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Introducing Public Points ™

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community,


We have some exciting news to share with the Public Mobile Community. We wanted you all to be the first to know we’re launching a new Rewards program soon - Public Points. 


Joining Public Points is optional for all existing customers. 

Your current rewards will remain the same. You’ll continue to earn in the same ways, and save the same amount. 

Once we launch the new program, all new customers will earn their rewards through Public Points.

If you’re interested in learning more about Public Points, and how you can join, we’ve provided some information below.


Why Public Points?

With Public Points, there are more ways to earn and spend rewards, making the program more flexible than before. Now you can earn and spend points how you want, when you want. You’re in control.


How does Public Points work?


Earn Points

Get rewarded in more ways than ever. Earn points just for paying your bill – for every dollar you spend, you’ll make 5% of it back in points.

Redeem points

We like to keep things simple. 1 point earned is valued at 1 dollar when redeemed - that’s it! 

Start saving

Redeem points on things that matter to you – like money off your bill, free add-ons or the chance to win awesome prizes.


Our Rewards Program has and continues to be our unique super power, by giving our customers the chance to earn even more!


Stay tuned for further details soon!


- Public Mobile Team


282 REPLIES 282

@HALIMACS wrote:

Public Mobile (and most companies) would not offer a 'revised' program which is superior to a prior one.   Almost inevitably, the reason such a new program would be given a green-light within the upper management is that it makes a company MORE MONEY.


As as was saying before, if the the new program was going to be superior in every single possible way, there wouldn't be any reason to make the new program optional for the current customers.  Simply based on that, I would suggest that members not get too excited or to have that great of expectations.  My main critcism is about the announcement stating that points can be used to buy contest ballots.  This is almost a guarantee to waste money/points.  Members could simply buy lottery tickets instead at the store.  My advice to all members is as follows: Even if you have excess ponits in your account, keep them as you never know when you're going to need to those funds/points to pay for your plan or to purchase add-ons. 

I tend to agree, @CountyDownIeUk 


Public Mobile (and most companies) would not offer a 'revised' program which is superior to a prior one.   Almost inevitably, the reason such a new program would be given a green-light within the upper management is that it makes a company MORE MONEY.


And as we all know, when a Company makes MORE MONEY, it's generally at the expense/detriment of it's customers.


Still, I'll withhold my official opinion until the entire roll-out has been fully detailed and released.



@dna2016 and all others. 


There  is no doubt that this is a cost cut to improve profit. I get it. And no doubt there has been a study to confirm that this is still a competitive product AND  that will attract new customers vs the competitor. Eventually new customers will only know about the old program was about from here or a friend. 


I think the reason for advising  us in advance is:

Courtesy to existing customers. 

Getting feedback from us to help perfect the roll out. 

Gives warning for potential customers to get off the pot and open an account(s). 


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

There's no reason to panic as PM said current customers can keep their current rewards with the option of switching.

It's really nice PM notified us of the upcoming changes because most carriers would just "force" the changes without considering feedback or notification. If they forced the change, they would likely loose customers immediately than if they slowly implemented the changes.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@computergeek541 I'm gonna take a wild guess that for now existing customers can remain on the same program, but if this points program does just a decent job over the next year or so, like how most companies do, they'll convert existing customers over as well. No contracts so they can change this stuff anytime, but definitely only if they see decent results from this new program. There'll probably be a slight reduction in referrals now. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@0PX9O4 my thought exactly.  My opinion is they're seeing too much money go out the back door, so they need to find a way to keep some of that. Increase revenue.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


Is there a thumbs down option.  5% of every dollar spent which is essentially 5 cents. So let's say I'm on a $40 plan, each month I'll earn $2. Meanwhile I currently get $2 off for autopay guaranteed every month already, plus loyalty and referral on top of that.  This is definitely not a good option for exciting customers who have remained loyal and referred many customers over the years.  Unless this is an option that we can include into our existing rewards then sure, but if we have to choose between our existing rewards and this new one, you'd have to be absolutely crazy to switch. Basic math says it's not worth it. 

