Wifi does not use your sim card. You can connect to wifi with a sim removed.Your issue is most likely a wifi login issue.If you have someone with you, can they get their phone to connect?
Is your phobe set to VoLTE?I you have had the service fir a long time, it is possible that you are on the old setup snd a tower near you no longer supports it. Are you rural or in the city?
Hi, How long ago did you get your account. I was an existing customer and had the same issues for 2 years. They finally went in and manually set my account to VoLTE. That cured my issues. New accounts are automatically set to VoLTE.
There is a section in the plan notes about US roaming. 3G is not supported much in the US by some carriers. In Canada on the 3G plans, our phones will show LTE because we are on LTE networks but we are limited to 3G speeds.