02-06-2019 01:59 PM
This means that on February 9 2019, 22:00 ET – February 10 2019, 08:00 ET you won't be able to do the following:
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
02-11-2019 04:56 AM
Thats for sure. Problems with autopay and billing...not getting data thats paid for.. not being able to recieve calls.. Hope the “maintenace” thing helps evwryone cus sure seems like a lot of people having problems with public mobile
02-10-2019 04:47 AM
@MoreYummy wrote:Wondering what is being work on.
@MoreYummySelf-serve access returned a couple hours ago, I think the changes have already been made. I searched around but found nothing new so maybe it was just bug fixes? Let me know if you found any visable changes
02-10-2019 04:45 AM
Wondering what is being work on.
02-08-2019 10:53 PM
@Luddite wrote:@Anonymous What do you get if you search for "Bugs and Quirks at Public Mobile"?
Or this "massaged" link: https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/Discussions/Bugs-and-Quirks-at-Public-Mobile/m-p/202620
EDIT: enough, I give up. I will create a new thread with the information.
I get:
02-08-2019 02:12 PM
@Anonymous wrote:
@SD08 wrote:Aha! Found this, under the title "Bug/Quirk Workarounds":
But is there one for the regular members?
Get outta the corner SD08! 🙂
LOL I'm trying, but at least something, somewhere is better than nothing.
02-08-2019 02:08 PM
@SD08 wrote:Aha! Found this, under the title "Bug/Quirk Workarounds":
But is there one for the regular members?
Get outta the corner SD08! 🙂
02-08-2019 02:07 PM - edited 02-08-2019 02:09 PM
Aha! Found this, under the title "Bug/Quirk Workarounds":
But is there one for the regular members? This also appears to be an early draft, for feedback.
02-08-2019 02:03 PM
@Luddite wrote:
@Anonymous wrote:Nope.
Weird it works for me. How about a permalink https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/Discussions/Bugs-and-Quirks-at-Public-Mobile/m-p/202620/highlight/true#M58856
EDIT: Though just looked more carefully and they are the same link.
EDIT2: I can only reach the post when I am logged in. No dea what is happening.
It appears not to work for anyone except you. Even for oracles, it returns the error "The message you are trying to access is not available":
02-08-2019 02:02 PM - edited 02-08-2019 02:03 PM
@Luddite wrote:@Anonymous What do you get if you search for "Bugs and Quirks at Public Mobile"?
Or this "massaged" link: https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/Discussions/Bugs-and-Quirks-at-Public-Mobile/m-p/202620
Just back on my FF, logged in with this user, trying again...nope.
Edit: Nor Edge open, unrestricted, not logged in, clearing cache/cookies/history every time upon exit.
02-08-2019 01:58 PM - edited 02-08-2019 02:03 PM
@Anonymous What do you get if you search for "Bugs and Quirks at Public Mobile"?
Or this "massaged" link: https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/Discussions/Bugs-and-Quirks-at-Public-Mobile/m-p/202620
EDIT: enough, I give up. I will create a new thread with the information.
02-08-2019 01:54 PM - edited 02-08-2019 01:55 PM
@Luddite wrote:
@Anonymous wrote:Nope.
Weird it works for me. How about a permalink https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/Discussions/Bugs-and-Quirks-at-Public-Mobile/m-p/202620/highlight/true#M58856
I even went to my open unrestricted browser that has never seen that page. I even even logged in there with another username.
Edit: Yes I saw that too but I was playing along politely. 🙂
02-08-2019 01:50 PM - edited 02-08-2019 01:55 PM
@Anonymous wrote:Nope.
Weird it works for me. How about a permalink https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/Discussions/Bugs-and-Quirks-at-Public-Mobile/m-p/202620/highlight/true#M58856
EDIT: Though just looked more carefully and they are the same link.
EDIT2: I can only reach the post when I am logged in. No dea what is happening.
02-08-2019 01:31 PM
02-08-2019 01:24 PM
@Anonymous wrote:
@SD08 wrote:
@Anonymous wrote:Hey no fair. 🙂 I think Martins corner is only available to you guys. Fight amongst yourselves 🙂
Lol it was not my intention to exclude the proletariat.
(I just saw the Martin's Corner part of the link.)
But my question stands, since this was a very useful list, which used to be in the regular forum. As an oracle, I should be able to see it when I click the link even were it archived to the oracle section, but no can do.
I think I remember seeing that excellent page. Here's the non-royal highness link 🙂
Same lack of result.
@Anonymous How about: https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/Discussions/Bugs-and-Quirks-at-Public-Mobile/m-p/202620/highlight/true#M58856?
02-08-2019 10:05 AM
Hey, everyone is assuming that something is being fixed. System maintenance could simply mean that they need to apply an OS or DB server patch. Just pointing out a possibility...
02-08-2019 09:53 AM
I'd like to see more clarity and reliability when it comes to US Roaming Plans...
02-08-2019 07:10 AM
Thank you for letting us know.
It would be nice to know what the maintenance is meant to address.
