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Top Contributors January 2017

Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired


Hello Community,


We kicked off the New Year with a bang by updating our Community.  This update made our Community mobile-friendly, increased our search functionalities and made sharing information a lot easier. Out with the old and in with the new! While embracing change can be difficult in the beginning, we hope that you enjoy the benefits of these changes.  


I’m proud to say that there are also some amazing things that happened within our Community for the month of January. Here are a few highlights and call-outs that are well deserved:

  1. We are in the process of hiring a Senior product manager- More info here
  2. We completed a few ideas that were submitted by @Chaos_Scorpio, @ShawnC13, and @SD08 using our the Public Lab –Keep the ideas coming!
  3. More than 250 accepted solutions – Awesome job team!
  4. Over 7k Bravos given to our members!
  5. BYE BYE ROGERS – one of the hottest topics in January by @Kimber1

A huge thank you to our super Oracles, our Top 0.1% who go above and beyond of not only starting healthy discussions, but helping others to better understand our services and contributing to our awesome Community on a daily basis.


We would like to tip our hats to these awesome folks below for not only providing feedback and support to our Community members, but also for building on the solutions provided by others. Together January’s Top 0.5% contributed to over 1000 replies, and together received over 1000 Bravo’s. Truly Amazing!  


We also want to give a shout-out to these members who have been active as well – posting, answering questions, providing feedback and getting Bravos.   Keep it up!

@jaswest2754, @stonechucker, @computergeek541, @dohadotahmed, @WearySky, @sheytoon, @dearmusic, @kav2001c, @mimmo, @ute1978 and many more….


To recognise your contribution this past month we have added a badge, based on your contribution level, to your Community profile. A Community Reward will be also be given to all contributors on a reward eligible plan on your next payment due date.


reward_level_english.JPGA Community Reward will be given to all the contributors on a reward-eligible plan on your next payment due date. Earning a Community Reward is easy. All you have to do is give help to your fellow Community members, acknowledge solutions, and share ideas.  And, of course, your suggestions and feedback will help us create a better experience for everyone.


Here’s how you can get started –


See a post you like? Show it some love and give it a bravo!

Bravos.pngIf someone is able to deliver a great solution to your problem, mark their response as an “Accepted Solution” to appreciate the efforts of your helper Smiley Happy


AS.PNGTo learn more visit our Community Wiki's


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Thanks to those mentioned for making it easier for me to find answers to my questions quickly.


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

It has been a long time since I last posted. Congrats to anyone mentioned!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Congrats to everyone and thanks to all that offer support and suggestions.  It is great to see a community that works this hard to help out its members!

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Congrats everyone! New year, new goals, new rewards! lol~

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Amazing job guys. Keep going and never give up. 




Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Good job everyone!

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Great job to all those who contributed to the community this month.  I was pleasantly surprised to be in top 25%!  I have only been with PM for a month and it has been awesome.  

@srlawren wrote:

@will13am wrote:

@srlawren, I appreciate this totally.  It isn't about the money part.  The prestige of being on the top of the hill for being the most helpful is a feather on the cap that some of us mere mortals would like to achieve one day.  Sending you guys off to a desert island with no access to civilization for a year is the only advantage I can think of that would give me any kind of fighting chance.  Beside, you guys do deserve a vacation reward for the effort.  I wonder if a labs suggestion of sending oracles on vacation to a deserted Pacific island would have any chance of making the grade.  I will race you to see who gets registers in this idea in the labs forum first.

@will13am okay you've convinced me, I'll start packing immediately!  🙂  Where am I off to? I better pack some sunscreen....

How about Giligan's Island?  Pack whatever you want, but no electronics or other materials to make a cell tower. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Congrats! 🙂

Woohoo! Happy to be helpful! Congratulations to everyone 🙂

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@will13am wrote:

@srlawren, I appreciate this totally.  It isn't about the money part.  The prestige of being on the top of the hill for being the most helpful is a feather on the cap that some of us mere mortals would like to achieve one day.  Sending you guys off to a desert island with no access to civilization for a year is the only advantage I can think of that would give me any kind of fighting chance.  Beside, you guys do deserve a vacation reward for the effort.  I wonder if a labs suggestion of sending oracles on vacation to a deserted Pacific island would have any chance of making the grade.  I will race you to see who gets registers in this idea in the labs forum first.

