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Why are so many offers for "new activations only"??

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

40GB 34/m, 4GB 24/m, every week it seems there's something new. But this is just a punch in the gut for existing customers, who are stuck on subjectively worse plans. It's not like there's a 2 year contract and it's supplementing the price of a phone, you're a BYOD carrier!! CS won't switch you either. I can understand sign up bonuses, but straight up locking out existing customers from getting the same plans?!


Good Neighbour / Bon Voisin

Valid standpoint. The cellphone market in Canda is an oligopoly so the clients should be vigilant and move their account promptly to Public Mobile's competitors if these provide better services. If they make the effort to provide better services, they deserve a reward. If the clients are lazy and don't change their provider, the "New activations only" will not disappear.

Mayor / Maire

@Handy1 I kept expecting PM to correct the $40 for 75GB to reflect new activations only. They didn't so yesterday I messaged customer service, pointed out that the $40/75GB on the plans page did not say for new activations only so would they honor a request by me to be switched to the new plan. Credit to PM, they switched me to that plan!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have the Black Friday $34/40 but I’d love to have gotten the $34/50 that’s out right now… it’s a shame 😕

@Handy1 I'm not looking to change plans as I like the one I have but if I wanted to, the only 5G plan for Can only is $50 for 100GB. Nothing in between that and $34 for 40GB that I have, and nothing less than what I have. I think they could certainly try and rationalize their offerings as what I am seeing recently seems I don't know, erratic?

@kb_mv  I know but when you tap on it it says it’s fire new activations only . But it definitely a legitimate argument for support if you really want it . And draw line I the sand if they can infact give these plans to then just anyone hymmmm!

No mention of new activations on the plans page.

Screenshot 2023-12-27 at 6.21.25 PM.png

 I would argue with them for that one lol.

@kb_mv  unfortunately the 75GB for $40 is new activation only . Select the plan or look for it in your account 

@bigmouth You should really have a look at the plans before you get really sad. They improved the deal. There is $40 for 75GB available to everyone. 

Edit: I'm informed that this is for new activations though it doesn't mention it on the plans page.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Really sad to see their $40 for 60GB at 5G expired already for existing customers! I thought this was a boxing week promotion, but it definitely ended pretty fast.  I agreed with others that too bad their $34 deal was only for new activations for this Christmas and no more Christmas perks =(

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes @Frequent_flyer - just sit down and wait like a good existing customer. Keep quiet and don't complain either. Existing customers are not important enough unless they actually leave. You may or may not get the promotion later so just wait while PM put's it efforts towards those they value more than you. Actions speak louder than words. So remember, even if they do extend it out to everyone, doesn't change how this was handled.

@kav2001d  your so right and I just did exactly that 



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I do not agree with this.... the vast majority of Public promo plans (black friday & boxing day in particular) have been damage control (aka price matching AFTER other carriers did it first)

This makes it even more bizarre to only offer to new activations (as most of said new activations are port ins from other carriers who also could not get offer as an existing client)

But for alot of newer clients (with less than 2 months tenure) will just port out and back in (ESIMs are free here and elsewhere) so its alot of work in backend for clients + Public for no real advantage imo

Now if Public was being a leader we could argue its a marketing thing, but they have not led with anything in a long time now

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Good plan but you will lost all your credit with PM from previous royalty.  Good luck

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

FM is 1yr contract and if you forgot to port or renew another plan, you will be paying more like $34 or something.  My wife was in that trap before.  Good luck

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Sign up and check your email.  Deals are pop up sometime.  Good luck

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

My boy pick up this plan during black Friday sale.  He is happy because with his royalty & referral,  he is paying under $30.  40GB is good for younger ppl as they play game and watch YouTube alot 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I question this all the time. I’ve been a mobile user for a LONG time and used many different carriers. It seems like a shift has happened in the past few years. Carriers used to care about their existing customers, now it’s all about getting new customers. It’s backwards marketing to me, but it is what it is. Especially because you port out, and the next day they’re calling you offering you a good deal to come back. Could save all of us time and hassle to just offer everyone the plans equally. I’m beyond frustrated. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It seems like PM plans change frequently - it would be great if they could offer plans to existing customers. I saw on Reddit that most plans are available to all? It would be in their interest to keep customers!

hi @Frequent_flyer sorry, it is really for new activation only. 

Not just PM like that , if you check around, all mobile carriers are like this favoring new subscribers.  Porting is easy these days, if you get similar deals with another carrier, just activate there. And you might see another good PM deal for new activation later and you can port back 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


So let me get this straight, people have to wait and see that perhaps, maybe, possibly, PM might offer the 24/month with 4GB @ 4G to existing customers when those same loyal, existing customers can definately, for sure, actually get that immediately from FM.

I'm not a marketing expert, just a consumer, but that doesn't seem to be the right mode of logic.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I don't know how true that is in this case. These latest offer, for "new customers", were in direct response to PM competitors. Specifically, Freedom Mobile offered the 24/month with 4GB @ 4G speeds as their Black Friday deals. I know this because my husband, who was with PM on their 24/month with 1GB @ 3G speeds migrated to FM 3 weeks ago and took both my kids with him. The only reason I stayed was because I still have 4GB of data and 1000min of LD from 2021 and 2022 bonus.

We have been with PM for over 3 years and they have lost 3 loyal customers because if their ridiculous policy of not matching FM.

He's doing the happy dance even more now that he read that the current promo $24 for 4GB @ 4G is only available to new customers. If he had stuck it out to see if PM matched FM, he would not be eligible because he was a loyal customer for 3 years.

That's just insane!


@Frequent_flyer  It was more for existing customers to get . Like the 40GB for $34 that only for new activations now . Was for existing customers last month during Black Friday . And OP ask how to make sure they don’t miss any offers from PM 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

And how will that ensure I get the offers that are only be offered to "new customers?"

Don't need to answer that, It was rhetorical. I already know the answer: it won't.

@MilanJq  In the website main page at the bottom of page you can also ensure you do t miss email offers also by clicking the box and prove your not a robot 



HI @MilanJq 

best to get CS agent to check and add you back to the SMS list,  please submit a ticket with CS Agent here:                     


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I must have missed it, both times I checked it was new customers only. How do I resubscribe to those "gift offer" and "promo" texts I used to get?


@MilanJq , this marketing is a little counter intuitive.  It is evident that incentives are needed to attract new customers, thus the fantastic offerings.  If these offers were extended to existing customers, effectively Public Mobile would be making less money.  They have to take a chance that existing customer might not know about similar offers from competitors.  Even then there is friction associated with leaving.  Long story short, it does look like loyal customers are not valued.  We are still some days from boxing week, let's hope there are some sort of surprise offerings for all customers in the coming days.  

Mayor / Maire

@MilanJq  Existing customers were offered the 40GB for $34 last Black Friday weekend . So good chance it will come back again or even something better 



Mayor / Maire

HI @MilanJq because this is how this industry work, they will to steal subscribers.  I think porting is too easy, they know they will loss customers regardless, so, they rather put effort to steal them back from others

Mayor / Maire

@MilanJq because they want to entice new activations. If you have some patience you will probably see them available to everyone eventually. The $34 plan was open to everyone a month ago.

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