06-25-2021 01:30 AM - edited 06-25-2021 01:36 AM
Now that everything is starting to open up, I feel like Public Mobile can maybe give a small data and calling bonus, like the ones that appear around Christmas time, if they’re feeling generous. Why? Just to encourage everyone to start going outside more and get fresh air. (Where of course, people will start using calling and using data more, now that they aren’t staying home and using wifi)
This would of course cost Public Mobile some money, when giving out free things, which will give a lower chance of this happening.
I know that I’ll be going out more frequently, how about all of you guys?
07-11-2021 03:36 PM
i hope the Holiday Giveaway is a true "tradition" here and will see this every Christmas 🙂
07-11-2021 12:22 AM
PM has been generous with freebies in past years.
But a cynical examination of "why" they've given us freebies suggests the following causes:
- first time around, PM was just feeling generous, wanted to celebrate a milestone
- holiday xmas season, what a great way to ensure customer loyalty (and distract people from the killer Lucky Mobile and Freedom Mobile xmas offers)
- covid season, what a great way to ensure customer loyalty (and alleviate some cost from loyal customers who may experience some financial crisis)
- random gifts, what a great way to ensure customer loyalty (and distract people who might be tempted by more "Big Data" offers from Lucky, Chatr, and Freedom)
I like freebies. I'd be happy to claim more freebies. But my cynical view can't really justify "it's sunny and nice outside" as a good reason for PM to hand out gifts - unless they're just responding to (countering) offers being made by their "competition".
07-10-2021 03:13 PM
@BearFBI wrote:Smart suggestion actually.
I think PM has given freebies in the summer before. We haven't had any special existing user promos In a while, Sounds like PM dosen't care about us anymore!
Would make sense to mabey give away some freebies or have a summer promotion on their plans for existing users !
PM's rewards are pretty lovable. Don't know any other carrier that gives a Loyalty discount. But I'm here for any freebies that come along. 🤔
07-10-2021 02:12 PM
Smart suggestion actually.
I think PM has given freebies in the summer before. We haven't had any special existing user promos In a while, Sounds like PM dosen't care about us anymore!
Would make sense to mabey give away some freebies or have a summer promotion on their plans for existing users !
07-10-2021 01:29 PM
I would like some freebies unconditionally please.
07-10-2021 11:30 AM
Getting free is great, but I doubt it will have any effect on going outside more... I wasn't sitting at home anyway, I was taking walks in the woods all this time. 🏕
06-25-2021 01:23 PM
Going out and need free data please!