@will13am okay you've convinced me, I'll start packing immediately!  🙂  Where am I off to? I better pack some sunscreen....

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Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@SDO8 wrote:

@zhadj030 wrote:

You can have the roaming, but I am sure that we wont let you have electricity, or solar panels... XD

Beware...Luddite has an answer for everything.  Coconut shells, fishing wire...*BAM*, there's a network!  Robot LOL

This is one of those rare cases where being a actual @Luddite [in the literal sense] could be advantageous!

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@srlawren wrote:

@will13am wrote:

The 0.5% level is reasonably achievable.  It is the 0.1% that is unobtainable, unless we can get the oracles to take an extended vacation for year.  Maybe we can crowd fund a vacation for them as reward for all the past and present hard work.  The vacation would have to be on a deserted island with no internet. 

@will13am LOL!  Trust me, the vacation is a lot more $$$ than the 0.5% to 0.1% difference!  I know you were kidding, but in all honesty, the reward-to-time-spent ratio for community rewards makes community contribution purely a labour of love!  

@srlawren, I appreciate this totally.  It isn't about the money part.  The prestige of being on the top of the hill for being the most helpful is a feather on the cap that some of us mere mortals would like to achieve one day.  Sending you guys off to a desert island with no access to civilization for a year is the only advantage I can think of that would give me any kind of fighting chance.  Beside, you guys do deserve a vacation reward for the effort.  I wonder if a labs suggestion of sending oracles on vacation to a deserted Pacific island would have any chance of making the grade.  I will race you to see who gets registers in this idea in the labs forum first.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Congrats everyone

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@zhadj030 wrote:

@NDesai wrote:

@will13am wrote: 

The 0.5% level is reasonably achievable.  It is the 0.1% that is unobtainable, unless we can get the oracles to take an extended vacation for year.  Maybe we can crowd fund a vacation for them as reward for all the past and present hard work.  The vacation would have to be on a deserted island with no internet. 

Uhmm, sounds good but i wouldn't unless there is roaming 🙂

You can have the roaming, but I am sure that we wont let you have electricity, or solar panels... XD

Beware...Luddite has an answer for everything.  Coconut shells, fishing wire...*BAM*, there's a network!  Robot LOL

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Since the backlog of issues were cleard the community has really died down. It's going to be hard to continue to post new information/suggestions someone hasnt already. 

@NDesai wrote:

@will13am wrote: 

The 0.5% level is reasonably achievable.  It is the 0.1% that is unobtainable, unless we can get the oracles to take an extended vacation for year.  Maybe we can crowd fund a vacation for them as reward for all the past and present hard work.  The vacation would have to be on a deserted island with no internet. 

Uhmm, sounds good but i wouldn't unless there is roaming 🙂

You can have the roaming, but I am sure that we wont let you have electricity, or solar panels... XD

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@will13am wrote:

The 0.5% level is reasonably achievable.  It is the 0.1% that is unobtainable, unless we can get the oracles to take an extended vacation for year.  Maybe we can crowd fund a vacation for them as reward for all the past and present hard work.  The vacation would have to be on a deserted island with no internet. 

@will13am LOL!  Trust me, the vacation is a lot more $$$ than the 0.5% to 0.1% difference!  I know you were kidding, but in all honesty, the reward-to-time-spent ratio for community rewards makes community contribution purely a labour of love!  

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@will13am wrote: 

The 0.5% level is reasonably achievable.  It is the 0.1% that is unobtainable, unless we can get the oracles to take an extended vacation for year.  Maybe we can crowd fund a vacation for them as reward for all the past and present hard work.  The vacation would have to be on a deserted island with no internet. 

Uhmm, sounds good but i wouldn't unless there is roaming 🙂

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If you need to contact PM Customer Support Agent, send a Private Message.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@CaNuCk07 wrote:

@NDesai and all! Yes, lol only ripping on the team, not the Oracle!  props to the Oracle for sure!

Oh nooooo... did we have #FakeNews goin on here!!???


