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Upcoming Changes to our Old Rewards Program

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community,

We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.

We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program. 

We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.

To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st. 

We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.

To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.

The Public Mobile Team

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Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

You could grab it now to change on your re-newal date (if allowed), then cancel the change if the deal you want doesn't come up by your re-newal date.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I got a similar offer from PM.  Apart from $21 for 3GB data, there are no other details of the plan including details about talk and text.  Not sure if I say YES now there is any way to revert back to my current plan if there is no option of $19 for 90 days subscription to choose.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

There was a typo in my previous post that suggested I will still be staying with PM after losing all the current discounts.  My post should have actually read "I am NOW looking to switch to another provider".   Any suggestions from other community members?  Thank you.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

If I recall correctly, several years ago, some people were complaining that the discounts were the same whether you were on a $ 15.00 or $ 60.00 plan.  $ 15.00 off $ 15.00 is a 100% discount, but only 25% off a $ 60.00 plan.  That would be like paying more per unit for a value-size item, instead of less.  If that were the case, there'd be no incentive to buy the larger size.  PM was actually promoting their cheapest plans, instead of more-expensive ones.  I used it to my own advantage, hoping that I could manage on the $ 15.00 plan, so I could get maximum percentage discount.  This may be part of the reasoning for eliminating Rewards.  Aside from 5% back now, subscribers on lower-priced plans will still get a higher-percentage discount, as everything else is still dollar-based.

Separately, I don't know of any instance where a company asks customers if they will accept a price increase before raising them.  Gas prices bounce around like ping-pong balls in a running dryer, and it's take it or leave it.  Banks raise interest rates, regardless of whether we can still afford our mortgage payment.

Regarding rewarding long-term customers for their loyalty, I think they already did, by allowing us to stay on Rewards for an additional 28 months.  They could have forced us over at the start.  Keep in mind if a bunch of subscribers are paying little to nothing, what's PM getting out of it?  If a person is on a $ 15.00 plan, and gets $ 15.00 in Rewards (including $ 8.00 in referrals), PM gets nothing.  If the customer leaves, PM loses nothing, and a new customer will not be given those identical Rewards instead, so it may actually be their reasoning to drive away low-end users.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle




 Examples of what some other carriers' Terms say.

thanks @jhhead 

thanks for your sharing


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Looks like I just got a similar message others had got...

Dear <my name> and Public Mobile,

On May 2, 2024,  Public Mobile objected to <my name> complaint because Public Mobile believes that we did not have the authority to accept the complaint under our Procedural Code. After reviewing the complaint and objection, 
The Objection 

Public Mobile has objected to the customer's complaint further to section 4.3 of the CCTS Procedural Code on the basis that the customer's complaint relates to an upcoming change to their existing rewards program. Public Mobile's objection states that the upcoming change was announced to their customers with a notice sent 30 days before the upcoming change. To demonstrate their position, Public Mobile provided the CCTS with screen captures of the notice sent to their customers.

Our Assessment 
We examined the customer's complaint and Public Mobile's objection to the complaint.

Section 4.3 of the CCTS Procedural Code states that The Commissioner may not direct or require a Participating Service Provider to change any of their policies or practices. Additionally, pricing of products or services fall outside the Commissioner's scope. As your complaint pertains to an increase to your monthly bills charged, the CCTS confirms that your complaint falls within the scope of the CCTS.
The CCTS cannot accept objections that are based on the merits of the complaint, and such objections will be rejected. A "merit-based objection" is an objection in which the PSP asserts that the complaint should not be accepted by the CCTS because the PSP is allowed to do the action that the customer complained about.
Additionally, The CCTS does not consider the following matters as "pricing of products and service": billing disputes, contract disputes or changes, price changes, additional charges, and removal of promotional discounts.  For this reason, we are rejecting the objection as your complaint meets the requirement set out by the procedural code.


CCTS Assessment Team

HI @mikasik2 

PM can likely say the option is there as long as the legacy rewards is stil lthere, but this moment, the legacy rewards is "dead"

and true, they removed the 1 point 1 month the week before the announcement, that is poor marketing.  at least remove it a lot earlier so people don't awere


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@SeniorCitizen wrote:


Nice deal. Is that the plan that is also 19/month if pay 3 months in advance?

Yes it appears to be - however the text doesn't give you the option to choose the 3 month option 🙄

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Hey @hTideGnow 

You're probably right about the newer image saying that migration is optional.  I'm slightly more hopeful for the older image that said we'll get the discounts for as long as the account remains active.  I guess it depends on what the TOS said at that point in time.  Its a long shot for sure.  

