04-08-2024 11:25 AM
Recently there has been a few of my Referrals that have asked me why they aren't getting Verification codes, Appointment Notifications, and even some regular text messages that haven't been coming through from people who have proof of texting them, and they didn't get it.
Upon further investigation, most of these are codes for things like WhatsApp and Apple ID, Appointment Notifications from shortcodes, but I have no explanation for the few who aren't having some Regular Text messages come through from other people.
WhatsApp and Apple codes seem to be quite a problem, not ever with my Public number but other people's that they don't get the code sent by WhatsApp or Apple via SMS, only after switching to Public Mobile will it not come through no matter how many times we resend it.
For all this has only occurred since they switched to Public Mobile, I've checked all the numbers and confirmed that the Ports are 100% complete so it's not like they are going to an old SIM Card, like when a Port doesn't complete.
All the Public Mobile EverSafe ID codes and Public Mobile messages from shortcodes come through, but for select users some are now not getting them from other things, is this normal??
For the Regular Text messages, anyone who isn't getting them from someone else I ask which phone and provider the other person that is trying to text them is using, it's always either Bell or Roger's and regular SMS, so never RCS or iMessage... no one ever seems to be missing messages from other Telus/Koodo/Public customers, so it seems they are only missing certain messages sent from other users with other providers, excluding the Telus owned ones.
This is the second/third person I've got with Public Mobile experiencing this issue and we are desperately looking for solutions or more troubleshooting methods, I've tried about everything I can think of and nothing explains why they aren't getting certain messages after switching to Public Mobile.
Today I got this message from one of these Referrals: For some reason I'm still not getting some people's texts. I was told by 3 different people that they sent me texts, that was 5 texts in total that I know of that I didn't receive.
Now to try and see, we checked her Usage History/Usage Breakdown to see if there is any incoming texts at the time of which she was supposed to receive these ones, but since the Update it only says 'incoming SMS' and 'Outgoing SMS' with the Times, no longer displaying the number your sending or receiving from so it's difficult to try and breakdown which messages she missed, and if they are or aren't showing in the Usage history- this makes it unable for us to tell. 😕
04-08-2024 11:32 AM
@Priority Some 2FA codes will only start to work a week after activation . So if some of your refferals just joined that could be the issue . For what’s up maybe try u installing the app and re instal it to see if that helps . But hey this is the enhanced public mobile experience and you get what you pay for . So choose wisely my friend
04-08-2024 11:27 AM
To further clarify, the WhatsApp codes is more widespread and I often hear of people not getting those codes after switching to Public Mobile when they used to come through with they're old provider no problem.
So I wonder if Publics system is blocking these messages from WhatsApp shortcode because it thinks it's spam?