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Why dont you value existing customers?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I bought a new line on black friday $29 for 10gb data. Today I see same $29 gives 30gb data. This seems unfair where existing customers cant change to this plan? Why public mobile dont value existing customers?


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I agree. Making new customers jump hoops. At least get 2 referral bonuses out of it. If marketing sees all the churn this caused, it may open up the plans for existing users

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes, but in my case its same $29 plan but public offering more data. May be they can give account specific options to upgrade.

Mine 2nd line is just 1 month old account, so why not offer those customers more data when they paying same price.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

There's a few ppl with enough referrals that they pay nothing each month and even have a credit to use for data add on

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

One acronym ARPU (average revenue per user) is the key driver. Prevent existing users to move down to lower cost plans with their legacy discounts. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


Yes but they do read these posts……


@xsparky  We are just customers like you here trying to help one another. Management or employees. But I couldn’t agree more with ya 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi everyone, and management,

I totally agree with allowing existing customers to better our plans if we pickup on these offers.

This is not right on many levels in my opinion. If I find a comparable plan with the competitor's, I’ll be on my way. To have to open a new account with a new email address and what not, is ludicrous! 
Come on Telus…….!!

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Paying $34 for 50GB is only a better offer if you come close to using up the 30GB, otherwise you may as well save money. You'll have to think about your usage as they try to get you to pay for more than you will use.

Also, forcing people to port out to get an offer is a good way to get them to leave.

Mayor / Maire

I tend to fully disagree with you @bgoya on this. There is nothing unfair about this offer. You picked the offer YOU wanted at the time it was available. A month later a different offer is available. Nothing is stopping you from starting a new plan like the one you want and ditch your old one you just got a month ago. Just port out your number to another provider, pre paid so you're not locked in. Get this new deal now and then port your number over to the new line. Sure it may cost you whatever the lowest fee is over at the different provider but think of the fact you want this plan for the long run. Just don't be surprised or upset if another better offer comes up in the future. 

Edit: I know you want the $29 30GB 4G plan but think about it this way. An extra $5 and you get the $34 50GB 5G with unlimited data at reduced speeds after. MUCH better offer. Once again, you just have to be willing to either port your other number temp or lose it all together. You are NEVER locked down at Public Mobile. You can change any time!!

Mayor / Maire

@bgoya  your not wrong , I was in same boat with Black Friday 40GB for $34 and saw the 50GB for $34 and just decided oh well I’ll create a new account with new email to get the better plan 



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