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Username/referral code discussion


@Anonymous, yes we have direction from above a CSA that the posts can be edited/removed


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 @ShawnC13 : Really? I apologized for my expression of frustration at the timing. That you pulled out hidden material makes your triumphant victory moot. Worthless. It doesn't exist. Because it doesn't to the forum. That's the slime. That's unfair cheating using your advantage.


Oh yes...I have true feelings on a lot of things. As we all do. Surprised?


Your proof made no sense. It was out of context and meaning. I explained my thoughts on that.


You're just completely blind to anybody giving you feedback. You're a lot like the S's to go all ballistic when someone dares to say something to you. You go all totally on the offensive and attack back. That's the sign of an authoritarian mind. I don't like it. But of course as we both know full well...what do you care.


Jade needs to rein you in is what is best for the community. You're way too full of yourself to be what's best for the community.


@Anonymous, I don't know how an apology followed with more insults is an apology?  I provide proof of what I was referring to but now I am slimeball.


As for your apology, I will say the same thing I have said to another member here when they offered me one. It is too late your true feeling has been openly expressed towards me (including a post that said nobody wanted me here in the community at all. Which got totally removed from the community and it wasn't me) and your words no longer hold any value.  How can they, I provide the proof you ask for and it isn't good enough and your jabs and insults are just too much.


You do what you feel is best for the community and I will continue to do what I feel is best.


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 @ShawnC13 : And for a time there last month this place was doing fine. All was nice and pleasant. Everybody was being all happy happy joy joy. And then it wasn't. Then the S's returned and the referral code user was off and on. 


It was a slimeball move of yours to pull out a resource that only the Oracles have access to and caused to happen. Slime.

Having run to do a few errands and to cool off from here, obviously I will apologize for my expressing frustration at you. I surprised myself that that was only just last night. How time flies. Still doesn't excuse you doing a slimeball act.


As am I, here to help. No you don't need my respect. No one does. Many of us also know all too well that reporting does nothing of anything noticeable. Maybe we get something back from some random CSA that then seems to go nowhere. Or they come back saying they're about to close the ticket. ?? What ticket? I was only just reporting something. Sigh.


 @J_PM needs to be WAY more responsive and open to this place so as to not let things fester and blow up. That's all on her. And the effects that has on the Community as a whole. She keeps saying she wants peace and harmony throughout the land...well respond then when things have been brought to her attention so that they DON'T blow up and affect the peace and harmony that she so wants.  I KNOW I'm not the only one here that has these observations. I just happen to be one of the more vociferous ones.


Like I said, I did an action in good faith. Nothing in return. How much does that show a wish for peace and harmony? Zero. That username is still there. The company clearly doesn't care. We all do. We are all crystal clear on what the proper action should be. It festers. What else can they possibly expect to happen?

@Anonymous, I don't think we have the same motivations at all.  I want a clean respectful community where people can get help with their Public Mobile issues.  Why would I edit a post to remove a referral code (as directed by Jade) to have you edit it back?  We have been told we have the discretion to clean up troublesome posts. ( I would show you that but again you would say it is a stitched-together picture.)


What would be really convenient for me would be to have users report issues and problems, not create them so I can spend more time helping the people who need help with their service, (yes it takes PM a while to action them) rather than the "well I am going to do this until they do something"  Creating more issues to resolve doesn't help the community at all.  


It is unfortunate about your comment and not respecting me, you have mentioned this many times before, but that isn't why I am here.  I am here to help customers of Public Mobile with their issues.


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Mayor / Maire

@dabr wrote:

@esjliv    Huh...I'm thinking you tagged the wrong user??  😁

@dabr  - I believe message was received to the intended user's' 😁

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 @ShawnC13 : darlicious keeps trying to convince me that we both actually have the same motivations and interests here. But we have polar opposite approaches.

And looky there...all similar wording and cares and concerns. Oh and look at that I can't go back and verify the topic and thread because you removed it altogether...not just edited. How conveeeeenient. You really enjoy your little power tripping don't you.

Oh I can believe what you post. I do NOT believe your Oracle transcriptions and interpretations from your exalted Oracle world. Those pics mean nothing because they're not at all clear.


Edit: And so with that post removal...your point dies because it doesn't exist anymore other than in your world. That's cheating. Yet more loss of what very little respect I have for you. Of course nor do you need to care how much some anonymous punter on the internet respects you. But I don't.