But knowing how companies operate in general, I'm sure PM might be under "new management", and they're seeing too much money go out the door with the existing rewards system.  So I presume they want to make this change to increase revenue, more shareholder value as this all rolls up to Telus Corp.. I get it, the gravy train has to end at some point I guess. Depending on the outcome of this new program I give it 1-2 years before they roll this out to existing customers as well.  And at that point, I'll have to review my telecommunications options.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

This sounds good. Looking forward for more details and the launching 


I would think that most of us that are in any plan will NOT move to the points option and more so if you have referrals. 


One of of my main concerns do you confirm to stay on the current rewards program? Keep in mind some of us use PM for a landline on a ZTE box and we cannot confirm or decline by text. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I'll say this about the telecommunication companies. They have been doing very well for themselves as technologies have been improving, considering that access to a telephone was once a luxury an on analog system, that it now is a necessity, facilitated on a digital system. Their maintenance costs is part of their overhead. What's disappointing is that some customers are on wired and wireless networks that pay dearly for service, and consistently receive hit and miss quality of service for a myriad of reasons, such as poor maintenance. PM customers are knowledgeable and resourceful in many areas, hence the community, with some idea of how to help themselves without needing to go to a store or call a support line every time that there is a problem. I don’t think the regular community members that participate here that render a lot of customer support are compensated as well as a CS agent would be for their time, and they merit whatever rewards that they do receive. I don't imagine that PM or Telus are hurting.

Mayor / Maire


we'll have to wait on more info. I doubt the 5% cash back will be the only reward... most of the changes PM has made in the past two years have been for the better.


if one reads starting from Why Public Points? they are comparing their new rewards program to the old version. pay attention to how they keep saying "more"


I assume this will have a counter somewhere in ones self serve account? the new program will need it for one to confirm its accuracy. especially for the 5% cash back. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

This reminds me of the Corner Gas episode where Brent started a points system at the gas station. He was giving out points like crazy. You couldn't redeem them but people where happy to get points. Then he had a bonus points promo and customers got even more excited.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@mitchnet12 wrote:

I happened to be browsing through some of the tier-2 service providers before seeing this post and noticed that they're now offering a selection of BYOD 3G data plans at prices that are comparable to the PM prices, without the rewards, for the $15 and $35 plans. I'll admit that I was surprised, and started to wonder what it would mean for PM, if tier-3 is less competitive, or if the prices should be coming down. I will be interested to see the fine details with the proposed rewards system, especially with the how many points will actually be rewarded with the 5% return per dollar spent. It's worth keeping in mind that the point valuation and redemption conditions could be revised down the road. At least with the existing program, a dollar is a predictable reward.

So it looks like the points system is to basically reward members who have more expensive plans I guess to improve economies of scale?  But the issue is for the same amount of $$ spent here, people are only getting 3G whereas with other providers, they are getting at least 4G so not sure if the points system would be enticing enough for people to take on more expensive plans especially that the increase in reward amount is not that much.   Under the points system, for the autopay reward, you would only be receiving the same or a higher amount if your plan cost is $40 and above.  So I guess $40/month plan is the break-even point for Public Mobile?   

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I'd be happy to help beta test this program.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Easier for us to use moving forward

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I happened to be browsing through some of the tier-2 service providers before seeing this post and noticed that they're now offering a selection of BYOD 3G data plans at prices that are comparable to the PM prices, without the rewards, for the $15 and $35 plans. I'll admit that I was surprised, and started to wonder what it would mean for PM, if tier-3 is less competitive, or if the prices should be coming down. I will be interested to see the fine details with the proposed rewards system, especially with the how many points will actually be rewarded with the 5% return per dollar spent. It's worth keeping in mind that the point valuation and redemption conditions could be revised down the road. At least with the existing program, a dollar is a predictable reward.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Would be interested to find out more.  From what I am reading now, it is not as appealing as the current reward system although I understand and respect Public Mobile's intention to save cost and increase profitability.  

