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3G Phone vs 5G Phone

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I understand that at the end of 2022, 3G phones will become obsolete.  Is this true and if so, i may need to purchase a 5G phone and how do I transfer my phone number and public mobile account to a new 5G phone.  Thank you for anyone able to answer this question.



Great and long explanation. 👍

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

thank you for your input.  Very much appreciated.

Mayor / Maire


5G for personal use is more of a marketing ploy to the Jones's so that customers with more money than sense help pay for a network that is primarily designed for business/commercial use. But there are always customers that will line up ( or pay someone else to line up) and pay top $$ for the latest and greatest Apple product, Samsung S$$ or Fab Flip Phone they never had but was dreamed up in a movie and finally came to life.


While many newer models of phone's come with 5G they also still come with 4G LTE and 3G. They don't come 2G anymore as the last remnants of that network will be permanently shuttered by Rogers this year. If your phone in fact is only 3G/2G it is starting to reach its age and will want to retire but I would hazard a guess that it may also be 4G LTE capable. Even my little back up Alcatel flip phone from 2014 is 4G LTE compatible.


For the foreseeable future you need a 3G phone with pm in order to use your voice services. 5G is useless with pm as they don't support it. Without even a timeline for voLTE calling for public mobile customers your phone will be fine as long your battery is still good and you don't need a crapton of the latest app's and you are not day trading on your lunch break. While you may start window shopping for a new device to see what you like, you need or don't need, the must haves or the meh?


Don't necessarily look at the latest and greatest. In fact mostly take 5G out of the equation. Look at dropping prices on higher end or flagship phone's that were released in 2019 and 2020. Depending on your needs the great deals you can get on these phone's that would almost break the bank when they were released will likely serve you well into the next 5 years or more?


I don't use any of my phone's for my finances so with security updates that come to end around the 3 year mark doesn't concern me. I picked up a Google pixel 3 last summer mainly to use as my camera for a bargain basement $165. Now I understand the difference between a flagship $1000 device and a mid range phone or lower priced Chinese device that's snazzy looking and functional but neither can come close to the almost perfection Google produced in 2018 with both the pixel 3 and 3xl.


My dual SIM Samsung galaxy A320 still functions well, the camera is still pretty good, the battery only lasts a little more than day now but for 5 year old phone that cost $400 shortly after release it was a great buy. My moto g7+ bought in late 2020 for $180 is my mainstay. Has all the apps I need with plenty of storage leftover, a very good camera in good conditions, great battery, enough updates if I need them for security and a solid design that can take some abuse for years to come.


But my pixel 3 is my baby and it's quality outshines the other two. The camera is amazing and still years ahead of nearly every other device in the market today with only the pixel 6 a marginal improvement and the pixel 6 pro with some marked improvement with the such things as the zoom and focal length but not worth it to me to pay 5 times more for maybe for the techies out there but not for my purposes. Otherwise only the $1200++ priced devices can compete and outperform the camera in certain tests.


While pm's roaming partners in the US (at&t and T-Mobile) decommissioning their 3G networks this year will affect voice calls for pm customers using US Roaming add ons once they are completely shutdown Canadian providers are scheduled to sunset the 3G network and the end of 2025 leaving plenty of time for consumers to replace their aging 3G only devices.


The 4G LTE network is here for a longtime to come and as @BKNS27  has mentioned 5G isn't all its cracked up to be. For the average user it shouldn't even be a concern it's all hype and a way for the big three to dig deeper into impressionable consumers wallets. You know the same people that only buy grey goose vodka and Christal more money than sense or in this case....taste.






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Mayor / Maire


No, 3G will be decommissioned in 2025 in Canada.

The advantage with 5G is faster streaming and download.

The drawback with 5G is huge battery drain on your phone. It can only be used outdoors…frequency can’t go through walls unlike 3G or 4G LTE.


5G internet speed is actually slower than 4G LTE.


I can’t see why people will need 5G other than telling their friends they have the latest & greatest iPhone or Android with 5G.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

thank you

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

thank you for your reply, I will not have to purchase a new 5G phone for sometime then.

Mayor / Maire

In Canada yes. Roaming to the states is quickly becoming an issue. That remains to be seen what will be done here for that.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

In other words, my 3G phone will be okay to use until 2025 and not necessary to purchase a 5G phone

Mayor / Maire

@Blum wrote:

 how do I transfer my phone number and public mobile account to a new 5G phone.

Your SIM car is 'your phone'. Pull it out and insert in any other phone and voilà you just transferred your number and account to new fancy phone.

No need to buy new phone as PM will not be switching it that fast; 2025+

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

PM is on a 4G LTE network, so if you buy a 5G phone, it will connect to 4G LTE. 

To transfer, ALL you have to do is swap the SIM card. That's it, no changes are needed.


@Blum you don't need a 5G phone yet, 4G/LTE will be around for sometime.


Many current phone will work on LTE, but it needs to have VoLTE as Voice will be using VoLTE once 3G is shut down.


What kind of phone do you have now?.  Maybe we can check and confirm if it can be used on LTE


But if you are getting a new phone, yes, get one with 5G compatible. 


for transferring, it is very easy, everything is on your SIM card (Your phone number and account info all tied in there), if the sim size is compatible, just move it to the new phone and Bingo.  Even if the size is not, get a new SIM and then request Change SIM card on My Account and it is a quick process.

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