Mayor / Maire

@esjliv    Huh...I'm thinking you tagged the wrong user??  😁

@Anonymous you actually started posting it well after business hours on a Friday 



 Oh wait, did I photoshop the timestamp on this one.  Just keep clinging to anything to not believe what I am posting


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 @ShawnC13 : Well this could go on stupidly back and forth. NO! You brought it! So what do you expect to happen in response? It's the weekend. You brought it up on a weekend. Should I just ignore your nonsense until a weekday and then say something? NO again!

Those are stitched together fragments. I don't trust it. Nor is the language clear to keep the context. We all need to hear directly from Jade to trust anything.


Edit: so first of all, she never reached out to me in the alleged timeframe of your pics. She has never even acknowledged anything about it. I reminded her about it but she gave a generic reply that may have just as easily been to a different part of my question to her regarding another matter in the same pm. How would I know? And still silence.

Beyond that...silence. No acknowledgement of any care or concern. That says consent.

@Anonymous It was your posts with your referral code that showed up was the "flare-up"  You are too funny first when I say something you don't trust that, you ask for proof and I post direct interaction with the question I asked her and her response, and now that is "stitched" together.  Those posts are right together in the Oracle section.


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 @ShawnC13 :Fine. You brought it up. I did not start in on this new flare-up. You posted on a weekend. That's what happens. So don't be wondering why things flare up on weekends when you bring it up on a weekend. duh.


Yes, in a nice show of good faith for Jade. Still silence. Silence is consent. I don't trust your stitched together pieces of asides with Jade. Ask the full weight of the question. Get a clear answer. Like my post here just above. Like the countless other posts from others. Silence. Crickets. Consent.

@Anonymous wrote:


Do keep mused about how these arguments come up on weekends. I replied with your post that had the timestamp of...the weekend. What response do you suppose you would have garnered? hmm?


@Anonymous  My timestamped post is because that is the first post I saw you posting your referral code again in threads since Jade said it was ok to clean them up, after you had removed all the others from last week.


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So here's a sample conversation to have with Jade:

If anybody wishes to ask these things in pm or here and gets a response then please do post it openly. I have already said much the same thing in pms to her. Silence. Crickets.


Hey Jade:


So there seems to be some consternation in the community surrounding the use of 6 random characters in a username that are actually valid referral codes. One of your CSA's had replied to a member that they couldn't find a _specific_ rule prohibiting that. Other members have taken that to mean that they could go ahead and make their own username and even to put 6 random characters in posts and tags where it has the same effect of just sitting there like as with the username. It's the same principle.


Could you please post something in the community that clarifies whether or not any of this is permitted?


Like very simply and unambiguously:
No, it is not permitted to use 6 random characters as a username or used in posts or tags or the other tags that are actually found out to be anyone's referral code or are offered as same.


It could go on to say:
If by chance someone had a username of 6 random characters that were not a referral code at the time of making it but are later found out to be by way of a whole other customer that happened to get that as their referral code then that username will be permitted to stand.


Thank you


And @J_PM : If by chance you see this and agree with it by way of bravo-ing it then that would also work as your ruling. But you would then need to change the username of the one of concern that has triggered this consternation. Otherwise any ruling by any method is pointless. It would be seen as patently unfair as a clear violation of any ruling prohibiting it. I'm sure we could all suffer with the current quotes and tags that currently exist unless your dedicated Oracles would like to take it upon themselves to edit them all out.


Edit: and then after say 24 hours or before the turn of the month., undo the bravo so I don't get accused of fishing for your bravo for a reward.

Mayor / Maire


I know the only answer I get is a bravo?





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 @darlicious : Just silence and crickets...which speaks its own volumes. Consent.

Mayor / Maire


I find it offensive and highly inappropriate which brings up the question should the posts by reported for inappropriate content. I absolutely abhor pushing the big red button but which do I hate more? It's quite the dilemma that I had hoped pm management would have prevented me from having?!!🤔





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... And I would continue to assert the interpretation of said ruling covers the mere display of the 6 random characters without pointing them out to be meaning anything. Which is the same effect that the username has.

I agree with the above request for clarification...again. As I also dis-approve of the open display of particular sets of 6 random characters.

But until such time as something official is handed's still open season...much to the clear disagreement of one or more Oracles who by performing any action are violating the current standing ruling...without clear and unambiguous proof.

@J_PM   We do not think it is fair to allow Community member to use their referral code as a username. 


CS Agent told us that the terms do not specific that this is not allowed.  However, you certainly have rules to restrict community username, like offensive wordings cannot be chosen as an username.   I hope you understanding that using referral code as the Community name is "offensive" to those other Community members who are following the rules and not posting our own codes.   People using his/her own code as the username effectively just posting his/her referral code in each post. 





