you'd be paying more for no reason. This doesn't even beging to take into account the fact that you'd be on a postpaid plan, making it easier for Koodo to make even more from you.
For most, the extent of how much more expensive the Koodo plan is depends on how many reward discounts they currently have with Public Mobile.
02-27-2018 09:36 PM
Honestly the 100+50 referral covers your cost you paid to public mobile + you get extra money. Not to mention that you will get essentially free service from public mobile since they are paying u back in credits for the service u are using currently with them.
the 40 dollar 5GB deal is better than the deal that public mobile gave us in 2017.
now I'm confused why not everyone will switch lol. I just switched to Koodo so PM me if you need a referral quick because the referral deal ends march 1st and that really is the cherry on top!
02-27-2018 01:58 PM
@jaewoanwrote:I got a text message as well and asking to switch over to koodo.
I already paid for 3 months in early feb. koodo's promotion is good till mid - march.
If i were to swtich over to koodo, and as you mentioned that it is your sister company,
can I get credit back for the prepaid portion?
@jaewoan@NO credit for the unpaid portion. Only the $100 credit suppose to make up for it. That's what made some people mad we all just renewed for 3 months and they want us to switch and loose that money
😢 that's cray cray!
02-26-2018 11:23 PM
@jaewoanwrote:I got a text message as well and asking to switch over to koodo.
I already paid for 3 months in early feb. koodo's promotion is good till mid - march.
If i were to swtich over to koodo, and as you mentioned that it is your sister company,
can I get credit back for the prepaid portion?
@jaewoan@NO credit for the unpaid portion. Only the $100 credit suppose to make up for it. That's what made some people mad we all just renewed for 3 months and they want us to switch and loose that money
02-26-2018 11:20 PM
@peostevewrote:What ectra gigabyte? I just logged into Koodo now and there is no extra gigabyte.
Is the tab mandatory?
Tab is not mandatory you can take no device.
There was a code for 5GB/$40 if you didn't get it call koodo and ask. Code for the 5gb plan is GOKOODO405GBBPO
02-26-2018 10:58 PM
What ectra gigabyte? I just logged into Koodo now and there is no extra gigabyte.
Is the tab mandatory?
02-26-2018 04:34 PM
Well, I bit the bullet and moved over to Koodo. Woulda been a sweet sweet community discount this billing period, but that extra gigabyte a month plus medium tab was enough to get me to move over. Also got some referrals, so I'm guessing at least over the first year or two things will work out pretty close to even.
02-26-2018 04:25 PM
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02-26-2018 02:30 PM
I just switched to Koodo. Happy so far. only a couple more days for the $50 referral bonus. if anyone needs one, message me.
01:56 PM
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08:20 PM
02-26-2018 01:55 PM
I got a text message as well and asking to switch over to koodo.
I already paid for 3 months in early feb. koodo's promotion is good till mid - march.
If i were to swtich over to koodo, and as you mentioned that it is your sister company,
can I get credit back for the prepaid portion?
02-22-2018 09:02 AM
You're right. The way it was written, it seemed to be referring to conditions, but it was really footnotes and that footnote referred to the plan above it.
02-22-2018 08:55 AM
I think it was "anytime" minutes, not just 5pm onward. Maybe this was already cleared up, sorry for the delayed response.
02-20-2018 02:43 PM
The complaints!
CCTS received more than 1600 complaints over Public Mobile $40/4GB price hike
The furor over Public Mobile’s recent attempt at raising the rates on its $40/4GB promotional plans generated over 1600 complaints in the day-and-a-half following the carrier’s announcement, according to Canada’s commission for telecom complaints. Howard Maker, CEO and commissioner for the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS), told iPhoneinCanada‘s Gary Ng: “Last week’s events involving Public Mobile and the customers of its $40/4GB and $120/12 GB plan were very instructive. Consumers felt angry and misled, and used their collective voices to effect change.” The Telus-owned carrier announced last week that it was upping the price on its $120/12GB promotional plan, which was offered several times in 2017 to match Freedom Mobile’s $40/4GB price plan. At the time of offering, Public Mobile advertised that the deal would not increase in price for as long as they subscribed to the plan, promising “no surprises.” The $10-per-month increase, however, was exactly that — a major surprise, and not a pleasant one. “I can tell you that Public Mobile was well aware that its customers were contacting us en masse,” Maker told iPhoneinCanada. The carrier relented only a day-and-a-half later, announcing it would not be going forward with the price increase. However, the $40/4GB Koodo offer for Public Mobile customers that came along with the price increase is still available. In a blog post entitled ‘Lessons from the Public Mobile price increase,’ the CCTS noted: “Consumers do have a voice. Social media can be an effective tool for organizing those voices and effecting change.” However, it also cautioned consumers that their complaints must be made directly to the offending telecom before arriving at the CCTS, or the service provider will object and the commission will have to notify customers that their complaint has been refused. This causes “needless delays” and, in this case, would have consumed hundreds of hours of CCTS time, diverting that time from consumers who had filed complaints properly, the commission reported. “First [customers] must give their service provider the chance to fix the problem — it often suffices to resolve the issue,” stated CCTS
Read more at MobileSyrup.com: CCTS received more than 1600 complaints over Public Mobile $40/4GB price hike
02-18-2018 05:57 PM
@nexusfanwrote:I think peopeo qre really passionate about phones but not about other issues that like gas prices.
