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Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

Learn a new word today...


 = Flu + RONA

 = Flu + Coronavirus combo

 = getting flu and COVID at the same time.


Each Flu and Coronavirus by itself can kill...  Don't get both...

Stay safe and have a better and better days in the new year...


@gpixel wrote:

with all these "variants" popping up I think it's funny that when one goes to visit the hospital they don't even check your Vax card... you would think that would be the first place they would check. 🤷


if one searches for the truth, they will find it 

The covid "vaccinations" do not convey any proven resistance or immunity. They merely reduce the severity of symptoms.


Coronaviruses have been around for centuries. One the the (four or five) known pathogen families which cause the "common cold". Covid-19 is of course a "new" or "novel" version which is particularly nasty.


There's still no cure for the common cold. After many decades of research, much of it predating covid-19. So don't be deluded into believing there's suddenly a "vaccination" which will magically make you immune.

with all these "variants" popping up I think it's funny that when one goes to visit the hospital they don't even check your Vax card... you would think that would be the first place they would check. 🤷


if one searches for the truth, they will find it 

Mayor / Maire


I agree that corona virus vaccines are not the same as traditional vaccines ie. small pox vaccine. I have never gotten a flu vaccine and don't ever intend to....but getting a covid vaccine is about doing your part to help those whose compromised immune systems don't allow them to and if they get covid it has a much higher chance of landing them in an ICU and /or kill them. It also helps healthy people who get covid fight off the virus so they don't end up in hospital, the ICU or the morgue. 


The problem is the ICU's are filled with patients with covid instead of patients that would normally be there from horriffic car accidents, serious infections, strokes is the denial of care to these patients and those deemed to have non essential/emergency surgeries and the now years long wait times they face and the burn out off front line workers and staffing shortages caused by the pandemic.


Each province controls their own delivery of medical services to their population how that has been addressed by their provincial governments is a different discussion from medical care arising from the pandemic and when covid becomes endemic how the nedical system recovers and returns to a more normal delivery of care then each provinces government will have to decide how they deal with surgery backlogs going forward. The recent move by some provinces to streamline and fast track the certification of medical personnel of immigrants that previously had unfairly denied them the ability to practise in their chosen careers that they had previously practised in their native countries is a step in the right direction.


What the pandemic has proven on many fronts is the need to adapt quickly to change and put old prejudices to rest to improve quality of life for everyone whether its working from home, paid sick leave, taking measures to not spread any type of virus to your fellow man by washing hands, wearing masks or just staying home etc....when you are sick...period or phone and video consults with your doctor. All of these types of changes along with many others will help all of us in the end.


Most importantly what should be learned is people need to think of others first before (rather than themselves) when making personal decisions and recognizing that the rights of individuals should not trump the rights of the many especially when it comes to the health and safety of us all.





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You hear a lot of talk about people being at risk because they have a "compromised" immune system.


"Compromised" is a nice rubbery word, it could mean anything in this context so in this context it's become meaningless.


People suffer from cold, flu, whatever. In the end it may or may not be a flavour of covid which gets them. But the ultimate problem is not the specific disease, it's that they're lacking any ability to resist the disease in the first place. Because of a "compromised" immune system - one which has become weak and lazy and stupid, one which has atrophied through not being forced to exercise and grow and adapt in a normal, healthy way.

Well, the politicians have done a bang-up job with the ER wait-times during the Rona... anyone been to one? I did, several times... service was lickety-split. No 6-10 hour waits... in for service in under 1 hour. Wait rooms were almost empty all the time.


Oh but don't try out the mental hospital emerge... wait times went from 3-4 hours to over 6-7.


Don't kid yourselves folks. They have been pulling a fast one for a long time. It is easier to fool someone that it is to convince them they have been fooled.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Again, you're almost bang-on @pm-smayer97 


Before this pandemic, how many of us were completely satisfied with the ER wait-times and services being provided by our health care providers?   Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about the quality of care, I'm talking about the availability and expediency of care.   It has been slowly deteriorating for years with more money thrown at it, yet more people waiting for care. 


