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30$ 1GB + 100$ credit - Koodo - So I got a message from public mobile to switch to koodo

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Hey folks, I don't know if it's worth it or not. I'm currently on the 90$/1.5gb plan here. I received a message from publicmobile with an offer to switch to koodo for 30$ 1gb per month. Worth the switch or not? What's happening with public mobile throwing away their customer to koodo? Honestly, I'd switch if it was 2gb for 30$. Else, not worth I guess?



You also get 100$ credit (25$ over four months)


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@bilal684 wrote:

I tried redeeming the offer but I got an error when I was adding a line. Couldn't redeem it, their website is as buggy as public mobile's website.

I would go to Walmart or WoW on the weekend and take advantage of their Gift Card promotions... basically, you essentially get a free phone.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I tried redeeming the offer but I got an error when I was adding a line. Couldn't redeem it, their website is as buggy as public mobile's website.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Is there a way to redeem this offer on a desktop browser? I got the link via text message but the phone i'm using is so old its not responding if i tap the link.

And if I type the link in my browser i get the default koodo page

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Sim card is also free. Nice.

Public mobile lets me pick my exact plan, if Koodo made me a list of special plans which I could choose from I would be interested to switch, but only 1 offer, for a specific plan when other people get different offers, no thanks.


No one goes out of their way to give me free money / extra service. This is a way for us to end up paying more.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

To be honest, the 30$ 1gb offer is pretty good, everything's unlimited + I get a 100$ credit on my bill. Wish I could get 2gb though...

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@bilal684, Since Public Mobile and Kood are both owned by Telus, no customers are being thrown away.  They are just trying to move people into a higher revenue account, preferably post paid (where there are more opportunities for them to charge for extras & overages, etc.)


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Yeah but I get 100$ credit if I go with koodo. Uhm...

Mayor / Maire



Keep in mind you also get a $2 per month auto pay reward which Koodo does not offer.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

LOL I'd jump on the offer, 35$ for 2gb I'm in for that. Else, not worth?

Mayor / Maire

They offered me the $35 2gb plan to switch a second ago, I would rather have the 1gb for $30, I don't know why they are only offering individuals 1 plan but have many options to switch

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