02-08-2019 02:18 AM - edited 02-08-2019 02:19 AM
@SD08 wrote:
@computergeek541 wrote:
That link works for me. By any chance did your session time out on you and did you get logged out? If you aren't logged in, the error message is the result.
Actually, when I clicked on it just now, it takes me to a post of Luddite's that merely contains the link that @Anonymous just posted, which results in an error. Still no accessible list.
You're right. I thought it was working, but as you also discovered, the link in the Martin's Corner thread sends to a non-existent page.
02-08-2019 02:17 AM
@computergeek541 wrote:
@SD08 wrote:
@Luddite wrote:
@NDesai wrote:Thanks for the heads up!
Hopefully this will fix the AutoPay issues.
Is that your favourite bug?
Mine is: Plan won't reactivate even though payment made.
@Luddite Speaking of bugs, whatever happened to your list of "Bugs & Quirks at Public Mobile"? I just tried searching for it but only managed to find this link, which produces the error "The message you are trying to access is not available":
Has it been deleted? Renamed?
That link works for me. By any chance did your session time out on you and did you get logged out? If you aren't logged in, the error message is the result.
Actually, when I clicked on it just now, it takes me to a post of Luddite's that merely contains the link that @Anonymous just posted, which results in an error. Still no accessible list.
02-08-2019 02:13 AM - edited 02-08-2019 02:16 AM
@SD08 wrote:
@Luddite Speaking of bugs, whatever happened to your list of "Bugs & Quirks at Public Mobile"? I just tried searching for it but only managed to find this link, which produces the error "The message you are trying to access is not available":
Has it been deleted? Renamed?
If it were moved into the oracle section, we would see it. This leads me to believe that it was deleted by someone at Public Mobile.
02-08-2019 02:01 AM
@SD08 wrote:
@Anonymous wrote:Hey no fair. 🙂 I think Martins corner is only available to you guys. Fight amongst yourselves 🙂
Lol it was not my intention to exclude the proletariat.
(I just saw the Martin's Corner part of the link.)
But my question stands, since this was a very useful list, which used to be in the regular forum. As an oracle, I should be able to see it when I click the link even were it archived to the oracle section, but no can do.
I think I remember seeing that excellent page. Here's the non-royal highness link 🙂
Same lack of result.
02-08-2019 12:22 AM - edited 02-08-2019 12:23 AM
@Anonymous wrote:Hey no fair. 🙂 I think Martins corner is only available to you guys. Fight amongst yourselves 🙂
Lol it was not my intention to exclude the proletariat. (I just saw the Martin's Corner part of the link.)
But my question stands, since this was a very useful list, which used to be in the regular forum. As an oracle, I should be able to see it when I click the link even were it archived to the oracle section, but no can do.
02-08-2019 12:16 AM
Hey no fair. 🙂 I think Martins corner is only available to you guys. Fight amongst yourselves 🙂
02-08-2019 12:13 AM
@Luddite wrote:
@NDesai wrote:Thanks for the heads up!
Hopefully this will fix the AutoPay issues.
Is that your favourite bug?
Mine is: Plan won't reactivate even though payment made.
@Luddite Speaking of bugs, whatever happened to your list of "Bugs & Quirks at Public Mobile"? I just tried searching for it but only managed to find this link, which produces the error "The message you are trying to access is not available":
Has it been deleted? Renamed?
02-07-2019 10:53 PM
@CalgaryBen wrote:
@mimmo wrote:autopsy failures
I have yet to experience a successful autopsy ever since switching to Public Mobile. I'm beginning to think this isn't one of their strengths...
@CalgaryBen yes nor is autocorrect on my phone.
02-07-2019 10:47 PM
@mimmo wrote:autopsy failures
I have yet to experience a successful autopsy ever since switching to Public Mobile. I'm beginning to think this isn't one of their strengths...
02-07-2019 09:31 PM
@Luddite wrote:
@NDesai wrote:Thanks for the heads up!
Hopefully this will fix the AutoPay issues.
Is that your favourite bug?
Mine is: Plan won't reactivate even though payment made.
That's part of the AutoPay issue. Payment is missed sometimes and sometimes renewal is missed after AutoPay takes payment.
I am not a mod. Do not send me private message with your personal info.
If you need to contact PM Customer Support Agent, send a Private Message.
02-07-2019 03:45 PM
Thanks for the advance warning. Hope some of the issues get fixed.
02-06-2019 10:36 PM
Thanks for letting us know, keep up the good works @Mary_M
02-06-2019 08:00 PM - edited 02-06-2019 08:01 PM
I suspect that many of these maintenance periods don't yield fixes that the customer can see. That doesn't meant that nothing is fixed, but just that they down times might not address things in our Public Moible bucket list. Maintenance could be done just so that more things don't break, but everything being offline does seems like the perfect opportunity to test new things.
For all we know, part of these maintenance times might be to temporarily add old grandfathered plans back into the system to fix strange things such as plans reportedly being changed on their own. Some other carriers used to add old plans back into the system and make them accessible to customer service once a month to fix previous situations of accounts being messed up by accident. I know that's the stretch as to a guess on what might be done, but it really could be anything that is being done for this weekend.