I also said I would have settled for the 1-point per month since account activation but they got rid of it a week before announcing everyone would be forced over.  Maybe there is something for the CRTC to work with there.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Been with Public Mobile for at least 8 years, was a great reward system, now my bill at $10 higher a month, time to start looking for another provider.  

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I'm very interested in the result of this - I have been with Public for several years, I had some great loyalty perks and referral rewards and only had a monthly bill of $9 because of it. I was a little upset to see my bill go back up to $17.25 after purposely opting out of the points program to keep my rewards. I guess we have no choice but to log in and apply them now? That really sucks. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


Nice deal. Is that the plan that is also 19/month if pay 3 months in advance?

HI @mikasik2 

personally, i don't see it as a false advertisement.  The message basically said you have a choice at that time.  There was no hint there that the legacy program will be here forever or they ever promise that we will stick to this forever.  

So, don't have high hope on it


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Public Mobile just texted me:

Public Mobile here. Get 3GB of data at 4G speeds of up to 100mbps for only $21/month.

Reply YES to get this limited time offer added to your account and will take effect on your next renewal date.

Hurry, offer ends May 28, 2024.

Reply STOP if you no longer wish to hear about Public Mobile offers.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Had a chat with someone from the CCTS.  The complaint is outside their perview as we are on a prepaid plan where terms of service can change.  They said they would be sending their investigation to the CRTC however for them to consider their business practices and possible false advertising.  I sent them these images:

staticcory_0-1709944676592.pngmermex_0-1710248611116.pngPublic points is optionalPublic points is optional

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

i remember switching rewards program will give you an instant boost of new reward points. I am seeing a very sad amount of points in my rewards account after being a customer for a LONG time. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Change isn't easy, but it is inevitable. I was a bit shocked when my bill came out higher than usual. 

I guess it'll all work itself out in the end with the point perks. And they've been a good provider for me, I don't need much and it's been very reasonable. So can't complain. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I remembered I did recieved a text. But then the system has changed my plan.  If I didn't checked my credit card bill. I couldn't have notice it.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I received an email from Stephane, a complaints resolution officer at CCTS. He wants to talk with me about my complaint against PM. Has anyone talked to him yet?

HI @marcnoel 

it is a typical thinking, the "bad" happens to others are good, just not to me.  LoL

i agree what you said before, we should be grateful we saved extra 2 years.  For many of us, that is a $140+ saving

No one like to pay more, but I am smart enough to know good things won't last , enjoy what you have now 🙂

of course, if there are really better, cheaper plans out there, people are free to go, no need to be upset and whine daily.  And if it still save a bit here, just not as much as before, enjoy the savings  

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

It appears that numerous individuals here see this whole situation as "Rewards good, Points bad", instead of "Points good, Rewards better."  Why has it been okay to refer people to PM since January 2022, when all they would get was Points?  Why is Points good enough for new customers but not us?  We all got extra discounts being on Rewards instead of Points, and now that time has passed.  Can we not be grateful for what we did get, instead of bitter about what we've lost?  It's still a better deal at PM than with others, for some plans, just not as good as it used to be.

Separately, to those who've commented about going elsewhere to another carrier that has a good reputation and cares about its customers - I suggest that you check reviews and forums, because all carriers have some issues, sometimes.  

HI @Jenvin1 

you will earn the 5% points and the friend referrals points.  Check back the Rewards site in 2 days and you will see those added. 

Yes, it won't be as much as before, but still a ok savings 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

My subscription got renewed today and I noticed that I am now paying full monthly plan price after I was forced to switch over to Public points.  I lost $8 monthly discount for referrals, auto payment and loyalty for being a customer since 2019.  $5 one time welcome reward is hardly a substitute for ongoing monthly $8 discount.  IMO the Public Points should have been only for new customers and all old customers should have been excluded.  I am not looking to switch over to another provider.  So much for Public Mobile.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Exactly. Most were loyal for the savings. That's why I stayed. 


no, downgrading plan, the bonus data will be gone as of today

some were able to ask for another set of bonus data but only if they ask and approved

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

What loyalty?  You found a better plan and you left that month...

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It's not likely they are going to do anything - receiving the bonus data was conditional on not downgrading your plan.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Has there been any resolutions to the numerous CCTS complaints, including customers who had there 240 GB loyalty bonus data canceled as a result of downgrading for the purpose of trying to make use of this bonus data? Rather than waste the CCTS time and create more backlogs with customer service, PM should just give back some of the bonus data e.g. at least 5GB or 30GB depending on which plan customers downgraded to. I think this would placate people to some degree.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Well I was switched to public points. I lost my $6 monthly discount and got 5 public mobile points. They lost a 6 year customer today. Not that the company could really care less. Just sad because I was loyal. 
Sad for me. I did like Public Mobile. Now I will never recommend them. They betrayed me. Never underestimate customer loyalty.

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