Dude, you are so right!
02-18-2018 05:54 PM
I saved multiple copies on the cloud
02-18-2018 05:50 PM
I think peopeo qre really passionate about phones but not about other issues that like gas prices.
02-17-2018 09:45 PM
I have a great thought
The Running Man
Maybe Put the Carriers, ALL 3, in the contest, who will win, who will be victorious, well, the sky can only get greener
02-17-2018 09:42 PM
I will be doing the same, but not before I switch to Koodo and burn through the $50 referral credit and $100 credit. Not a chance I'm going to let them keep that money. Once it's gone, so am I. I'm going back to Rogers
02-17-2018 09:36 PM - edited 02-17-2018 10:15 PM
Edit: duplicate
02-17-2018 09:09 PM - edited 02-18-2018 02:37 AM
I may only be a lowly, "low-value" worthless, pre-paid customer in the eyes of Public Mobile and Telus management, but little did they know I have also been paying $140/month to Telus for TV/fiber internet/home phone for the past few years.
After this week's PM/Telus stunt left a sour taste in my mouth, I decided to remove some of the Telus nastiness in my life and switched from my $140/month Telus Internet/TV/home phone package to one from their competitor (for a lower price)! If you're feeling betrayed by this week's debacle, I would suggest doing the same, it is definitely liberating to vote with your wallet! If this is how Telus treats their customers, I am out. They will not be getting my money. Telus/PM might be gaining $5-10 dollars from jacking up my Public Mobile plan, but they will now be losing $130/month after I left Telus home services.
While I still have my PM plan since there's no better alternative at the moment, I'll be keeping my eyes open for the future.
Share this with your bosses.
02-17-2018 07:59 PM
@blingamowrote:Not withstanding PM's "Service terms between You and Public Mobile" in which they mention the right to to change any of the terms; why would they write me by direct email, upon asking for a rate guarentee the following on Nov 16 2016:
" I understand that you would like to inquire about our fall promo plan and I can difinitely help you with that. To answer your question, as you have mentioned yourself, once you have this plan, the price of $120 does not change at all. Just like the price, the content of the plan will ALWAYS remain the same. As our potential customer, I can assure you that there are no surprise or changes to expect, when it comes to our promotions.
If you have signed up for the promotional plan, you will be able to keep it after the promo period, as long as you are an active customer. THIS MEANS that as long as you are an active customer on this plan, your PLAN PRICE WILL REMAIN AT $120, even after your initial 90 days. No surprises,
On the basis of this promise I changed from another "grandfathered price plan" to the PM promo.
Hold on tight to that email! You may need it again someday!
02-17-2018 07:56 PM
Sorry, I misposted. not aware this was for questions only
02-17-2018 07:41 PM
And your question / point of this thread?
There more than 1300 posts in this thread alone: https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/Discussions/40-4GB-Plan-getting-10-month-price-INCREA..., regarding this exact issue. The retraction https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/Discussions/A-letter-from-Dave-on-the-infamous-40-for...
is at 440 replies... So, one of those might have been a good place to add your voice.
If there is something we can help with here in the community please rephrase your question.
02-17-2018 07:25 PM
Not withstanding PM's "Service terms between You and Public Mobile" in which they mention the right to to change any of the terms; why would they write me by direct email, upon asking for a rate guarentee the following on Nov 16 2016:
" I understand that you would like to inquire about our fall promo plan and I can difinitely help you with that. To answer your question, as you have mentioned yourself, once you have this plan, the price of $120 does not change at all. Just like the price, the content of the plan will ALWAYS remain the same. As our potential customer, I can assure you that there are no surprise or changes to expect, when it comes to our promotions.
If you have signed up for the promotional plan, you will be able to keep it after the promo period, as long as you are an active customer. THIS MEANS that as long as you are an active customer on this plan, your PLAN PRICE WILL REMAIN AT $120, even after your initial 90 days. No surprises,
On the basis of this promise I changed from another "grandfathered price plan" to the PM promo.
02-17-2018 02:19 PM
So turns out It wasn't a glitch but our plans will not increase as I suspected!...for now.
Public mobile had listened to our complaints and we got them with the "no surprises" false advertising . Though this is true they have stated that our plans will go someday so everyone please be advised.
Thank you public mobile for giving us more grace period . The company cannot continue to offer this plan to us or they will gain losses (or Telus is using their power)-this is what I think.
02-17-2018 02:14 PM
Would be awesome if people boycott Telus, set an example of what people can do. The other big 2 would be careful with what they do and then and only then customer loyalty would be valuable. People need to United to make this happen.
This is the first time I have witnessed people coming together and complaining and actually doing something about it to get what they want. Now can we apply this to gas stations, coffee shops, etc.
02-17-2018 10:03 AM - edited 02-17-2018 10:04 AM
Obviously, there is brand damage. I used to be a Telus fan. I always think Telus is better than Rogers and Bell. But not now, I think Telus is worst.
I know even now it said PM won't move us, Just like previous post said, Telus can simply shut down PM, then all the customers have to move for a higher rate plan with Koodo or Telus.
Therefore, I will keep my eyes open when a better deal come up and make a switch in future.