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 @ShawnC13 : I'm not playing any games. That's not how I roll. I'm asserting a legal principle. Until a ruling comes down from higher stands where it stands. No, I am definitely not satisfied with your pics.

You can't have it both ways. It's the passive display of 6 random characters. Wherever and however it shows.

That user told me they were an Oracle. Obviously they could have been yanking my chain. But it certainly follows the pattern. There was an Oracle that had a phone number as their username. That used to be the referral "code". Now we have a user with the new style referral code who said they were an Oracle. Two and two go together obviously.


Do keep mused about how these arguments come up on weekends. I replied with your post that had the timestamp of...the weekend. What response do you suppose you would have garnered? hmm?


Seems we're all over-interpreting then. Just get Jade to openly state whatever rule she wants to lay down. Not some sideways reference to a maybe and which could easily be out of context by presentation.

That's all we've been asking for...for over a week. Otherwise this madness continues.

@Anonymous you dare me? What types of games are you playing, You are the one saying the CSA said it was allowed.  I said the CSA said there was nothing against a username, I tagged a username.  Who said this person is an ex-Oracle?  Do you have proof and them saying I am an ex-Oracle doesn't count anyone can say that it needs to be verified by PM Management (do you have that)?


The timestamp comment what is that about.  That was from this morning I put in the thread when I moved things to let you know I had direction from Jade so now sure what that comment is about.  You have over-interpreted where does it say in the CSA message random letters?  It doesn't say that all.  It specifically said username.


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@ShawnC13 wrote:

@Anonymous or @VP75P3 you ask for proof I give you proof of what was said to me.  Now that isn't good enough for you, that isn't my issue.  I have direction from the PM Community manager to clean up the posts, how can you say I am overriding a current ruling?!?!?  I am just following PM Managements direction.

 @ShawnC13 : You just violated the rule then. Now you'll edit your post and this to hide your violation. You see where this goes? All tagging, quoting would also be against the alleged rule. Until we see it clearly stated from're wrong. Now run along and delete all tags and quotes of that other user. Go on. I dare you. You won't, because you can't be bothered. You just seem to be out to get me. How about having the same conversation with that ex-Oracle who also used the old style referral code...when they were an Oracle!? We don't see that conversation going on do we?


Edit: Gee, I wonder why. Well now look at that timestamp. Huh. What do you know.


Edit again: Clarification has been asked for now over a week. Silence. Crickets. You over-interpret what she wrote. I still see contextual disconnect in those two items. That's my interpretation.

@Anonymous or @VP75P3 you ask for proof I give you proof of what was said to me.  Now that isn't good enough for you, that isn't my issue.  I have direction from the PM Community manager to clean up the posts, how can you say I am overriding a current ruling?!?!?  I am just following PM Managements direction.


Edited to add:  Sorry last-minute thought.  Why do these "protests" always show up on the weekend when PM management is away from the community


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@VP75P3  -  I was thinking you would just get your current one changed. 😂

It does look like a Vancouver postal code, as @dabr questioned before...other than that doubling of numeric numbers in the middle.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

 @ShawnC13 : You KNOW it's the same dang effect. That's a weak interpretation. It's a passive display. Don't get me wrong...I don't think it should be allowed. But if that user is still able to post, and here I am, and that no one higher up has openly stated that none of this is allowed then it must be able to continue until such time. YOU do not have the power to override the current ruling until we can all see that a higher up has ruled otherwise.

I'm still skeptical of the real context of your pics.

@Anonymous I thought you might say that so you should check the latest version of that post.  I knew you would say something like that so I went and got a screenshot of the post she was replying to that directly refers to you and posting of a referral code.  Plus you have misinterpreted what the CSA comment was.  They said there was nothing in the ToS about a Username as a referral code.  They didn't say it was ok to post it elsewhere.


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 @ShawnC13 : That's completely meaninglessly out of context and without substance. That's embarrassing.

 @J_PM : Can you please post openly to all about the matter that I and others have asked you about regarding the passive display of 6 random characters in usernames, posts and tags?


Edit: Jade has been completely silent about all this. I haven't heard from her on this. I haven't heard from anybody else that has heard from her. Will she change the username of that user or block it (not ip ban)? If she has then can she again say these things openly. Just saying something in passing does not cut it. Just doing nothing about it does not cut it.



Edited to show the response was directly related to my question about referral codes.



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 @ShawnC13 : Proof please. Not your word. "pics or it didn't happen". Proof.

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