I have close family members involved in Health Care.   They will say, first hand, the administration is severely top-heavy and bogs down those who actually provide the care and support.  


The MOMENT our duly elected officials see the sway of the electoral "popular beliefs pendulum" is not sufficient to re-elect their incumbents, they will change their tune.   You will see them begin to claim success with their measures and exclaim that they led us through this difficult pandemic.   This will occur even if cases and numbers are steady.   


Remember folks, politicians are (and WILL ALWAYS) be in it for themselves first.   Their primary agenda is to ensure continued power over all else.   It's their prime directive (for use of a Star Trek phrase)


@darlicious wrote:


Count yourself lucky that you or your family hasn't had life saving or life changing surgery postponed because our hospitals and medical system are overwhelmed by those who are sick with covid. The vast majority of those with the worst symptoms and in the ICU's on respirators are unvaccinated or single vaccinated patients.


Vaccines provide immunity against viruses. Antibiotics fight bacteria. Neither work on the other.


Antibiotic resistant bacteria is caused by the overuse of antibiotics in the medical system, our food chain and all of the germaphobes out there overusing antibacterial soaps and cleansers in their daily lives. Individuals for the most part have the ability to control their overuse and how it can affect your immune system. There is a lot of good in practising the 5 second rule for a strong immune system.


That's why I am happy I was double dosed with moderna and I get my booster in 5 days.


Luckier still that despite being postponed by 3 months and 9 months and being off work nearly 2 years I did manage to get two major life changing THR surgeries and remain covid free and healthy. 



Lots of inaccurate info here.


It is VERY sad that many surgeries were postponed (and makes be very angry) many times it was actually NOT necessary. It has been a false narrative that hospitals have been overwhelmed due to the unvaccinated. When taken into context, there has been no significant differences most of the time, based on timing of when and where jabs were made available. What is also missing is the context that the hospitals are overwhelmed EVERY SINGLE YEAR, and NOT due to COVID but because of limitations in the medical system lacking resources. It has been made to sound like this is a new situation when it is not.


And BTW, today, the hospitalizations and ICUs are now mostly filled with VACCINATED, as per official government websites! Says a lot about how effective the jabs are, especially against the new variants, yet they want to make us believe that using the same as boosters will somehow help?! Even the WHO and Mr Poula (Pfizer CEO) have acknowledged otherwise very recently.


(and BTW, you have no idea what my family has been through due to COVID measures...and it is not pretty)


You actually make my point about bacteria but not sure if you realize it. The point is that resistance is due to variants caused by adaptation to all the antibiotics everywhere. So why are they pushing a narrative that suggests that viral variants are caused by those that are NOT jabbed vs what actually happens in nature is viral adaptation to jabs? The narrative is anti-scientific.


And BTW, these jabs do NOT provide ANY immunity, as per the documentation by the drug companies themselves. In fact, the very definition of a vaccine was changed by the CDC to accommodate these new jabs, to now say that vaccines provide protection against a disease, instead of providing immunity... Immunity = not getting sick and not passing it on.


Very glad you were able to get the surgeries you needed and are doing well. Sadly for some, it was too late.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

This is part of the problem.


The medical system elects to 'priortize' Covid patients (mostly who, as you say, are unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated), yet the rest of society who need life-saving or life-altering medical attention get pushed aside "due to Covid"


This argument doesn't hold much weight with me.   The ethics of it is very flawed.   I'm certain we'll all look back at this in a decade or so and re-prioritize how we've dealt with this.   I'm not suggesting letting people who are very sick or in need of an ICU suffer - but just recognize there are many other people suffering from many other ailments who SHOULD NOT BE FORGOTTEN and pushed aside.


Time to get on with life.


Count yourself lucky that you or your family hasn't had life saving or life changing surgery postponed because our hospitals and medical system are overwhelmed by those who are sick with covid. The vast majority of those with the worst symptoms and in the ICU's on respirators are unvaccinated or single vaccinated patients.


Vaccines provide immunity against viruses. Antibiotics fight bacteria. Neither work on the other.


