When you sign up with your credit card for a plan, is it automatic or do you have to go and make a payment monthly. If you have to make payments, when is it best to pay a week before to ensure no loss of service.
Thanks for all the replies on my other post. I know now i use the app to setup every phone, I have 3 phones i want setup. Can I log in with the same credentials on each phone so basically i will have one account with 3 lines? Is the 5G truly 5g as if...
Well thanks for the info, they shouldn't have raised your Legacy prices. I am a EPP customer with Telus, their prices fluctuate, I guess all we can do is shop around
Ya that is why I am waiting to see if there are any good black Friday deals, then i will switch to PM yes good point ccreight all the companies tend to increase their plans