Smiley Surprised

@Vickel wrote:

Made top 5% without much effort.



@will13am wrote:

The 0.5% level is reasonably achievable.  It is the 0.1% that is unobtainable, unless we can get the oracles to take an extended vacation for year.  Maybe we can crowd fund a vacation for them as reward for all the past and present hard work.  The vacation would have to be on a deserted island with no internet. 

 Obviously, with each higher level of contribution, it becomes increasingly more difficult to achieve such level.  The 0.5% level is very achievable but it certainly isn't easy.  You likely have to spends hours on end to reach that.  So, all the more appreciation should be extended to anyone who has put that much time in the community.


As for the top 0.1%, from what I've seen of past top contributor threads, I'm pretty sure that honor is reserved only for oracles. But that's okay, because the oracles have shown a proven track record over an extended period of time to warrant the recognition that they are given.

Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired

Congrats to all of the top contributors and community members, nice job!


And thank you for the shout-outs as well, we ❤️ you 🙂



** Please do not post private info such as: phone number, account number, pin etc.. This is a public forum. **

@NDesai and all! Yes, lol only ripping on the team, not the Oracle!  props to the Oracle for sure!

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@NDesai wrote:

Congrats to all top contributors specially to mods who did an awesome job to fix issues and made many users happy 🙂


Keep it up everyone 🙂



@CaNuCk07 wrote:

I dont think @NDesai should be included in this list, i would guess 90% of his posts are some garbage about the patriots.... blah blah blah blah



Come onnn, put that hate aside and just celebrate because with it, i can't imagine your next 6 months till another season 😛

LOL.  You guys are too funny.  I would participate, but I have no dog in this fight.  Robot tongue

@NDesai wrote:

Congrats to all top contributors specially to mods who did an awesome job to fix issues and made many users happy 🙂


Keep it up everyone 🙂



@CaNuCk07 wrote:

I dont think @NDesai should be included in this list, i would guess 90% of his posts are some garbage about the patriots.... blah blah blah blah



Come onnn, put that hate aside and just celebrate because with it, i can't imagine your next 6 months till another season 😛

I can't read anyone else's mind but for anyone who didn't catch on, I'm almost certain that Canuck was a ribbing about the teams, and not really commenting about community contributions made by Ndesai.  lol.  We wouldn't anyone to misunderstand.  😉

Good job to everyone for another good month.  Hopefully, the rest of the winter continues without much more of the stormy weather (example: freezing rain and power failures in Ontario last night)

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@NDesai wrote:

Congrats to all top contributors specially to mods who did an awesome job to fix issues and made many users happy 🙂


Keep it up everyone 🙂



@CaNuCk07 wrote:

I dont think @NDesai should be included in this list, i would guess 90% of his posts are some garbage about the patriots.... blah blah blah blah



Come onnn, put that hate aside and just celebrate because with it, i can't imagine your next 6 months till another season 😛

That's better... I'll add some love to this thread too!!!  Heart


Congrats to all.. and to all a good afternoon! (or morning... or night....)

Congrats to all top contributors specially to mods who did an awesome job to fix issues and made many users happy 🙂


Keep it up everyone 🙂



@CaNuCk07 wrote:

I dont think @NDesai should be included in this list, i would guess 90% of his posts are some garbage about the patriots.... blah blah blah blah



Come onnn, put that hate aside and just celebrate because with it, i can't imagine your next 6 months till another season 😛

I am not a mod. Do not send me private message with your personal info.
If you need to contact PM Customer Support Agent, send a Private Message.

@SDO8 wrote:

@zhadj030 wrote:

Big congrats and big thank you to the community for the amazing work. 

Keep up protectig the galaxy.


Yey joined the 0.5%... nice to be around you folks 🙂

Congrats!  First time in the 0.5% level for me too.  Woot!

I didn't think I had done enough to get this level, so I'll enjoy it while it lasts.  Smiley Very Happy


The 0.5% level is reasonably achievable.  It is the 0.1% that is unobtainable, unless we can get the oracles to take an extended vacation for year.  Maybe we can crowd fund a vacation for them as reward for all the past and present hard work.  The vacation would have to be on a deserted island with no internet. 

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