Antibiotic resistant bacteria is caused by the overuse of antibiotics in the medical system, our food chain and all of the germaphobes out there overusing antibacterial soaps and cleansers in their daily lives. Individuals for the most part have the ability to control their overuse and how it can affect your immune system. There is a lot of good in practising the 5 second rule for a strong immune system.


That's why I am happy I was double dosed with moderna and I get my booster in 5 days.


Luckier still that despite being postponed by 3 months and 9 months and being off work nearly 2 years I did manage to get two major life changing THR surgeries and remain covid free and healthy. 







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Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I'm sorta with @pm-smayer97 on this.


The world has tried TOO HARD to manage this as if they have the ability to control it.  Don't get me wrong, there are ALOT of folks who are very well-intentioned and for that they deserve huge bravos. (but not in the Lounge ðŸ™„)


We cannot control nature nor can we instill common sense on the masses.   We need to take care of ourselves, look out for our loved ones, and LIVE OUR LIVES


The rest will take care of itself.



@darlicious wrote:


Canada is close to herd immunity with the exception of certain groups of individuals who deny science.....the world is a long way away from herd immunity until a concentrated effort is made to immunize third world countries. Until we do this we will have mutations of this virus for a long time to come.


You mean the same science that shows that the vaxxed are now the ones filling up the hospitals the world over? You mean the same science where Mr Poula of Pfizer acknowledges that the double-jabbed are not protected from the new variants? You mean the same science that politicians keep using to push boosters using the same concomitant to try to protect against a new variant that does not work, contrary to the WHO who says we cannot use old concomitant injections and where Pfizer is claiming to come out with a new concomitant in March to fight the new variants but the politicians and health officers keep insisting that boosters using the old concomitant will help? You mean the same science where the WHO says to not give boosters to children but local officials keep pushing otherwise?

You mean the same science that shows bacterial resistance comes from adaptation to antibiotics but we are told that somehow the unvaxxed are the cause of new variants?  You mean the same science that claims that the unvaxxed are a danger to society, even though the vaxxed carry the same or even higher viral load (in line with fewer symptoms), so we are to believe that the unvaxxed who would know they are carries sooner (symptomatic) so they and others would know to social distance sooner are somehow more dangerous to a third bystander?


Oh, THAT science!

@Korth wrote:

@darlicious wrote:

Canada is close to herd immunity with the exception of certain groups of individuals who deny science.....

I won't deny science. Quite the contrary.


But I do have nostalgia for Olden Times, before the human "herd" abandoned natural immune system and common sense.




Common sense isn't so common anymore... sheep have proven that!

@darlicious wrote:

Canada is close to herd immunity with the exception of certain groups of individuals who deny science.....

I won't deny science. Quite the contrary.


But I do have nostalgia for Olden Times, before the human "herd" abandoned natural immune system and common sense.


One plus these days is that at least some people bother to wash their hands every now and then.

Not applicable

Well some stupid non-existing dog brought this down on us. Why do people pray and worship to such a beast anyway for all its wickedness it brings on us?


Edit: and if this gets removed or I take repercussions then the others need to too. I'm offended that such an imaginary being is being thanked and prayed to and worshiped for all of the last couple years. (and ever)

And let's make it clear that it wasn't this grouchy old cat that dragged imaginary beings into the house.

Mayor / Maire


Canada is close to herd immunity with the exception of certain groups of individuals who deny science.....the world is a long way away from herd immunity until a concentrated effort is made to immunize third world countries. Until we do this we will have mutations of this virus for a long time to come.




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Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I thought flurona was the new variant ??

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

With the level of people vaccinated in Canada plus the speed of Omicron infections across Canada, I am hoping that the mutations continue to be in the less killing direction.  Canada and the world will achieve the "herd immunization" sometime soon.  Stay safe for now.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Thank God they ruled out deltacron otherwise that would be deadliest. 

Flurona is new but I dont like it. So staying away.

Not applicable


is will be coming more and more names,


We pray for peace, health and wellness for the world affected by this pandemic May God protect everyone and hopefully very soon this pandemic will be gone.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I hear they were looking into the possibility of a combined vaccine once upon a time. Now with all the variants, that doesn't sound like as great an idea though.

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