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Time for Public Mobile to step up and improve its web experience

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It's that time again. My credit card is about to expire, so I receive a new one in the mail. I now have to amend my payment details for all those services I pay for on the credit card. In the main, it's simple on most sites. Go to Profile or Account, select 'edit credit card details' change 02/22 to 02/25, press 'Save'  and bingo, job done!


I should have known what to expect when I wanted to do this for Public Mobile. I hate how clunky and slow the website is and I know in advance that it's not going to be obvious how to change credit card details. Sure enough, I look in a few places and can't find any obvious way to do this. So I have to go to the Community, where, of course, I find someone has already had to ask the question. Even after reading the solution and navigating to the payment page, I can't 'see' the option. It's there of course, but totally underemphasized with a hyperlink in 9pt text.


I can 'replace' or 'remove' my credit card. I'm not sure that either option best describes what I'm wanting to do, but replace seems the best fit. Click the link and I'm on the Register Credit Card Page which is *blank* and requires ALL fields to be filled including my full address. No pre-filling of existing information! Come on PM this is just awful design. A ten second task has become a five minute job, but the real kicker is that we have 3 accounts in our house and because PM won't allow them to be managed from a single overarching account, I know I have to repeat this two more times.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for low cost, no-frills service. But every time I have to use the website I can't help but think how amateurish the whole web experience is.


Mayor / Maire

with the new rewards system they have less of an excuse to have a low budget site... 

Mayor / Maire

I hear you!

Yes, updating credit card could be simplified and more straight forward then entering ALL CC info.

It does not hurt to send appropriate note to CSA (agent) by private mail. If most of us do that (send a note) PM might consider improving CC update process.

Mayor / Maire

@gancanny  - you are making good points. 

I think many members wish there were My Account improvements for easy of usability in many areas.


You would think the payment section would be a bit more 'tighter', since hey, they want their money - right!?

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