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[FIXED] Dropped Calls

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

[Update as of 3:00PM ET 19/06/2024]: A solution for this issue was successfully implemented earlier this morning that should have resolved this issue for most customers. We understand some customers are still experiencing issues, and the team is working diligently to diagnose and resolve.

Hello Community,

We are aware that some of our subscribers are experiencing intermittent wireless service. We want you to know that our team is actively investigating this issue and is working around the clock to resolve this as quickly as possible.

We understand the importance of staying connected and we will make every effort to keep you, the Community, informed of our progress. We thank you for your patience and we appreciate your understanding during this time. Please continue to check this Community post for the latest updates.

- The Public Mobile Team

195 REPLIES 195

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


I tried to do the same, ask for some money back, but the agent keep asking me to perform some troubleshooting steps.  Did you have to do that? what troubleshoot they need?


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Also still having dropped calls. Ever since I got my s24 ultra.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I also am still having issues with dropped calls as of yesterday June the 20th.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


I still have dropped calls just now

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It's still very hit and miss. My first call dropped at 11 minutes but then I called back and it remained ok during the full conversation (23 mins)

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

I find volte to oddly be a little less reliable in low signal areas - oftentimes you can hear the other person perfectly but they can't hear you at all. Happens to a couple other people I know with Pm or Koodo as well. 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

We definitely should have wifi calling. No idea why there's been such a long holdout for prepaid/tier 3 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

On the good news side, I was able to have a 45 minute conversation on June 19th without a dropped call. 


One of the contacts that could not reach me last night called back just now.  The call was only 19 minutes, we were able to complete the call with no drops.  

hi @rs97ap 

i think the issue is not fixed then.  The drop off time is random.  Some got as many as 20 mins


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

It's definitely some kind of back end issue, but I don't think it has anything to do with LTE, as I've tried disabling LTE and using only 3g HSPA and calls still drop.

@rs97ap wrote:

I just had a drop call at exactly 11 minutes. I guess it's better than before - where it used to drop exactly at 3 mins 😄

The duration of my dropped calls appear to be totally random.  Yesterday, I experienced a couple of incoming calls going straight to voicemail.  I guess these could be classified as zero second, instantaneous dropped calls.  

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I just had a drop call at exactly 11 minutes. I guess it's better than before - where it used to drop exactly at 3 mins 😄

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

No - this is clearly their backend issue that they need to identify and fix. 
I came to PM from Telus and Telus also had call-drop issues (though it wasn't as bad as PM now). It is likely their implementation of full 5G and how the call gets handled on VoLTE

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I would say no, I manually set my phone to LTE and have the dropped calls and line is not in service message

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Is it possible that the issue is related to the ongoing switch to 5G and availability of towers / traffic through the towers / age of towers in smaller communities? Like overloading of a server?  



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Well, there is a bit of progress. However I am still getting dropped calls, except now they drop at exactly 51 minutes and not at 29 minutes like before. Hopefully they can beaver away at it over the next day or so and fully resolve.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Well it didn't i had a dropped call at 5:40pm

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Not Fixed! I just had my call drop at exactly 33min again. Then again at 21min55s. That's the first time it hasn't been an exact factor of 3. Also, the person calling said they got a message saying my number is "not in service". Called back and it went through on second try. Looking forward to the actual fix!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Calls still dropping as of an hour ago.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


PM has the ability to give you compensation for service issues. I received a $10 credit a few weeks back for dropped calls and slow mobile data. It is all up to the agent or tech support's discretion. 

If they refuse, submit a complaint to CCTS.  You have an official PM announcement admitting there is something wrong with network. Take a couple of screenshots of your dropped calls and let CCTS and PM hash it out. You should not be paying full price if you are not getting full service.

$10 is not a not a lot, but it is better than nothing.



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Still dropping calls here.

3 months now.



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm so tired of dropped calls - i have asked for compensation or goodwill credit to my account - which they can not do???  because I am not continuously complaining to CS_Agents - they told me they reset my account, however, my account was good for about a week.   It's amazing drop calls happen on the most important calls!

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

"wifi calling might have been affected as well". 

As you don't know the exact cause of the problem or whether Wi-Fi would be affected why don't you just work with us here? 

You're an Oracle, whisper in some ears.

Have Public Mobile provide Wi-Fi calling and then the customers can find out for themselves whether Wi-Fi calling does or doesn't work in the dropped call issue.

Thanks 👍🏻 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@fixin1 wrote:

@Nick271 - Probably Not, like it wasn't a full blown outage like rogers in 2022.

And that is what you are getting into, no hotline. Go to TELUS or Koodo or other carriers to get the premium features. It is a basic provider - usually made for the more tech savvy people or kids.

And plus, TELUS just increased their profit.

This is not about people not being tech savvy - this is a persistent technical problem on PM's side. The original post was finally acknowledging as much. But marking it as solved this morning was premature, also acknowledged now.

This also not a "bad connection" issue - as mentioned above, we've done everything on the phone side, are 400 yards in sight line of a main tower with full bars. Calls are dropping left, right and center.

It should not take four months to acknowlege, let alone fix, a widespread problem that can potetially pose a safety / health risk if someone is in distress and their PM line is what they rely on for getting help.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I am in Regina, Saskatchewan and have experienced dropped call issues almost every day. I have outstanding ticket opened with technical support but so far the problem still persists. My location is very close to a SaskTel/Bell/Telus tower and I always get 5-bar signal so it's not a matter of weak signal. Previously I also got dropped calls but usually only for long calls (more than 30 mins) but only intermittently but now it's almost every call which is very frustrating especially when I am in a business call and the other party thought I hung up on them.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Would that actually fix anything though if the call still has to route through Public Mobile?

@EdN wrote:

Public Mobile should provide us with WiFi calling so that this sort of thing has less impact on its customers

Depending on the causes of tehse isseus, Wi-Fi calling might have been affected as well.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Public Mobile should provide us with WiFi calling so that this sort of thing has less impact on its customers

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