Mayor / Maire

I hope Public Points has been thoroughly tested in development before it is installed in production. I would hate to see even more bugs added to the current outstanding list.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@computergeek541 wrote:

I'm concerned about this announcement and I'm not all that excited.  While existing customers can choose the current rewards program or the new points program, I'm specifically looking at how points can be used to enter draws for prizes. Only a very small percentage of people will win while the rest of the customers who have entered will end up spending some points but receiving nothing in return.

I hope this is just a perk for people who choose or are on the Public Points system and would not require people to give up Public Points to participate in the draw that would give them 1/100000 chance to win.  

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I am not sure if I want to see the change.  Most reward programs start good try to attract people.  Once they got the optimal number, they make change to cut cost, make it hard for people to redeem or redeem for less.    Will see what happen when they reveal the details.    But, I don't get a lot monthly, maybe no difference to me

I think that PM should have done this a long time ago, I was one of those pushing for this kinda change, and this could actually be great, If the Execution of the plan is well done


For those who are either on the fence or don't want change, let's look at this point, if we don't ask for some change, how can we expect better service and options if ppl only want cheaper plans


Saying always goes, you get what you pay for, I would be willing to pay a little more if PM had more to offer, better than the other Prepaids, Lucky, well, Not so Lucky, or Freedom, or Not so Windy, Virgin, or no Doorbell, just saying


I'd be happy to see PM rise to such a challenge, better than watching the reruns of Mr. Roger's Family Feud


Besides, what would happen if the New Points system leads to better retention of PPL staying with PM, and also incredible service


Unlike the Robocop saying: I'd buy that for a $1


I'd be like: I'd buy that for $25 


The Public is ready I believe for PM's transformation

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I think the "upbeat" messaging kind of suggests a positive change, but we'll have to reserve judgement for the first day the program launches.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I guess they can turn off auto redeem if they want to save up some points? It's kind of like the Tim Hortons Rewards app, you can either auto redeem at a certain redemption, or save the points for later.


I'm thinking because if one were to upgrade they would lose their current rewards with the old system. just like a grandfathered plan


I am thinking, from Marketing point of view, what is the reason for telling us the Public Point is coming but not giving us any details? 


So far, it does not seems to be a very welcoming news.  It might not be anything wrong with the new reward system but problem is the lack of meaningful info released so far.   We are still in the dark.  All we can do is to guess and worry.  


So, why they choose to say what they have said but not wait till the real moment?


@gpixel wrote:

I think it'll be the same rewards turned into points plus the 5% cash back? 🤞


Hypothetically, if that were the case, why would the change be optional for existing customers?

@LeePublic wrote:

I hope PM will at least get automatic redeem option i.e. get 5 pts, redeem for $5 off the bill automatically. That would solve the points hoarding issue. 

but then how would Public Mobile get customers to spend the points on contest entries?

@darlicious wrote:

Unless you really like to enter contests there is no real upside to this recycled loyalty plan from telus.


In my opinion, even being able to enter contests isn't a good thing. The vast majority of user who use points to enter will not win.  As was said before, this will only lower the customer's points balance.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Great update!


I'm looking forward to seeing more details especially about the redemptions. 




I think it'll be the same rewards turned into points plus the 5% cash back? 🤞


there isn't much info in the post but it's hinting that there's going to be an improvement.


With Public Points, there are more ways to earn and spend rewards, making the program more flexible than before. Now you can earn and spend points how you want, when you want. You’re in control.


Get rewarded in more ways than ever. Earn points just for paying your bill – for every dollar you spend, you’ll make 5% of it back in points


Our Rewards Program has and continues to be our unique super power, by giving our customers the chance to earn even more!

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